
  • Excluded File Extensions. In this section, you have the option to exclude certain file types. By clicking the More options icon, you can select or deselect file extensions.

    • By default, EXE, COM, BAT, JS, VBS, PIF, CMD, DLL, OCX, PWL are the types excluded (iManage excludes those).

Folder Import and CSV Import to http://cloudimanage.com will now both support Work's ability to dynamically create File Types for unknown file extensions.

  • Omit Root Folder. Enable this checkbox if you want to omit the root folder for this export.

  • Folder Path. Click the Open… button to browse for the folder which the files will be imported to. Select a folder and click Ok then Next to continue.

  • Exclude Folders or Documents. To omit a specific folder or document from the import job, disable the respective checkbox by clicking on it.
