The Workspace tab allows you to perform search operations in the following two ways:
API search
Database search
To Access the API and Database Search, the user can set the corresponding permissions through the Account Management option. To know more about setting permissions, click here.
- 1 Getting Started
- 2 Searching Workspaces/Folders
- 3 Actions on the Workspace Tab
- 4 Query Results Menu Options
- 4.1 Profile Update
- 4.2 Delete Empty Folders:
- 4.3 Delete Workspaces:
- 4.4 Security update
- 4.5 Export Documents
- 4.6 Export to CSV
- 4.7 View Security
- 4.8 Move Workspaces
- 5 Required Permissions
- 6 Customizing the Form/Grid
- 7 Related Topics
Getting Started
Before any workspace or folder searching can be done, there are a few configurations that need to be made, namely:
Metadata should be mapped to the layouts/forms.
Layouts and forms must be configured.
If working with DeskSite/FileSite or Cloud iManage/Private Cloud/Work 10, CAM commands must be set up.
The search layout(s) must be set up.
Mapping Metadata
Layouts and Forms
Layouts are a key component of the Documents and Workspace tabs, as they determine what fields will be available to a user when navigating CAM’s tabs. The look and behavior of a layout will depend on the Form. When a tenant is first created, the following forms will be automatically loaded:
Matter Profile (Under the Directory tab)
Workspace Search
Warning: Keep in mind that the default layouts/forms for a newly created tenant will not have metadata mapped to them nor users assigned. For a layout to work properly, metadata must be mapped to it and users must be assigned to it.
Learn more about customizing layouts, adding forms, and assigning users to them. Learn more about mapping metadata.
CAM Commands
CAM Commands allow the use of specific functionality of CAM from within DeskSite/FileSite or Cloud iManage/Private Cloud/Work 10.
On Premise Steps to Install
Download the CAM Commands installer using the EXE or MSI of Edge Compatible installer.
Run the installer on premise. (You may have to trust the app and run anyway with the Windows Smartscreen popup.)
Check which commands to enable from the installer.
Once installed, you can open DeskSite or Filesite, and use the right click menu to access the CAM commands.
Registry edits to rename items can be done from the Interwoven registry folder.
Work in the Cloud/Cloud iManage/Private Cloud Steps to Install
Download the iManage Web Extension.
If you are an customer, this needs to be sent to iManage to upload to your tenant.
If you require a customization to the yaml file before the application is uploaded, make this change first before sending or uploading the zip.
Go to iManage Control Center, Applications, and upload the package.
Follow the steps to Authenticate and Secure the application.
If the upload package option is unavailable, select the CAM Commands app from the list of approved applications and type in the domain of the client iManage system.
Now you can use the commands in the Web Client.
Learn how to configure CAM Commands in more detail.
Configuring the Search Layout
Configure the content of the search bar (displayed in the top center of the page).
Go to the administration tab.
Click on Layouts.
Click the Edit button in the Actions column against the Search drop-down.
In the Search Configuration window, add information in the provided fields.
Click Save.
Click Add.
Read the detailed steps to configure the search layout.
Searching Workspaces/Folders
Best Practices
Note Service Desk Documents and Workspace searches return a maximum of 5,000 per search. If deciding to do a bulk search/update, you may need to batch out your update to process more than 5,000 records. (This does not apply for CloudiManage).
Lookups in the searches will return a limit of 100 items in the lookup dropdown. If you happen to have more records meeting the criteria in the lookup (e.g. a matter), it is recommended to search directly for that result.
If you plan to process a very large number of records, you may want to utilize a CSV using Data Uploader instead.
Note: The toggle at the top will let you switch between Workspace searches and Folder searches:
Folder search in iManage should be based on the following metadata: database, id, name, owner, workspace_id, workspace_name.
Folder search in NetDocuments supports all metadata being used for Workspace and Document search.
The user can sort the search results in numerical order and alphabetical order, and either ascending or descending order across all search result columns.
Available for iManage and NetDocuments.
Tip: CheckedOut=No searches will display all records.
Warning: Searching for a custom metadata field in a lookup or text field requires the search to have the full-text index enabled.
