Troubleshooting External Systems

Troubleshooting Item/Area

Requirements and Expectations

Troubleshooting Item/Area

Requirements and Expectations

The External system is blocked, firewall doesn’t allow connections

Whitelist the URLs: Whitelisting and Redirect Information

The token is expired to the external system, or azure proxy app.

Read this article: iManage | iManage Token Expiry Extension or Step 5 in M365 with CAM configuration | Connecting M365 with CAM Platform

The URL or subdomain needs to be changed.

Read this first if part of a cloud migration. Migration to Cloud iManage

CAM Commands aren’t visible, or relevant commands aren’t hidden per the firm’s wishes.

Ensure the IMCC package yml files are modified per instructions here iManage | For iManage Work Cloud or On Premise, so that the right commands display.

The default password isn’t accepted.

The default password set here needs to match iManage’s password requirements:

  • At least 12 characters

  • At least 1 uppercase letter

  • At least 1 lowercase letter

  • At least one number or special character: ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ “


Tip: It is recommended that all iManage connections (on-premises, private cloud, and ) follow the same rules if filling out the default password section.

A server alias error appears.

If you get the warning This error is due to a missing configuration in CAM, it means the server alias might be wrong. This should match with the iManage URL. Use this for CAM commands. Set to if cloud

The azure proxy setup isn’t working.

Ensure the two apps are setup. iManage | Azure Proxy Server app

Issue Resolution | Unable to validate connection for the external system using Azure Proxy

A 202 error displays

Error Resolution | 202 Error

A unsupported grant type error displays

Error Resolution | Unsupported Grant Type

Token is expired/ inactive

Error Resolution | The “System” server could not process the request. "Token has expired or is in...

Error Resolution | Token was inactive/ The refresh token expired due to inactivity/ Invalid Grant

A 429 error appears

Error Resolution | Exceeded Allowance Limit your RestAPI Calls

A 502 error displays

Error Resolution | Bad Gateway

A 504 error displays

Error Resolution | Endpoint Request timed out/ Gateway timed out

A 520 error appears

A 3e error appears

A mismatching redirect URL error shows

Authentication issues

Missing configurations for external systems

Redirect URLs aren’t matching

Server is missing the ID

No new workspaces or items are created or generated

Error in HTTP request

Sorry you don't have access to the command

Commands error out

Office365 modules or APIs fail

iManage connections fail

Personal workspaces aren’t creating

Workspaces fail to be created due to blank spaces

Documents fail to be moved, copied or exported.

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