

The Documents tab allows you to perform search operations in the following two ways:

  • API search

  • Database search

To Access the API and Database Search, the user can set the corresponding permissions through the Account Management option. To know more about setting permissions, click here.

Getting Started

Before any document searching can be done, there are a few configurations that need to be made, namely:

  1. Metadata should be mapped to the layouts/forms.

  2. Layouts and forms must be configured.

    1. If working with DeskSite/FileSite or Cloud iManage/Private Cloud/Work 10, CAM commands must be set up.

  3. The search layout(s) must be set up.

Mapping Metadata

  • Metadata should first be created.

  • Once metadata has been created, it should be mapped.

Layouts and Forms

Layouts are a key component of the Documents and Workspace tabs, as they determine what fields will be available to a user when navigating CAM’s tabs. The look and behavior of a layout will depend on the Form. When a tenant is first created, the following forms will be automatically loaded:

Warning: Keep in mind that the default layouts/forms for a newly created tenant will not have metadata mapped to them nor users assigned. For a layout to work properly, metadata must be mapped to it and users must be assigned to it.

Learn more about customizing layouts, adding forms, and assigning users to them. Learn more about mapping metadata.

CAM Commands

CAM Commands allow the use of specific functionality of CAM from within DeskSite/FileSite or Cloud iManage/Private Cloud/Work 10.

On Premise Steps to Install

  1. Download the CAM Commands installer using the EXE or MSI of Edge Compatible installer.

  2. Run the installer on premise. (You may have to trust the app and run anyway with the Windows Smartscreen popup.)

  3. Check which commands to enable from the installer.

  4. Once installed, you can open DeskSite or Filesite, and use the right-click menu to access the CAM commands.

  5. Registry edits to rename items can be done from the Interwoven registry folder.


Work in the Cloud/Cloud iManage/Private Cloud Steps to Install

  • Now you can use the commands in the Web Client.

Learn how to configure CAM Commands in more detail.

Configuring the Search Layout

Configure the content of the search bar (displayed in the top center of the page).

  1. Go to the administration tab.

  2. Click on Layouts.

  3. Click the Edit button in the Actions column against the Search drop-down.

  4. In the Search Configuration window, add information in the provided fields.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click Add.

Read the detailed steps to configure the search layout.

Searching Documents

Once layouts have been configured, CAM commands have been set up, metadata has been mapped, and users have been assigned, searching can be done.

Best Practices

  • Note Service Desk Documents and Workspace searches return a maximum of 5,000 per search. If deciding to do a bulk search/update, you may need to batch out your update to process more than 5,000 records. (This does not apply for CloudiManage).

  • Lookups in the searches will return a limit of 100 items in the lookup dropdown. If you happen to have more records meeting the criteria in the lookup (e.g. a matter), it is recommended to search directly for that result.

  • If you plan to process a very large number of records, you may want to utilize a CSV using Data Uploader instead.

  • For Milan clients that moved to CAM, and if you have a filter for searching only for documents in search folders, setup the documents_only metadata flag on the search folder search layout. Ensure this is set to true to filter only documents.

API Search

API searches are available for clients under the Manage tier and onwards. API searches mean that through an API, CAM goes directly to the DMS to do the searches. These are lookups that call the DMS in real time and pull that information as if the user were in the DMS searching.


To search documents using API Search:

  1. Go to the Documents tab.

  2. Click More Search to search the document. The following dialog opens:





Select Form

Select the form from the list to perform document search.


Select System from the list. It is a mandatory field.


Select Repository from the list. It is a mandatory field.


Select the Client name from the list.


Select Matter name from the list.


Select Library name from the list.

Default Security

By default, it displays Private default security. The user can change the setting.


Select the Cabinet value from the list.


Select the Jurisdiction value from the list.

Document ID

Enter document IDs separated by a comma.

3. Click Search to get the results in a list or click Clear Fields to reset all the fields.

4. Click API Search to perform the API search operation.

The Document Search result displays the list of the record details. You can view the formatted details of the documents when you click on any row in the document search results section.

  1. Sorting is now possible on the Documents results pane. This includes new fields like security and apptypeid or other fields.

For more information on the Search results menu in Documents, and Service Desk, click here.

Enabling the iManage Search Anywhere functionality

The Service Desk API Search now supports the iManage Search Anywhere option. This is available in the Workspaces tab and Documents tab using only the API Search.

To enable:

  1. In the Administration-> Metadata, add the metadata Name: Anywhere ID: Anywhere

  2. Map to iManage and CAM.

  3. In Layout, add the anywhere metadata field to the Documents-Search and Workspaces-Search layouts.

  1. Now the field will display in the search and search in any field for that search criteria.

Database Search

Clients under the Analyze tier are provided with Data Sync which allows CAM to make a copy of the workspace/documents database from iManage or NetDocuments to perform a full database search.

