Troubleshooting External Systems
Troubleshooting Item/Area | Requirements and Expectations |
The External system is blocked, firewall doesn’t allow connections | Whitelist the URLs: Whitelisting and Redirect Information |
The token is expired to the external system, or azure proxy app. | Read this article: iManage | iManage Token Expiry Extension or Step 5 in M365 with CAM configuration | Connecting M365 with CAM Platform |
The URL or subdomain needs to be changed. | Read this first if part of a cloud migration. Migration to Cloud iManage |
CAM Commands aren’t visible, or relevant commands aren’t hidden per the firm’s wishes. | Ensure the IMCC package yml files are modified per instructions here iManage | For iManage Work Cloud or On Premise, so that the right commands display. |
The default password isn’t accepted. | The default password set here needs to match iManage’s password requirements:
Tip: It is recommended that all iManage connections (on-premises, private cloud, and ) follow the same rules if filling out the default password section. |
A server alias error appears. | If you get the warning This error is due to a missing configuration in CAM, it means the server alias might be wrong. This should match with the iManage URL. Use this for CAM commands. Set to if cloud |
The azure proxy setup isn’t working. | Ensure the two apps are setup. iManage | Azure Proxy Server app Issue Resolution | Unable to validate connection for the external system using Azure Proxy |
A 202 error displays | |
A unsupported grant type error displays | |
Token is expired/ inactive | Error Resolution | The “System” server could not process the request. "Token has expired or is in... Error Resolution | Token was inactive/ The refresh token expired due to inactivity/ Invalid Grant |
A 429 error appears | Error Resolution | Exceeded Allowance Limit your RestAPI Calls |
A 502 error displays | |
A 504 error displays | Error Resolution | Endpoint Request timed out/ Gateway timed out |
A 520 error appears | |
A 3e error appears | |
A mismatching redirect URL error shows | |
Authentication issues | |
Missing configurations for external systems | |
Redirect URLs aren’t matching | |
Server is missing the ID | |
No new workspaces or items are created or generated | |
Error in HTTP request | |
Sorry you don't have access to the command | |
Commands error out | |
Office365 modules or APIs fail | |
iManage connections fail | |
Personal workspaces aren’t creating | |
Workspaces fail to be created due to blank spaces | |
Documents fail to be moved, copied or exported. |
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