Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Starting the Import Wizard

Imports jobs are created via the Import Wizard, which can be opened:

  • By clicking the Import button in the main window.

  • Selecting Job New > Import... from the main window's menu bar.

  • Right-clicking the application's system tray icon and selecting Import....

  • Using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-I.

  • Right-clicking a workspace or folder in a Work client and selecting the Create Desktop Import command from the Import/Export submenu.

Note: You cannot open the Import Wizard if a job is already running.

Configuring a New Job

After opening the Import Wizard, you can start adding files, setting destinations, specifying metadata, and configuring general options by following the steps outlined below.

titleTarget DMS


By default, metadata field names (i.e., captions) and validation are based on the database selected in the Target section of the ribbon. To use another database as the target, select its name from the Database drop-down menu.


Warning: Changing the target database after adding a source folder will remove the items from the job.

titleSource Folder

To import folders and documents from a folder

  1. In the Source section of ribbon, click Folder.

  2. In the Select Folder dialog, navigate to a folder containing documents you would like to import, select it, and click Select Folder. The folders and documents within the selected folder are added to the import list.

  3. To omit a specific folder or document from the import job, click the X icon in the Delete column.

titlePST File

To add messages and folders from a PST file

  1. From the Import Wizard, click the PST File button to open a file browser.

  2. Browse to the location of a PST file, select it, and click Open.

Note: In order to extract messages from a PST file, free disk space on the installation drive must be greater than the size of the PST file being imported.


titleCSV File

When importing documents from a folder, you can automatically assign metadata values to some or all of the documents by including a CSV file named index.csv in the top-level folder. Alternatively, after selecting a source, you can apply metadata from a CSV file located on any local or network resource via the Load from CSV button in the Default Metadata section of the ribbon.


Tip: Since CSV files are essentially spreadsheets saved in plain text, a text editor like Notepad can suffice for creating and editing simple index files. However, if you are working with a large number of documents and values, using an application like Excel is preferable.

A basic index file must include a Path column and at least one metadata column. Values for the path column, which Desktop Import/Export uses to match files to the specified metadata, can be in the following formats:

  • Full network path

  • Full local path

  • Relative path with no leading characters

Work Profile Fields

When specifying metadata values for an import to a Work server, column names must match a field's attribute ID or its corresponding caption in the target database.


Tip: Because captions can differ between databases, identifying metadata columns by attribute ID allows for greater flexibility when selecting targets.

NetDocuments Profile Attributes

When importing into NetDocuments, you can specify values for:

  • Any custom profile attribute available in the target cabinet

  • System attributes

Columns containing values for custom attributes must have a header name that matches the name of an existing attribute, ignoring case. To set values for supported system attributes, include columns in the following formats


Column Name






The name of the document or folder.




The document's file extension, which can only include letters or numbers. If this column does not exist, the values are automatically set based on the actual extensions of the source files.




The document's version. To learn how to import multiple versions, Specifying Document Numbers, Versions, and File Dates.




The date on which the document was created/imported.




The date on which the document was late modified.


Depending on your application, your index file should look similar to one of the following examples.


















Note: To save the spreadsheet in the correct format, select File → Save As and select CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) as the type.

Text Editor

Code Block
titleTarget Workspace/Folder in DMS

If you have specified values for the appropriate workspace attributes, you can automatically set the destinations for each item via the Find Destinations button in the Target section of the ribbon.

If you a) would like to import items directly into specific folders or b) haven't specified any metadata values with which you can identify target workspaces, you can simply select an item's target via a DMS browser.


To assign targets for all items in the import list

  1. Configure the Create Root Folder and Recreate Structure options in the Folder section of the Import tab.

  2. Click the folder icon in the Destination column to open the Select Folder/Desitnation dialog.

  3. Browse to a workspace or folder, select it, and click Select.

Note: When creating an import job through the Create Desktop Import command in DeskSite/FileSite, the target is automatically set to the location that was selected in the Work client.


To override the default target location for an individual item:

  1. Click the folder icon in an item's Destination column to open the Select Folder/Destination dialog.

  2. Navigate to a folder in a workspace, select it, and click Select.

  3. Click Yes in the "Do you want to overwrite any currently specified metadata with the values associated with the destination?" confirmation dialog to apply the change.

titleDocument Numbers, Versions


Work does not normally allow users to manually set values for DocNumVersion, and file date-related fields. However, Desktop Import/Export allows you to override Work's default behavior as long as you are logged in as a user who has been assigned a Work role with the Use WorkSite Administration privilege.


When uploading documents to NetDocuments via its web interface, users are not allowed to change the system date fields. You can, however, set these values via Desktop Import/Export.

Note: IDs are automatically set by the NetDocuments server and cannot be manually changed.

Importing Multiple Versions

The process of configuring a job to import multiple versions of a document is the same for both Work and NetDocuments.

To import multiple versions of a document:

  1. In the Previous ID column, enter the same value for each file that represents a version of the same document. The value must only be unique within the import job and does not have to be the actual document number.

  2. In the Version column, enter the appropriate version number for each file.

Note: When importing into Work, if you do not specify a value for the document number column, all files with the same Previous ID value are imported with the same new document number, which is assigned automatically by WorkSite.

Starting the Import

Once you've set the destination of at least one item in the job, you can click Start to save the job and start the import.


Table of Contents

The Import Folder wizard allows for importing folders and files to a folder/structure for iManage. There is a new Bulk Import option for NetDocuments that would do a similar bulk folder import for that DMS.

Setup the Job

For NetDocuments

The New Bulk Import Job window opens. The following options and actions are available:

  • Name of the Job: Give the job a name.