API Search
API searches are available for clients under the Manage tier and onwards. API searches mean that through an API, CAM goes directly to the DMS to do the searches. These are lookups that call the DMS in real time and pull that information as if the user were in the DMS searching.
If iManage is the DMS, it is only possible to return 5000 results at a time through the API search. This limit is an API limitation from iManage due to having to call for the metadata.
If NetDocuments is the DMS, the API search will yield all the results. If there are 124 million documents, all will be retrieved and displayed in CAM.
For both DMS’s, iManage and NetDocuments, they don't support filtering values by multiple parents, CAM filters by the first selected parent. In case multiple parents are selected, a message will appear at the top of “Currently filtering values by multiple parents is not supported and the values will be filtered by the first selected parent” to inform the user about this limitation.
The following are the steps to perform the API search operations:
Go to the Workspace tab. The following screen displays:
Fields | Description |
System | Select system from the list. |
Repository | Select repository name from the list. |
Database | Select database name from the list. |
Client | Select the client name from the list. |
Matter | Select the matter name from the list. Note: By design, it is necessary to first select a Client before the Matter lookup will populate. If no Client has been selected, the Matter lookup will display the message No results found. |
Owner | Enter the owner name for the file(s). |
Workspace ID | Enter the workspace id. |
Folder name | Enter the folder name |
If enabled, it allows hiding the repository or server selected in the search from all the search results. | |
Folder/Workspace toggle | If using the API search, the toggle on the upper left between Workspace and Folder allows to search for one or the other to select a workspace and search for a folder within that workspace based on a partial name search or by folder ID if known. |
Warning: Metadata filtering is not supported using the API search by the iManage API.
2. Click Search to get the result in a list or click Clear Fields to reset all the fields.
3. Click Switch to Database Search to perform the database search operation.
Workspace Search results then display the list of the record details.
Enabling the iManage Search Anywhere functionality
The Service Desk API Search now supports the iManage Search Anywhere option. This is available in the Workspaces tab and Documents tab using only the API Search.
To enable:
In the Administration-> Metadata, add the metadata Name: Anywhere ID: Anywhere
Map to iManage and CAM.
In Layout, add the anywhere metadata field to the Documents-Search and Workspaces-Search layouts.
The metadata for anywhere must be lowercase “anywhere” to work as it is case sensitive.
Now the field will display in the search and search in any field for that search criteria.
Database Search
Clients under the Analyze tier are provided with Data Sync which allows CAM to make a copy of the workspace/documents database from iManage or NetDocuments to perform a full database search.
Following are the steps to perform the API search operation:
Go to the Workspace tab. The following screen displays:
Fields | Description |
Database | Select database names from the list. |
Client | Select client names from the list. |
Matter | Select matter names from the list. Note: By design, it is necessary to first select a Client before the Matter lookup will populate. If no Client has been selected, the Matter lookup will display the message No results found. |
Name | Specify the name of the Workspace or Workspaces to search. Tip: The Name Field in a Database Search on the Documents and Workspace tabs can now handle multiple comma-separated values when using the Equal and Not equal operators. Note: The commas make the search handle the values as the OR operator would in NetDocuments. |
Owner | Enter the owner name. |
2. Click Search to get the result in a list or click Clear Fields to reset all the fields.
3. Click Switch to API Search to perform the database search operation.
Workspace Search results display the list of the record details.
When you select a folder in the workspaces tab, you can see all the folder-related operations in a panel on top of the selected folder.
Caution: Becuse of the way CAM is currently storing the FileShare database metadata mapping in Database metadata , in database search it is possible to select All in the drop-down but it will provide no results. A permanent fix to is currently in the works and until then, the way set up searches is as suggested:
Workaround: Choose the system and server and then the Database lookup will be populated based on the values you've chosen. Once the fix has been deployed the server and repository values will be mandatory and this issue will be fixed permanently.
Advanced Searching
Users can use more advanced search capabilities to search the Workspaces tab.
Whole name searching: If you are searching for a whole name, or phrase, or a part of a name, use brackets [] around the search.
Operator search: Use AND, OR or NOT in your search to filter records.