Following are the steps to perform the Database search operation:

  1. Go to the Documents tab.





Select Form

Select the form from the list to perform document search.


Select the Client Name from the list.


Select Matter name from the list.


Specify the name of the document or documents to search.


Select Library or Repository name from the list.

Default Security

By default, it displays Private default security. The user can change the setting.


Select the Cabinet value from the list.


Select the Jurisdiction value from the list.


Select the PracticeArea value from the list.


Filter by the user(s) who worked/created on the document or are part of the team.

Matter Type

Select the Matter from the list.


Searches documents based on the date entered in this field.


Displays a list of documents that are in BC when Yes is selected. If No is selected, it shows all the documents irrespective of whether they are in BC or not.

Hide Repository/Server

If enabled, it allows hiding the repository or server selected in the search from all the search results.

2. Click Search to get the result in a list and click Clear Fields to reset all the fields.

3. Click More Search to search the document. A dialog opens.

4. Click API Search to perform the API search operation.

The Document Search result displays the list of the record details.

For more information on the Search Results menu, click here.



Advanced Searching

Users can use more advanced search capabilities to search the Documents tab.

  • Whole name searching: If you are searching for a whole name, a phrase, or a part of a name, use brackets [] around the search.

  • Operator search: Use AND, OR or NOT in your search to filter records.

    • Dates can use the On or Before or On or After on or after operators to filter dates in a certain range.


Viewing Document History

  • To access this feature, you must have View Document History permission. For more information on permissions, click here.

  • This allows the user to view the document history.

  • Navigate to this option. The following screen will show up:






Displays when you performed an activity.


Displays what activity you performed.


Displays the name of the user who performed an activity.


Displays the comment.


Displays name of the application used.


Displays the location.


Actions on the Documents Tab

The following actions are available on the Documents tab after performing a successful search:


Click Declare Record to lock the document(s). The document can no longer be modified and will open as read-only. This will Check-out the document in iManage. Run a query to first fetch the document(s). In the Declare As Record dialog, all the configured repositories are displayed in the Select System drop-down. Select the system from the drop-down, enter a name for the Job and click Submit. An Bulk Job is triggered and the progress can be tracked in the Jobs tab. On job completion, the document will be marked as a record.


Click Un-Declare Record to unlock the document(s). Run a query to first fetch the document(s). In the UnDeclare As Record dialog, all the configured repositories are displayed in the Select System drop-down. Select the system from the drop-down, enter a name for the Job and click Submit. An Bulk Job is triggered and the progress can be tracked in the Jobs tab. On job completion, the document will be marked as a record.

Profile update

Click Profile Update to bulk update details on the query results.

  • Run a query to fetch the document(s).

  • In the Profile Update dialog all the configured repositories are displayed in the Select System drop-down. Select the system from the drop-down.

    • Netdocuments Profile Update: CAM allows renaming of the folder and document only.

  • Update the metadata by choosing one of the supported profile update methods in the look-up next to the field:

  • Overwrite: Allows the previous metadata value to be overwritten if it matches the value.

  • Append: Allows the appending of certain metadata into the current metadata field.

  • Suffix: Allows adding a suffix at the end of the metadata.

  • Prefix: Allows adding a prefix to the beginning of the metadata.

  • Remove: Allows removal of certain metadata if it matches.

  • Enter the details to be updated and click Next. The fields on the form can be configured in Administration>Layout.

Next to the attribute values, there is a column to append or remove the attribute values. Select from the dropdown next to the attribute (e.g. custom 17) for append or remove. For append, the box on the right, enter the value to append. Click Next.

  • Enter the job name (required field), a ticket number (optional), and a brief reason for change (optional). The tracks changes are made to the iManage content.

  • Click Submit Update.

  • An Analytics Bulk Job is triggered and the progress can be tracked in the Jobs tab. On job completion, the document details will be updated.

Delete Shortcuts

Click Delete Shortcuts to delete the documents displayed in the queried search results. In the Remove Document dialog:

  1. Select the Repository/Cabinet from the Select System drop-down

  2. Enter the ticket number (optional) and a brief reason (optional) to delete the shortcuts.

  3. Click Submit.

  4. An Bulk Job is triggered and the progress can be tracked in the Jobs tab. On job completion, the document will be deleted from the selected system.

Removing Documents

  1. Click the Remove Documents icon after performing a document search.

  2. Set Add to Recycle bin to No to delete them immediately. If you set to yes, this will add to the iManage trash if it is enabled in IMCC.

