

Overview for configuring iManage to connect to CAM

CAM integrates with the iManage Work Cloud, Cloud iManage and iManage on-premises environments.

Note: The procedure for configuring iManage Work Cloud/Cloud iManage and iManage on-premises is almost the same. You can still utilize the provide screenshots and steps for both.

Warning: The user, and not Litera, is responsible for creating the enterprise proxy application (because CAM/Litera is not the one deciding where their proxy connector is to be placed) AND then proceeding with the app registration steps.

Two apps are to be setup:

  • The enterprise proxy application

  • The app registration for CAM

  • To integrate CAM with the iManage Work Cloud, the iManage cloud servers must be configured using the below steps.

  • To connect an on-premises iManage environment, the iManage server needs to be accessible from the internet. This can be done as follows:

    1. Expose the iManage Server via a static-ip/firewall. Click here for information on whitelisting CAM’s IP.

    2. Use Azure Proxy.

    3. Add trusted-ip restriction as an additional security measure.

You can add and manage multiple iManage servers, define the workspaces' naming convention, the template rules to be applied, and the default folder metadata.

Warning: The Client ID & the Client Secret ID must be updated in the IManage Control Center (IMCC) to support API Authentication and enable CAM to integrate with the iManage Server. Read here for detailed instructions to update the Client ID & Secret ID.

Configuring NRTAdmin Access

For iManage, create an NRTAdmin account role in iManage that does not have the View Document permission granted to the role. Assign this to the CAM iManage account. That allows CAM to read all metadata but cannot download or view the document or its content.

The NRT Admin account is necessary for the CAM connection to iManage in many modules!

This is so we can:

  1. Provision workspaces: the ability to create, modify, secure, and delete workspaces.

  2. Work with Metadata: the ability to create, modify and delete metadata

  3. Manage Users/Groups: the ability to create, modify, disable & manage group memberships

Signs of a missing NRTAdmin acct or no Control Center access:

  1. CAM can’t access iManage Control Center with the account.

  2. Generate Template doesn’t return results.

iManage Configuration

CAM iManage Control Center (IMCC)


  1. Whitelist URLs

  2. Ensure the iManage connection is a “Virtual” account type.

Whitelist URLs

Whitelist if your tenant is hosted in any of the following zones:


Whitelist the IP

Whitelist the IP


Whitelist the IP

Whitelist the IP




Us West(Oregon)(camuswest.com)


Australia (Sydney)(pwcamau.com)



For iManage Work Cloud or On Premise

  1. Download the iManage Authentication and Web Extension

    1. Navigate to Administration > Downloads and download the iManage Web Extension package. This package includes the iManage Authentication Manifest file and CAM Commands web extension. If once downloaded, you wish to edit the CAM Command web extensions, please skip to 2a.

    2. If you do not want to use/upload the CAM Commands web extension, click on Basic CAM IMCC package without the web extensions for the Authentication Manifest file only.

  2. Upload iManage Authentication (and Web Extensions if applicable)

    1. For steps on editing CAM Commands and extensions, visit: CAM Commands | Deploying Web Extensions .

      1. Add the redirect urls as directed in IMCC under Authentication, use the table: iManage | Redirect Endpoint URI

    2. In the iManage Control Center, in the left-hand side panel under Configure, select System Setup>Applications.

    3. In the Applications page, click the + sign on the top-right side of the page.

    4. Click Upload Package and upload the downloaded file.

    5. The details from the file are auto-populated on the Configuration and Authentication page. Do not
      edit the auto-populated information. Click Continue

    6. Update the Security details.

    7. Click Finish.

  3. For http://cloudimanage.com configurations:

    1. For steps on editing CAM Commands and extensions, visit: CAM Commands | Deploying Web Extensions .

      1. Add the redirect urls as directed in IMCC under Authentication, use the table: iManage | Redirect Endpoint URI

    2. Please set the refresh token in iMCC as Yes. If the refresh token is set to No in iMCC, the External configuration may show as Red and error.

    3. In the iManage Control Center, in the left-hand side panel under Configure, select System Setup>Applications.

    4. In the Applications page, click the + sign on the top right-hand corner of the page.

    5. Search for Prosperoware – CAM and follow the instructions until completion.

  4. Editing the web extensions (iManage Work or On-Premise)

    1. For steps on configuring CAM Commands and extensions, visit CAM Commands | Deploying Web Extensions .

      1. Add the redirect urls as directed in IMCC under Authentication, use the table: iManage | Redirect Endpoint URI

    2. If the web extensions package is to be used, the extension files should be updated to your system.

    3. Extract and open up the CAM_IMCC_web_extensions.zip file.

    4. Go into the web_extensions folder.

    5. There should be six files:

  • AspNetManageFolderMenuItem.yaml ---- This allows the user to Manage Folders and create on-demand folders from CAM.

