Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Name of the Job: Give the job a name.

  • Options: Name Email after the subject: This feature allows the email name to be changed to the email subject. or to use the file name If the email name was changed by an incorrect user, one would check this boxradio button Subject Name. If the email name was changed for a specific reason, leave this uncheckedset to the other option File Name.

  • The destination was previously selected if the user right-clicked on a workspace/folder/workspace/shortcut, and hit Import. If selecting the Import Folder from the menu bar, select the target path. Note: The Folders cannot be added from the root workspace level, only documents will be created (add the folder first, import underneath the Workspace level, or import the folders using Template Editor in CAM if you use CAM).

  • Add Folder: Adds the folder(s) and documents underneath as defined by the structure of the folder that is selected. E.g. if the folder on the computer has a folder labeled Dockets and a folder with Pleadings, those two folders will be imported with their respective documents.


  • Add Files: Adds documents into a folder workspace or link.

  • Remove Selected: Removes any of the selected documents or folders if desired to be removed.

  • Remove Empty Folder: Removes the empty folders in the structure of the import.

  1. Click Import.

For iManage

The New Bulk Import Job window opens. The following options and actions are available:

  • Name of the Job: Give the job a name.

  • Options: Name Email after the subject: This feature allows the email name to be changed to the email subject. or to use the file name If the email name was changed by an incorrect user, one would check this radio button Subject Name. If the email name was changed for a specific reason, set to the other option File Name.

  • The destination was previously selected if the user right-clicked on a workspace/folder/workspace/shortcut, and hit Import. If selecting the Import Folder from the menu bar, select the target path. Note: The Folders cannot be added from the root workspace level, only documents will be created (add the folder first, import underneath the Workspace level, or import the folders using Template Editor in CAM if you use CAM).

  • Add Folder: Adds the folder(s) and documents underneath as defined by the structure of the folder that is selected. E.g. if the folder on the computer has a folder labeled Dockets and a folder with Pleadings, those two folders will be imported with their respective documents.

  • Add Files: Adds documents into a folder workspace or link.

  • Remove Selected: Removes any of the selected documents or folders if desired to be removed.

  • Remove Empty Folder: Removes the empty folders in the structure of the import.

  1. Click Import.

Select Source Folder

  • Excluded File Extensions. In this section, you have the option to exclude certain file types. By clicking the More options icon, you can select or deselect file extensions.

    • By default, EXE, COM, BAT, JS, VBS, PIF, CMD, DLL, OCX, PWL are the types excluded (iManage excludes those).


  • A new option here allows to permanently delete the source files and folders after the import successfully completes. Check the box to have it delete them after import.

  • Click Next to continue.

  • When I open a Work import job, if the server identified any duplicate email messages within the job, the number of duplicates is listed after the other status counts in the format “{n} Server-Identified Duplicate(s)”.

  • The number of reported duplicates equals the total number of files that share an ID with at least one other imported file minus the number of unique IDs. For example, if there are 4 files with ID TEST!1.1 and 2 files with ID TEST2.1, there were 4 duplicates (6 - 2) that were not imported.

Starting the Import

  • Click Finish to start the import job in the PowerDesktop Job window. Open the Job Managerto keep track of the job progress.