  3. Confirm the reason and server/repo the items are being deleted from.

  4. A message asking to confirm the action to remove shows and you must type CONFIRM in uppercase to complete. The request for removing documents will then be processed.

Restoring Recycle Bin Documents


Enable the Restore Recycle Bin Documents permission from the Edit Role screen. This permission is listed in the DMS Button module in the left pane.

To restore recycle bin documents:

  1. Search the documents from the Documents tab.

  2. Enable the Search Recycle Bin Documents option.

  3. Click on the Restore Recycle Bin Documents icon.

  4. On the Restore Documents From Recycle Bin screen, enter the ticket number and reason for restoring documents from the recycle bin.

  5. Click Submit.

Security update

CAM provides an option for users to update security in all selected documents, folders/subfolders either including or excluding private documents.

  1. Enable Permission View Bulk Security Update Document to be able to change document security.

  2. Select the system from the drop-down in the top-right corner of the Security Update dialog

  3. In the left-hand side panel, click on the required drop-down to Add/Update or Change the Default Security.





Add Users or Groups

  • Select Users - All the users from the selected system are displayed. The user’s email is also displayed. Select from the list or manually enter the value, which will auto-complete if the user is added to the repository.

  • Select Groups - All the groups from the selected system are displayed. Select from the list or manually enter the value, which will auto-complete if the group is added to the repository.

  • Select Role - Select the role to be updated for the selected user/group

Remove Users or Groups

  • Select Users - All the users from the selected system are displayed. The user’s email is also displayed. Select from the list or manually enter the value, which will auto-complete if the user is added to the repository.

  • Select Groups - All the groups from the selected system are displayed. Select from the list or manually enter the value, which will auto-complete if the group is added to the repository.

Change Default Security

Select the default security to be updated for the selected system.

  1. Make the necessary updates and click +Add to add the action for the update. The updated action is displayed in the right-hand side panel. To remove an added action from the update list, click x Remove.

  2. Click Next to submit the change.

  3. The Job Name is reflected as Security Update.

  4. Select the Update value from the following options, wants to update folders/documents -





If the first option is selected and Skip private documents is 'Yes'

You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders, sub-folders, and documents EXCEPT private documents.

If the first option is selected and Skip private documents is 'No'

You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders, sub-folders, and documents INCLUDING private documents.

If the second option is selected and Skip private documents is 'Yes'

You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders, inherited sub-folders and documents EXCEPT private documents.

If the second option is selected and Skip private documents is 'No'

You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders, inherited sub-folders and documents INCLUDING private documents.

If the third option is selected

You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders and inherited sub-folders EXCEPT documents.

  • Enter a brief reason to update the security. All the fields are required.

  • To freeze the ACL, add to the Documents or Workspaces form the “frozen” and “frozenstatus” metadata.

    • These are true false boolean options.

    • In the Security Update job, you will have the option now to set as true to freeze the ACL. That means the security for the users and groups will be frozen until unfrozen and no new security changes can be made or users/groups added.

  • Click Submit Update button and click Cancel to close the dialogue box.

  • An Analytics Bulk Job is triggered and the progress can be tracked in the Jobs tab. On job completion, the security for the documents is updated. The job will show more details on who triggered the job and what updates were made.

  • If the security user doesn’t exist in CAM and the DMS that the security update is processing, the logs will notate this and continue the job as-is without failure.


Click Email to share the query results over email. In the Email Template dialog:

  1. Enter a notification job name.

  2. Select if you want to send the email once or set a recurring schedule for the email to be triggered. To send as a recurring email, set the time schedule.

  3. Select the email type, if you want to send it as an HTML Table or as an Excel Attachment (details will be shared as an Excel attachment in the email based on the Excel template query).

  4. Select the HTML Template/ Excel Template to use. All the templates created in the Analytics Email Templates will be available for selection here.

  5. Select the recipients of the email in the To, Cc, and Bcc column.

  6. Click Submit.

  7. A Background Jobs is triggered and email is sent as to the recipients, as per the set schedule. You can monitor the email notifications in the Background Jobs page.

Remote Check-in/Check-out

Click Remote Check-in to unlock and check-in the local copy of the document.


  • Install Data Uploader and connect it to the external system you plan to use with remote check-in. Visit how to install.

  • You must grant the CAM agent user as a local admin on the machine for remote check-in or out to work (as Milan did).

In the Remote Check-in dialog:

  • Select one of the check-in option from the drop-down.

    1. Create New Version : Select to create a new version of the document from the original document and all changes are saved to the new version. The original document remains unchanged.