Dates can use the On or Before or On or After operators to filter dates in a certain range.
Important Note: For Name searching for NetDocuments systems, you must keep the name in lowercase.
Default Security
An icon displays now in the Default Security column for each folder under a workspace. The top level folder will have it’s icon in the expandable header, and each subfolder will be able to be expanded.
The levels are:
And their icons show respectively in that same order as:
Actions on the Workspace Tab
When running actions on the tab, you cannot navigate away from the tab after queuing the job. It must complete first successfully or fail.
Please consider that Warnings will appear whenever the number of selected records for an attempted operation exceeds the limit number of records. The limits per operation/tab are as follows:
Documents tab - more than 25K items
Workspace tab - more than 5K items
Analytics tab > Documents - more than 25K items
Analytics tab > Folders - more than 10K items
Analytics tab > Workspaces - more than 5K items
The following actions are available on the Workspace tab after performing a successful search:
Query Results Menu Options
Tip: The following operations can also be performed via CSV.
removefolder (find samples for NetDocuments and iManage below)
Profile Update
Click Profile Update to bulk update details on the query results.
Run a query to fetch the workspace(s).
In the Profile Update dialog, all the configured repositories are displayed in the Select System drop-down. Select the system from the drop-down.
NetDocuments Profile Update: CAM allows renaming of the folder and workspace only.
Note: Renaming of the filter is not supported via NetDocuments.
Update the metadata by choosing one of the supported profile update methods in the look-up next to the field:
Overwrite: Allows the previous metadata value to be overwritten if it matches the value.
Append: Allows the appending of certain metadata into the current metadata field.
Suffix: Allows adding a suffix at the end of the metadata.
Prefix: Allows adding a prefix to the beginning of the metadata.
Remove: Allows removal of certain metadata if it matches.
Note: This is applicable for License Tiers Provision and higher.
Note: The datatypes supported for these profile updates are: String and Numeric datatypes.
Enter the details to be updated and click Next. The fields on the form can be configured in Administration>Layout.
Next to the attribute values, there is a column to append or remove the attribute values. Select from the dropdown next to the attribute (e.g. custom 17) for append or remove. For append, the box on the right, enter the value to append. Click Next.
Enter the job name (required field), a ticket number (optional), and a brief reason for change (optional). The track changes are made to the iManage content.
Click Submit Update.
An Analytics Bulk Job is triggered and the progress can be tracked in the Jobs tab. On job completion, the workspacedetails will be updated.
Tip: You can show/hide the Profile Update button in the query results menu option by allowing or denying the permission View Bulk Profile Update. Read here for complete list of available permissions and instructions to allow/deny CAM permissions to user/group.
Warning: For Profile Update to work properly, Cabinet or Database metadata should also be configured in the Layout of Profile Update, so that the metadata lookup would populate according to their mapping.
Important for iManage users: When updating an iManage profile through the Workspace tab, the name metadata value will only be applied to the entity to which the profile update is applied to. If the option to apply to folder & apply to documents and other custom metadata is selected, the profile update will be applicable on folder and documents based on the selected option.
Tip: When selecting a single object (workspace, document, or folder) and clicking the profile update button, the current metadata of the object will display so the user knows what they are changing. This only works for single-object selection and not when the user selects multiple objects.
Delete Empty Folders:
Click Delete Empty Folders to delete the workspace displayed in the queried search results with empty folders (with no documents). In the Delete Empty Folders dialog:
Select the Repository/Cabinet from the Select System drop-down
Enter the ticket number (optional) and a brief reason (optional) to delete the folders.
Recursive delete folder structure if toggled on allows the bulk removal of empty folders upon multiple levels for all the results selected.
Click Submit.
A Bulk Job is triggered and the progress can be tracked in the Jobs tab. On job completion, the workspaces/ folders that are empty will be deleted from the selected system.
Tip: You can show/hide the Delete Empty Folders button in the query results menu option by allowing or denying the permission View Delete Empty Folders . Read here for complete list of available permissions and instructions to allow/deny CAM permissions to user/group.
