Users and Groups Tables
Eric Schullek
Eric Schullek (Unlicensed)
Groups Table
This table contains all the groups within CAM.
Query the table by: select * from groups limit 100
^Use the groups Query type
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | Displays the id of the entry in the groups table in CAM | PK |
groupId | Displays the group Id |
groupName | Displays the group name |
The email of the group |
| |
office | The office location of the group |
groupType | Displays the group type (Internal/External) Internal=0 External=1 |
groupContainerType | The type of container of the group |
extcontainerid | The id of the container (typically = the name) |
extcontainername | The container name where the group came from |
isCAMGroup | Is a group within CAM for CAM. 0= from any other ext system |
extid | The external id of the group |
Metadata | Displays in JSON format any metadata applied to the group. Comma separated. |
CreatedDate | Date the group was created |
EditedDate | Date the group was last edited |
CreatedbyUserid | User id of the person who created the group |
CreatedByUser | The user who created the group |
LastChangeUserid | The userid of the person who last edited the group |
LastChangeUser | The user who last edited the group |
camCreatedDate | If created in CAM, the created date |
camCreatedBy | If created in CAM, the user who created |
camEditedDate | If edited in CAM, the date edited |
camEditedBy | If edited in CAM, the user who edited |
extSystemId | The external system id | FK on externalsystem |
subscriberid | The tenant subscriber id |
Group Members Table
This table contains all the group memberships within CAM: which users belong to which group.
Query the table by: select * from group_members limit 100
^Use the groups Query type
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | Displays the id of the entry in the group_members table in CAM | PK |
groupid | Displays the id of the group | FK on group |
userid | Displays the id of the user | FK on user |
extgroupid | Contains the id of the external system group |
extuserid | Contains the id of the external system user |
extcontainerid | Contains the id of the external system container |
extcontainername | Contains the name of the external system container. |
Metadata | Displays in JSON format any metadata applied to the group membership. Comma separated. |
CreatedDate | Date the group membership was created |
EditedDate | Date the group membership was last edited |
CreatedbyUserid | User id of the person who created the group membership |
CreatedByUser | The user who created the group membership |
LastChangeUserid | The userid of the person who last edited the group membership |
LastChangeUser | The user who last edited the group membership |
camCreatedDate | If created in CAM, the created date |
camCreatedBy | If created in CAM, the user who created |
camEditedDate | If edited in CAM, the date edited |
camEditedBy | If edited in CAM, the user who edited |
extSystemId | The external system id | FK on externalsystem |
subscriberid | The tenant subscriber id |
User Table
This table contains all the users within CAM.
Query the table by: select * from user limit 100
^Use the user Query type
Important: Don’t type users as the table name; this is an old antiquated table and you won’t get proper results.
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | Displays the row number of the entry in the user table | PK |
userId | Displays the user id associated to the user name. |
userName | Displays the user name |
Displays the user email Id |
| |
office | Displays the office to which the user belongs |
title | Displays the title currently associated with the user |
phone | Displays phone number currently associated with the user |
location | Displays the location currently associated with the user |
isExternal | Is this an external user? |
userType | Displays the user type (Internal/External) |
userContainerType | Displays the container type |
extContainerId | Displays the external container id |
ExtContainerName | Displays the name of the external container |
isCamUser | Displays whether the user is an active CAM user |
extId | Displays the external id associated with the user |
metadata | Any metadata added/changed/updated/deleted |
createdDate | Displays the user creation date |
editedDate | Displays the last date the user was edited |
createdByUserId | Displays the user id that created the user |
createdByUser | Displays the user name that created the user |
lastChangeUserId | Displasy the user id that last changed the user | FK on user |
lastChangeUserId | Displasy the user id that last changed the user | FK on user |
camCreateDate | Displays the date in which the user was created in CAM |
camCreatedBy | Displays the user that created the user record in CAM. |
camEditedDate | Displays the last date the user was edited in cam |
camEditedBy | Displays the user that last edited the user record in CAM |
extSystemId | Displays the id of the external system. | FK on externalsystem |
subscriberId | The tenant subscription id |
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