    2. Replace Original: Select to update the document with the latest changes. The version number remains unchanged. The edit time and file size information is updated.

  • Enter a brief reason (optional) in the check-in tab.

    1. Click Submit. The command you can see in the Log as a Check-in or CheckOut command


Click Unlock, displays the following screen.

Unlock allows users not to be a local admin to unlock the document. This can be used instead of check-in or checkout.

  • Select System - Select system from the list

  • Reason - Enter a brief reason

  • Click Submit to Unlock the system and click Cancel to close the dialog . The Unlock command shows in the log.

  • To lock documents in NetDocuments, use the Declare as Record option.

Export Documents

Click Export Documents to export the workspace/document/folder as a zip file or to export the document/folder to a selected network path.

  1. In the Export to Zip tab, enter a Job name and brief reason (optional) to export the document.

  2. Select the options to execute when exporting the workspace as a zip file:

    • Include CSV file

    • Create Folder Structure

    • Append Number and Version to Document’s Name

    • Use Client & Matter for Workspace Name

    • Select either All versions or Latest version

    • The option now appears to allow selecting Export Search folders for the folder level or document level.

  3. In the Export to Network Path tab, select the S3 bucket for export and enter a brief reason for export. Read here for detailed instructions to configure the environment for Export to Network.

  4. Select the options to execute when exporting to a network path:

    • Include CSV File

    • Create Folder Structure

    • Append Number and Version to Document’s name

    • Use Client & Matter for Workspace Name

    • Select either All versions or Latest Version only

    • The option now appears to allow selecting Export Search folders for the folder level or document level.

Export to CSV

To export the query results, click the above Export to CSV button. The query results are saved as a CSV file as follows.

Exporting to CSV will combine all records to 1 CSV if exporting from iManage Cloud even if there are tens or hundreds of thousands.

  • Select the export size option

  • Click Download CSV to download the CSV file and click Cancel to close the dialog

View Security

Click the View security button. CAM provides an option for users to update security in all selected documents, folders/subfolders either including or excluding private documents.

  1. Select the system from the drop-down in the top-right corner in the Security Update dialog

  2. In the left hand side panel, click on the required drop-down to Add/Update or Change the Default Security.





Add Users or Groups

  • Select Users - All the users from the selected system are displayed. The user’s email is also displayed. Select from the list or manually enter the value, which will auto-complete if the user is added to the repository.

  • Select Groups - All the groups from the selected system are displayed. Select from the list or manually enter the value, which will auto-complete if the group is added to the repository.

  • Select Role - Select the role to be updated for the selected user/group

Remove Users or Groups

  • Select Users - All the users from the selected system are displayed. The user’s email is also displayed. Select from the list or manually enter the value, which will auto-complete if the user is added to the repository.

  • Select Groups - All the groups from the selected system are displayed. Select from the list or manually enter the value, which will auto-complete if the group is added to the repository.

Change Default Security

Select the default security to be updated for the selected system.

  1. Make the necessary updates and click +Add to add the action for the update. The updated action is displayed in the right-hand side panel. To remove an added action from the update list, click x Remove.

  2. Click Next to submit the change.

  3. Job Name reflected as Security Update.

  4. Select the Update value from the following options, wants to update folders/documents -





If the first option is selected and Skip private documents is 'Yes'

You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders, sub-folders, and documents EXCEPT private documents.

If the first option is selected and Skip private documents is 'No'

You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders, sub-folders, and documents INCLUDING private documents.

If the second option is selected and Skip private documents is 'Yes'

You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders, inherited sub-folders and documents EXCEPT private documents.

If the second option is selected and Skip private documents is 'No'

You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders, inherited sub-folders and documents INCLUDING private documents.

If the third option is selected

You have performed the below action(s) which will impact all folders and inherited sub-folders EXCEPT documents.

  1. Enter a brief reason to update security. All the fields are required.

  1. Click Submit Update button and click Cancel to close the dialogue box.

  2. An Analytics Bulk Job is triggered and the progress can be tracked in the Jobs tab. On job completion, the security for the documents is updated.

Moving Folders/Documents

See the Move tier: Moving Folders/Documents

Viewing Versions of Documents

To view versions of documents:

  1. From the Documents tab, search for documents using your search criteria.

  2. In the Documents Search Results section, click on the down arrow next to your document to expand and view all the versions of a document.

Customizing the Form/Grid:

  • Edit the Layout of the form in the Administration-> Layout panel.

  • To customize the form, use the show in form option.

  • To customize the grid, use the show in grid option.

Required Permissions

and lists those permissions used on the Documents tab



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