Note: The Delete Empty folders option is displayed on executing a query. All the folders displayed in the query results will be deleted. To delete a specific workspace, or set of folders, the query must be updated to fetch only those set of folders.
Delete Workspaces:
Click the Delete Workspaces icon after performing a workspace search.
Warning: A message asking to confirm the action to remove shows and you must type CONFIRM in uppercase to complete. The request for removing workspace will then be processed.
Security update
CAM allows users to update security in all selected workspaces/, folders/subfolders either including or excluding private workspaces.
Select the system from the drop-down in the top-right corner of the Security Update dialog
In the left-hand side panel, click on the required drop-down to Add/Update or Change the Default Security.
Field | Description |
Add Users or Groups |
Remove Users or Groups |
Change Default Security | Select the default security to be updated for the selected system. Note: The option to Change Default Security will be hidden when NetDocuments is the selected system. |
Make the necessary updates and click +Add to add the action for the update. The updated action is displayed in the right-hand side panel. To remove an added action from the update list, click x Remove.
Click Next to submit the change.
Job Name reflected as Security Update.
Select the Update value from the following options, wants to update folders/workspaces -
Option | Results |
Option | Results |
If the first option is selected and Skip private workspaces is 'Yes' | You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders, sub-folders, and workspaces EXCEPT private workspaces. |
If the first option is selected and Skip private workspaces is 'No' | You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders, sub-folders, and workspaces INCLUDING private workspaces. |
If the second option is selected and Skip private workspaces is 'Yes' | You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders, inherited sub-folders and workspaces EXCEPT private workspaces. |
If the second option is selected and Skip private workspaces is 'No' | You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders, inherited sub-folders and workspaces INCLUDING private workspaces. |
If the third option is selected | You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders and inherited sub-folders EXCEPT workspaces. |
Note: Displays the information to the user on performed actions with impacting folders/workspaces.
Enter a brief reason to update the security. All the fields are required.
To freeze the ACL, add to the Documents or Workspaces form the “frozen” and “frozenstatus” metadata.
These are true false boolean options.
In the Security Update job, you will have the option now to set as true to freeze the ACL. That means the security for the users and groups will be frozen until unfrozen and no new security changes can be made or users/groups added.
Warning: When security is updated, we also refile the workspaces. This operation WILL update ALL workspaces in the selected workspaces: 1) If you are adding a user or a group, it will be added to all workspaces. 2) If you are removing a user or a group, it will be removed from all workspaces. 3) If you are changing default security, it will be changed for all workspaces.
Click the Submit Update button and click Cancel to close the dialogue box.
An Analytics Bulk Job is triggered and the progress can be tracked in the Jobs tab. On job completion, the security for the workspaces is updated.
If the security user doesn’t exist in CAM and the DMS that the security update is processing, the logs will notate this and continue the job as-is without failure.
Tip: You can show/hide the Security Update button in the query results menu option by enabling or disabling the permission View Bulk Security Update. Read here for a complete list of available permissions and instructions to allow/deny CAM permissions to user/group.
For NetDocuments, users have the following security options:
Update all folders and documents. Security is applied to all the sub-folders and documents of the selected folder.
Update folders and sub-folders. Security is applied to folders and sub-folders.
Update all folders and documents that have inherited security from their parent. Security is applied to the inherited folders and documents.
Do not update sub-folders or documents. Security is only applied to the selected folder and not to sub-folders and documents.
Export Documents
Click Export Documents to export the workspace/document/folder as a zip file or to export the document/folder to a selected network path.
In the Export to Zip tab, enter a Job name and brief reason (optional) to export the document.
Select the options to execute when exporting the workspace as a zip file:
Include CSV file
Append Number and Version to Document’s Name
Use Client & Matter for Workspace Name
Select either All versions or Latest version
In the Export to Network Path tab, select the S3 bucket for export and enter a brief reason for export. Read here for detailed instructions to configure the environment for Export to Network.
Select the options to execute when exporting to a network path:
Include CSV File
Create Folder Structure
Append Number and Version to Document’s name
Use Client & Matter for Workspace Name
Select either All versions or Latest Version
Tip: You can show/hide the Export Documents option by allowing or denying the permission View Export Documents. To allow Export to Zip, enable Permission Export to ZIP. To enable export to Network, enable Permission Export to Network Path. Review the complete list of available permissions and instructions to allow/deny CAM permissions to user/group.