  • Options: Name Email after the subject: This feature allows the email name to be changed to the email subject. or to use the file name If the email name was changed by an incorrect user, one would check this radio button Subject Name. If the email name was changed for a specific reason, set to the other option File Name.

  • The destination was previously selected if the user right-clicked on a workspace/folder/workspace/shortcut, and hit Import. If selecting the Import Folder from the menu bar, select the target path. Note: The Folders cannot be added from the root workspace level, only documents will be created (add the folder first, import underneath the Workspace level, or import the folders using Template Editor in CAM if you use CAM).

  • Add Folder: Adds the folder(s) and documents underneath as defined by the structure of the folder that is selected. E.g. if the folder on the computer has a folder labeled Dockets and a folder with Pleadings, those two folders will be imported with their respective documents.


If one doesn’t have access to add folders (a common practice in NetDocuments), the button for Add Folder will be greyed out on any repositories or workspaces accordingly.

  • Add Files: Adds documents into a folder workspace or link.

  • Remove Selected: Removes any of the selected documents or folders if desired to be removed.

  • Remove Empty Folder: Removes the empty folders in the structure of the import.

  1. Click Import.

For iManage

The New Bulk Import Job window opens. The following options and actions are available:

  • Name of the Job: Give the job a name.

  • Options: Name Email after the subject: This feature allows the email name to be changed to the email subject. or to use the file name If the email name was changed by an incorrect user, one would check this radio button Subject Name. If the email name was changed for a specific reason, set to the other option File Name.

  • The destination was previously selected if the user right-clicked on a workspace/folder/workspace/shortcut, and hit Import. If selecting the Import Folder from the menu bar, select the target path. Note: The Folders cannot be added from the root workspace level, only documents will be created (add the folder first, import underneath the Workspace level, or import the folders using Template Editor in CAM if you use CAM).

  • Add Folder: Adds the folder(s) and documents underneath as defined by the structure of the folder that is selected. E.g. if the folder on the computer has a folder labeled Dockets and a folder with Pleadings, those two folders will be imported with their respective documents.

  • Add Files: Adds documents into a folder workspace or link.

  • Remove Selected: Removes any of the selected documents or folders if desired to be removed.

  • Remove Empty Folder: Removes the empty folders in the structure of the import.

  1. Click Import.

Select Source Folder

  • Excluded File Extensions. In this section, you have the option to exclude certain file types. By clicking the More options icon, you can select or deselect file extensions.

    • By default, EXE, COM, BAT, JS, VBS, PIF, CMD, DLL, OCX, PWL are the types excluded (iManage excludes those).

  • Folder Import and CSV Import to support Work's ability to dynamically create File Types for unknown file extensions.

  • Supervised import on on-premises servers doesn't support leaving out the type, so it will assign the ANSI to any imported files that don't match an existing type.

  • Omit Root Folder. Enable this checkbox if you want to omit the root folder for this export.

  • Folder Path. Click the Open… button to browse for the folder which the files will be imported to. Select a folder and click Ok then Next to continue.

  • Exclude Folders or Documents. To omit a specific folder or document from the import job, disable the respective checkbox by clicking on it.


Note that up to 9,999 folders will be counted as the total folder count of a workspace here.

  • Click Next.

Select the Target Container in the DMS

In this step, select the folder into which the items will be imported. By default, you will be brought to Recent Matters.

  • The path displays in the Explorer path, and the left shows the navigation in your system.

  • Use Quick Search to search for a matter, client, workspace or folder.

  • The highlighted folder bordered is the selection.

  • Click Next.


Modify and Confirm Target Folder Profiles

Within this step of the wizard, the window will display every folder level that will be imported and you have the option to edit the profiles. When a folder profile has been edited, the corresponding checkbox in the Custom Profile column will be enabled.


  • Editing a Folder Profile. Select the desired folder and click the Edit… button, you will find the list of profile fields. Click the row containing the field you wish to edit and click the search icon to open the window of available values, select a value and click the Select button.

  • You can add additional metadata fields like Author, Operator, Office, Jurisdiction and Practice. Click Add….


Select Next.

Find Duplicates in Existing Folders

This section allows choosing to skip the files that already exist in the target location by enabling the checkbox Skip Duplicates Based on Name. If any duplicates are found they will be displayed.

  • Click Next.


Select Document and Folder Properties

  • This step allows to apply the default profile values to all the documents to be imported. Click the Edit icon to make changes. The current selection will be highlighted in gray, to modify it select a different value and click Select.

  • The Owner can be selected here. The owner setting always defaults to the current user. You can only select enabled users as an a owner. When you run an import job that creates folders, the owner of the new folders matches the user selected in the “Owner” setting.

  • The Operator cannot be changed unless you are the NRTAdmin and have an admin connection in PowerDesktop.

  • The Author can be modified if you have rights to change.

  • Click Next to continue.

Review the Import

You will find the job summary in this section, it displays the job name, the source and target folders. It will also show the number of new and existing folders, as well as the number of new and existing documents that will be imported. You can also view the size of the import.

  • A new option here allows to permanently delete the source files and folders after the import successfully completes. Check the box to have it delete them after import.

  • Click Next to continue.

  • When I open a Work import job, if the server identified any duplicate email messages within the job, the number of duplicates is listed after the other status counts in the format “{n} Server-Identified Duplicate(s)”.

  • The number of reported duplicates equals the total number of files that share an ID with at least one other imported file minus the number of unique IDs. For example, if there are 4 files with ID TEST!1.1 and 2 files with ID TEST2.1, there were 4 duplicates (6 - 2) that were not imported.

Starting the Import

  • Click Finish to start the import job in the PowerDesktop Job window. Open the Job Managerto keep track of the job progress.