Using FileShare in CAM

Using FileShare in CAM

Once FileShare is configured and setup, you can use FileShare in these places in CAM:

Bulk Assignment

  1. Open Bulk Assignment from Administration-> Bulk Assignment.

  2. Select the Fileshare system.

  3. Click Fetch.

  4. Select one or multiple records to update the matter or client assignment on.

Matters/Workspace tab

  1. Select a matter workspace that is on the fileshare.

  2. Click Manage from the Actions menu.

  3. Choose a template and that can be applied to that folder on the fileshare.


  1. Select an object that is on the fileshare.

  2. Click Manage from the Actions menu.

  3. Choose a template and that can be applied to that folder on the fileshare.

Fileshare also supports the Project Team functionality whenever the user selects a matter from Directory.

Data Uploader

To set the Appsettings, follow the below steps.

  1. Open up the AppSettings.config in C:\Program Files (x86)\Prosperoware\Prosperoware Data Uploader\configs file path.

With the SkipLeadingZeros setting found in the AppSettings.config file, leading zeros in folder names can be skipped when syncing folders. The default value is set to false.

  1. The Token Endpoint is in Line 3 in AppSettings. This sets the API token URL.

  2. ClientUI is in Line 5 in AppSettings. This sets the s3 UI URL.

  3. DocumentAnalysisServiceEndPoint is in Line 7 in AppSettings. This is for PIIS.

  4. Show File Share is in Line 9 in AppSettings. Enable this to true for the fileshare integration.

Request Workflow

  1. Open Administration → Request Workflow.

  2. Open and edit a Wizard.

  3. Add a unique metadata field.

  4. This metadata field should be set up as:

    • Metadata name: File Share.

    • Display Label: File Share.

    • Help Text: File Share.

    • Type: String

    • Lookup: Yes

    • Lookup type: Internal

    • Create new value: No

    • Panel: select the panel of your choice.

  5. Save the wizard and metadata.

  6. Then in the Workspace Wizard, the Fileshare can be selected in addition to the other unique metadata required.

Info: Once an approval for a FileShare has been requested, the approver can adjust the FileShare system if needed.