Export to CSV
To export the query results, click the above Export to CSV button. The query results are saved as a CSV file as follows.
Exporting to CSV will combine all records to 1 CSV if exporting from iManage Cloud even if there are tens or hundreds of thousands.
Warning: This only applies to the API search
This only applies to iManage Cloud. iManage on premises has a 5,000 record limit per CSV.
Select the export size option
Click Download CSV to download the CSV file and click Cancel to close the dialog
View Security
Click the View security button. CAM provides an option for users to update security in all selected workspaces, folders/subfolders either including or excluding private workspaces.
Enable permission View-Bulk-Security-Workspace to view the workspace security.
Select the system from the drop-down in the top-right corner in the Security Update dialog
In the left-hand side panel, click on the required drop-down to Add/Update or Change the Default Security.
Field | Description |
Add Users or Groups |
Remove Users or Groups |
Change Default Security | Select the default security to be updated for the selected system. Note: The option to Change Default Security will be hidden when NetDocuments is the selected system. |
Make the necessary updates and click +Add to add the action for the update. The updated action is displayed in the right-hand side panel. To remove an added action from the update list, click x Remove.
Click Next to submit the change.
Job Name reflected as Security Update.
Select the Update value from the following options, wants to update folders/workspaces -
Option | Results |
If the first option is selected and Skip private workspaces is 'Yes' | You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders, sub-folders, and workspaces EXCEPT private workspaces. |
If the first option is selected and Skip private workspaces is 'No' | You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders, sub-folders, and workspaces INCLUDING private workspaces. |
If the second option is selected and Skip private workspaces is 'Yes' | You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders, inherited sub-folders and workspaces EXCEPT private workspaces. |
If the second option is selected and Skip private workspaces is 'No' | You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders, inherited sub-folders and workspaces INCLUDING private workspaces. |
If the third option is selected | You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders and inherited sub-folders EXCEPT workspaces. |
Note: Displays the information to the user on performed actions with impacting folders/workspaces.
Enter a brief reason to update security. All the fields are required.
Warning: When security is updated, we also refile the workspaces. This operation WILL update ALL workspaces in the selected workspaces: 1) If you are adding a user or a group, it will be added to all workspaces. 2) If you are removing a user or a group, it will be removed from all workspaces. 3) If you are changing default security, it will be changed for all workspaces.
Click Submit Update button and click Cancel to close the dialogue box.
An Analytics Bulk Job is triggered and the progress can be tracked in the Jobs tab. On job completion, the security for the workspaces is updated.
Tip: It is possible to freeze or unfreeze the ACL status directly in CAM when updating Security.
Tip: You can show/hide the Security Update button in the query results menu option by enabling or disabling the permission View Bulk Security Update. Read here for a complete list of available permissions and instructions to allow/deny CAM permissions to user/group.
Note: When searching workspaces from NetDocuments in the workspace and Workspace tabs, the Security column on the Search Results pane will display the security of the item as VESA(dmin), VES(hare), VE(dit), V(iew), or Default. If the security of any given NetDocuments workspace doesn't include Default access group or has different user/group permissions (VESA, VES, VE, VS, V, No Access), a hyperlink labeled Members can be clicked on to open a dialog that shows all the security member & groups list with their rights. See the following two screenshots for reference.
Move Workspaces
See the Move tier option here: Moving Folders/Documents/Workspaces
Required Permissions
Permission Name | Description |
View Workspace Tab | Displays the workspace tab for users to search workspaces. Available for all tiers Provision and higher |
Workspace Search (API Based) | Enables user to search based on System, Repository, and Workspace ID. |
Customizing the Form/Grid
Edit the Layout of the form in the Administration-> Layout panel.
To customize the form, use the show-in form option.
To customize the grid, use the show-in grid option.
Related Topics
Workspace Management | Create Workspace/Folder/Docs | Create Ad-hoc Workspace | Configure Analytics
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