Settings (Administration)

Settings (Administration)

The Administration Settings allows users to configure options displayed on the Directory, Workspace, Document, and Analytics tabs, as well as Dashboards.


  1. Click Save Settings to update and save the display options.


Allows User To


Allows User To


Configure display options for Reason field in the Analytics>Delete Document dialog.

  • Show & Required - Select to display the field and mark the field as a required field.

  • Show - Select to display the field

  • Hide - Select to hide the field

Ticket #

Configure display options for Ticket # field in the Analytics>Delete Document dialog.

  • Show & Required - Select to display the field and mark the field as a required field.

  • Show - Select to display the field

  • Hide - Select to hide the field

Users & Groups Expiration Date

Enables displaying the expiration date of Users and Groups

  • Show - Select to display the field

  • Hide - Select to hide the field

Workspace Wizard

Shows either the original workspace wizard, or the latest version of the wizard (request workflow).

Default Currency *

Sets the Default Currency for the user.

Default Country *

Sets the Default country for the user.

Default Date Format

Sets the default format of the dates to use in CAM.

Percentage Format

Sets the default format of the percentage metadata to use in CAM.

Leverage Format

Sets the default format of the leverage metadata to use in CAM.

Hours Format

Sets the default format of the hours based metadata to use in CAM.

Currency Format

Sets the default format of the date to use in CAM.

Warning: Settings configured here determine the System and Repository fields used as defaults for the Service Desk on the Directory, Workspace, Document, and Analytics tabs, as well as Dashboards. Only if the user changes the server/repository fields in the API search, the dialogs will be populated based on that.

Other Settings

This option allows you to add and identify the domain as an internal domain during data sync. Any email received from the domain listed here will be marked as an internal email. For example, if you add the domain prosperoware.com, any email sent or received from this domain (to, from cc, or bcc) will be identified and classified by CAM as an internal email. Emails received from any other domains not listed here will be identified as external emails.

An analytics query can be executed to identify if an email is internal or external. On executing the query, if it is an internal email, the IsExternalEmail column value will be set as 0 (false), and for all external emails, the value will be set as 1(true).

To add a domain, simply enter the domain name and click Add. The domain is now listed as an internal domain. To remove an added domain, click the x in front of the domain name.

Service Desk

These settings allow control of Service Desk functionality and layouts globally.