  • AspNetDeleteFolderMenuItem.yaml ---- This allows to delete not-required and empty folders from iManage Web and DeskSite.

  • AspNetCreateWorkspaceMenuItem.yaml ---- This allows the Workspace Wizard (Request Workflow) to appear in Work 10.

  • AspNetEditNameAndProfileMenuItem.yaml ---- This allows the end user to Update Workspace, Folder name, or Profile from the iManage system. Based on the criteria set in CAM:

    • in External system configuration for workspace and/or

    • in Template editor for the folder and/or

    • in Layout for Profile.

  • AspNetShareFolderMenuItem.yaml --- This allows end users to share a folder if a user has access to the workspace (read/write or above) and also has CAM permission to share.

  • AspNetShareDocumentMenuItem.yaml --- This allows end users to share a document if a user has access to the workspace (read/write or above) and also has CAM permission to share.


  1. For steps on config get the wizard ID from CAM

    1. Login to the CAM tenant.

    2. In your browser (preferably Chrome or Firefox), Inspect the page (CTRL+SHIFT+I).

    3. In the Chrome/Firefox inspection panel, click on the Network tab if not selected.

    4. Click on the Plus icon in CAM to get to a workspace wizard

    5. In the inspection panel, in the 'Name' Column, an entry called 'workspacewizard' appears toward the bottom of the list.

    6. Click on the first 'workspacewizard' entry.

    7. Inside the Network Tab, click on the Response Tab.

    8. In Chrome scroll right until you see "wizardId". In Firefox, wizardId will display right on the screen.

      The number following, such as " 2b04aeff4cb52638a3c46420668faa0d " is the Wizard ID.

    9. Add the wizardid into the URL like such: https://tenantname.prosperoware.io/workspacewizard?wizardId=2b04aeff4cb52638a3c46420668faa0d.

  2. Zip the files backup after making the changes.

iManage Server Configuration

Go to Administration > External System Configuration > Settings and ensure that the iManage integration is active and click Save.

Map iManage Server to CAM

  1. Click the iManage tab.

  2. In the panel for iManage Server click the Add New button.

  3. In the window for iManage Server Setup- Add New, type information in the provided fields, based on the table below.

  4. Click Save. You can add multiple iManage Servers.





Is Azure Proxy Used?

Select Yes to set this server to access using Azure Proxy server

Is version 10.3 or above?

If the user selects Yes, then the “User id and Password“ field will hide and authentication will be done through a common authentication dialog.

Server Name

Enter a name for the server. This is a required field. (e.g. iManageProd). Note: Spaces or .,*? are not allowed in the name.


The address of the server. This is a required field. The URL should be like https://servername-mobility.imanage.work for cloud systems

Changes to URL’s/ Domains

If URL’s or domains/subdomains need to be changed, make the edits here and click re-validate, and save. If this is due to a cloud migration, or link workspaces are affected, please read the following guide: Migration to Cloud iManage

Azure Proxy

If Is Azure Proxy Used? is set to Yes, then the below 4 fields are displayed. Read here for detailed instructions to retrieve these fields.

Application Id

Enter the Application (client) ID from the Azure Active DirectoryPortal.

Application Password

Enter the application password.

Directory (Tenant) Id

Enter the Directory Id from the Azure Active Directory.

Get Token button

It will be enabled once URL, Application Id, Application Password and Directory (Tenant) Id is entered.

Click the Get Token button, and enter the log in details. On successful login, the token is generated.

User Id

Enter the user name to access the server. This is a required field.


Enter the password to access the server. This is a required field.


Click the Validate button to verify the the login credentials for the server.


On a successful validation a token is auto-generated and displayed here. If the validation is unsuccessful, a Validation Failed message is displayed.

Is Default

Select Yes to set this server as the default repository. If the repository name is not specified in the uploaded CSV file, the data will be updated to the default repository.

Dynamic Group

Select Yes to create a dynamic group in the iManage workspace. Selecting this option will allow for multiple users to be added to the dynamic group. Read Dynamic Groups for more details to create and add users to the group.

Default Database

Select the default database for iManage. The options available for selection here are the database pre-configured in the iManage.

Default Security

Set the default security for the workspace.

