Excluded File Extensions. In this section, you have the option to exclude certain file types. By clicking the More options icon, you can select or deselect file extensions.
By default, EXE, COM, BAT, JS, VBS, PIF, CMD, DLL, OCX, PWL are the types excluded (iManage excludes those).
Folder Import and CSV Import to cloudimanage.com support Work's ability to dynamically create File Types for unknown file extensions.
Supervised import on on-premises servers doesn't support leaving out the type, so it will assign ANSI to imported files that don't match an existing type.
Omit Root Folder. Enable this checkbox if you want to omit the root folder for this export.
Folder Path. Click the Open… button to browse for the folder which the files will be imported to. Select a folder and click Ok then Next to continue.
Exclude Folders or Documents. To omit a specific folder or document from the import job, disable the respective checkbox by clicking on it.