  • Public: Set Read/Write access to the workspace

  • View: Set Read only access to the workspace

  • Private: Restricts the access rights to the owner only. The owner can update the ACL to the workspaces.

Default Password

The default password set here needs to match iManage’s password requirements:

  • At least 12 characeters

  • At least 1 uppercase letter

  • At least 1 lowercase letter

  • At least one number or special character: ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ “

Server Alias

Use for CAM commands. Set to CloudiManage.com. If you get the warning This error is due to a missing configuration in CAM, it means the server alias might be wrong. This should match with the iManage URL.

Permission Mapping

Set permission based on CAM Roles. Common CAM roles are following:

  • Admin - System administrators responsible for CAM User Management and Workspace Management

    For e.g. A user added as: alexey.marcus@prosperoware.com|true#23/12/2019*Admin$false

  • Editor - CAM users with Edit permissions to access CAM Workspace Management

    For e.g. A user added as: alexey.marcus@prosperoware.com|true#23/12/2019*Editor$false

  • Watcher - CAM users with Read permissions only to access CAM Workspace Management

    For e.g. A user added as: alexey.marcus@prosperoware.com|true#23/12/2019*Watcher$false

Click on each type of Security Role to update their respective permissions.


This allows access to only view documents, properties/metadata, etc.

Read Write

This allows full access to the document (view and edit), but limited control on properties/metadata and no ability to change security (including for the folder, workspace, etc.)

Full Access

This allows full access to the document (view/edit/share) and full control over properties/metadata and also the security (including for the folder, workspace, etc.)


  • Edit- Allows the permission mapping to be edited.

  • Save- Saves the mapping.

  • Cancel- Cancels the currently entered changes.

Add multiple tokens in the server configuration for iManage

Adding additional Client Tokens for different credentials or tokens to the client is possible. This feature is applicable to those tenants who have their own client stack. It will be used for Data Sync and ETL/Data Uploader processes.

To configure a recently added iManage server or edit/update the existing servers' details with new Token, follow the below steps:

  1. Select the System you want to edit/update as shown in the following screenshot.

  2. Click on the Edit option.

  3. Click on Add Client Token. The Server setup -Edit dialogue box appears.

  4. Click on Add Client Token. The Add Client Token dialogue box opens.

  5. Enter the following details.




Enter a unique name. By default, it displays “Client Token”. User can change to a new unique name.


Displays default provider as Client. 

User Id

Enter the username to access the server. This is a required field.


Enter the password to access the server. This is a required field.


Click the Validate button to verify the login credentials for the server.


On a successful validation a token is auto-generated and displayed. If the validation is unsuccessful, a Validation Failed message is displayed.

  1. Click Add to add new token or click Cancel to cancel the dialogue

The list of information is displayed in the following columns:

Column Name


Column Name



The server name entered above. Click on the link to open the iManage login page. Hover your cursor over the name to view the server URL.


Will display Configured, if the user name and password are successfully validated during configuration.

Last Modified

The last updated date and time

Last Modified By

Name of the user who was logged in when the change was made


The health status of configured system

Is Default

Is updated based on selection made during configuration.

Dynamic Group

Is updated based on selection made during configuration.


Click Edit to edit the configuration set up. The iManage Server Setup- Edit window is displayed.

Make the necessary changes and click Update. Click Delete to remove the server setup.


Click Manage to map the Metadata to the repository. The Metadata Mapping window is displayed.

Mapping Metadata

In the Metadata Mapping window, the columns are updated with the metadata auto-mapped from CAM to iManage. If the columns are not populated, click the Auto Discover button to automatically find and map the metadata from CAM to iManage. The default database displayed in the Select Database drop-down is based on the database selected in the iManage server configuration.

  • A matrix of default iManage to CAM Metadata Mapping is found here iManage to CAM Metadata Mapping, or in the Litera Customer Center.

  • How to Map metadata documentation from a general perspective is located: Metadata

To manually add and map additional metadata:

  1. Click the Add Metadata button.

  2. In the Add Metadata Mapping window type information in the provided fields, based on the table below,

Column Name


Column Name



Select the metadata from CAM to be mapped to iManage. To assign a metadata, either click the drop-down menu and select from the list or manually enter the value, which will auto-complete if it is assigned in Administration>Metadata.


Select the metadata from iManage to map to CAM. The drop-down will include all the metadata defined in the iManage database.

Is Unique Identifier

Select Yes to set the metadata value as a unique identifier. When a job is uploaded with a unique metadata, CAM will only modify the iManage workspace(s) that have the unique metadata assigned. If the unique metadata does exist in any of the existing workspace(s), CAM will create a new workspace for the uploaded job.

  1. Click Save.

The list of information is displayed in the following columns:

Column Name


Column Name



List of the metadata from CAM mapped to iManage.


List of the metadata from iManage mapped to CAM

Unique Identifier

Is updated based on selection made when adding metadata


Click to edit the mapped metadata. The Edit Metadata Mapping window is displayed. Make the necessary changes and click Update. Click Delete to delete the metadata mapping.

Workspace Name Rules and Format

To define the iManage workspace names rules and format to be applied:

  1. Click the iManage tab.

  2. In the panel for Workspace Name Rules and Format click the Add New button.

  3. In the window for Rule Creator, type information in the provided fields, based on the table below:





Is Default

Select Yes to set the workspace name as the default format.

Note: If the workspace name is not specified in the CSV file uploaded via the Jobs tab or in the SQL file uploaded via the Data Uploader, the workspace name set as default here, will determine the workspace name format.


Enter a name for the rule


Enter a format for the workspace name to displayed. A sample rule is displayed as the placeholder in the format field.


Displayed if No set as default option.

Select the metadata from the drop-down. The metadata drop down will display both the metadata name and the display name added. To assign a metadata, either click the drop-down menu and select from the list or manually enter the value, which will auto-complete if it is assigned in Administration>Metadata. In the corresponding text box, type the metadata value to be matched for the rule to be applied. To add more than one metadata to the rule click the '+' sign at the end of the text box. Select the search operator from the drop-down. You can also combine the two search operators.

  • AND: Use AND to search and include all the selected metadata values.

  • OR: Use OR to broaden your search criteria.

The Workspace rule will only be applied if the search criteria matches with the metadata defined here.

  1. Click Save.

The list of information is displayed in the following columns:

Column Name


Column Name



The rule name entered above.


Workspace name format specified above

Is Default

Is updated based on selection made when adding workspace name


Click to edit the workspace name and rules. The Edit Rule Creator window is displayed. Make the necessary changes and click Update. Click Delete to delete the rule setup.

Template Rules

To define the iManage template names rules and format to be applied:

  1. Click the iManage tab.

  2. In the panel for Template Rules click the Add New button.

  3. In the window for Rule Creator, type information in the provided fields, based on the table below:





Is Default

Select Yes to set the workspace name as the default format.

Note: If the template format is not specified in the CSV file uploaded via the Jobs tab or in the SQL file uploaded via the Data Uploader, the template set as default here will be applied to the workspace created.


Select a template from the drop-down. The drop-down will include all the templates created in Administration> Template Editor. To remove a template click the x.


Enter a rule name


Displayed if No set as default option.

Select the metadata from the drop-down. To assign a metadata, either click the drop-down menu and select from the list or manually enter the value, which will auto-complete if it is assigned in Administration>Metadata. In the corresponding text box, type the metadata value to be matched for the rule to be applied. To add more than one metadata to the rule click the '+' sign at the end of the text box. Select the search operator from the drop-down. You can also combine the two search operators.

  • AND: Use AND to search and include all the selected metadata values.

  • OR: Use OR to broaden your search criteria.

The following operators are available:

  • =

  • <>

  • <

  • >

  • <=

  • >=

  • !=

The Template rule will only be applied if the search criteria matches with the metadata defined here.

  1. Click Save.

The list of information is displayed in the following columns:

Column Name


Column Name



The rule name entered above.


The template selected for the rule.


Click to edit the template rules. The Edit Rule Creator window is displayed. Make the necessary changes and click Update. Click Delete to delete the template URL


iManage Token Expiry Extension

There are two ways to increase the Token Expiry for iManage, depending on what setup the client has used.

iManage Cloud steps

For iManage cloud, the configurations are made in IMCC.

a. Open IMCC

b. On the left navigation, open Settings-> Applications.

c. Open the Prosperoware CAM application (or the name for the CAM app that you have configured) from that page.


d. Find the Authentication section.

e. Click Edit.

f. The user can configure both the Refresh token expiry period and the access token expiry period.


iManage on-premises with Azure Proxy steps

For on-premises systems, this token is used in the External System Configuration-iManage panel.

a. First, ensure the Azure proxy application is configured: iManage | Azure Proxy Server app

b. Update the Azure token period according to the Microsoft article here: Configurable token lifetimes - Microsoft identity platform / Set lifetimes for tokens - Microsoft identity platform

c. If not configured already, open the External System Configuration-Imanage window.

d. Click edit on the system to be configured.

e. Enter the application id, and click Get token. Now your token is provided.


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