
You can customize the Directory tab layout and content of the workspace search form. The Layout header displays the tabs available


  1. Click this tab to configure the form layout for Matter Profile and the bulk profile update form for Workspace - Analytics, Folder- Analytics, Document-Analytics, and more.

  2. Click the Add Form button in the top right corner

  3. In the Add Form window, add information in the provided fields, based on the table below, then click Save.

Column Name


Column Name


Form Name

Enter a name for the form. This name is displayed in the Forms layout tab.

Form Type

Select the form type. Based on the type selected here the form will be available for selection in the Analytics tab when executing a query against Document, Folder, or Workspace.

Where to be displayed?

Select where the form will be displayed. These forms can be displayed on the Matters, Analytics, Generate-Template wizard, Documents or Workspace tab.


Click Add New to add metadata. Read here for detailed instructions to add metadata.


Allows you to add users/groups that can access the form created here. Click Add New to add the access details.

  • User/Group - Select if the permission is to be assigned to a user or group.

  • Select a User/Group - Select the user/ group from the drop-down. To select a user, either click the drop-down menu and select from the list or manually enter the name, which will auto-complete if the user is added in the Users & Groups tab.

  • Role - Set permission based on CAM Roles. Common CAM roles are Admin, Editor, and Watcher.

  • Expiration Date - Specify the expiry date of access to the user/ group.

Edit Forms

In the Forms Tab, click the Edit button in the far right column. The following Edit Form window is displayed -

  • Form Name - Display the form name to be updated

  • Entity Type - Select entity type from the list

  • Where to be displayed? - Select the value from the list

  • Displays the list of the layout results

  • Edit - Allows user to update the result value

  • Click Update to save the changes and click Cancel to close the dialog

  • Delete - Allows user to remove the form. 1.Click Delete - The following dialog box displays -

  • Click Yes to remove the form or click No to close the dialog

The following types of forms can be displayed on a per-user basis in the User interface of CAM:

  • Document tab

  • Workspace tab

  • Matter Metadata tab

  • Document Profile Update wizard

  • Workspace Profile Update wizard

  • Folder Profile Update wizard

  • Link workspaces from iManage, NetDocuments to CAM (Jobs Tab -> Hamburger sign -> Link to Workspace)

  • Edit Name and Profile command on the iManage Work Web and Desksite

After setting the access of the forms a user can access, if there are multiple forms of one type a user can access, upon going to the page, there will be a dropdown for the user to select which form to display on the upper right of the page.


  1. Click this tab to configure the Directory tab column layout.

  2. Click the Edit button in the Actions column.

  3. In the Grid Configuration window, add information in the provided fields, based on the table below, then click Save.

  4. Click Add.

Column Name


Column Name



Select the metadata value from the drop-down. Click the drop-down menu and select it from the list or manually enter the metadata, which will auto-complete if it is assigned in Administration>Metadata.

Click Save.

Display Name

The display name is auto-updated, as assigned in Administration>Metadata.

Data Type

The Data Type is auto-updated, as assigned in Administration>Metadata.

Note: The Display Name and Data Type cannot be edited here.


Enter a format for the metadata values to be displayed in the columns in the Matter page.

Note: This field must be configured for the Matter name and Client name to be displayed in the Directory tab.


Click the button to edit the metadata.


Click the Remove button to delete the metadata.


  1. Click this tab to configure the details.

  2. Click the Edit button in the Actions column.

  3. In the Header Configuration window, add information in the provided fields, based on the table below, then click Save.

  4. Click Add.

Column Name


Column Name



Select the metadata value from the drop-down. Click the drop-down menu and select from the list or manually enter the metadata, which will auto-complete if it is assigned in Administration>Metadata.

Click Save.

Display Name

The display name is auto-updated, as assigned in Administration>Metadata.

Data Type

The Data Type is auto-updated, as assigned in Administration>Metadata.

Note: The Display Name and Data Type cannot be edited here.


Click the Remove button to delete the metadata Headers


  1. Click this tab to configure the content of the search bar (displayed in the top center of the page). 

  2. Click the Edit button in the Actions column against the Search drop-down.

  3. In the Search Configuration window, add information in the provided fields, based on the table below, then click Save.

  4. Click Add.

Column Name


Column Name



Select the metadata value from the drop-down. Click the drop-down menu and select from the list or manually enter the value, which will auto-complete if it is assigned in Administration>Metadata.

Click Save.

Display Name

The display name is auto-updated, as assigned in Administration>Metadata.

Data Type

The Data Type is auto-updated, as assigned in Administration>Metadata.


Click the Remove button to delete the metadata

Out of the box Forms

The following forms will be automatically loaded upon tenant creation.

  • Matter Profile (on the Directory tab Metadata option)

  • Workspace Analytics (on the Update Profile option)

  • Folder Analytics (on the Update Profile option)

  • Document Analytics (on the Update Profile option)

  • Document Search

  • Workspace Search

  • Generate Template


Configuring the Document Number size

The Document number is now customizable in the Service Desk to expand its character limitation. By default, the character type is a string, with a limit of 17,500.

To modify this further:

  1. Go to Administration -> Layout Configuration

  2. Add/Edit a form layout

  3. Check the 'Where to be displayed' section.

  4. If the 'Where to be displayed' Section is either 'Document - Search' or 'Workspace - Search' you will have a new Type when you add or edit a metadata field - 'Text Area'.

  5. Change the fields you want to support a large number of character input to 'Text Area'.

  6. To test, Go to the Documents/Workspace tab.

  7. The fields with the type of 'Text Area' should be displayed the same way as a simple String input (TextField).

Required Permissions


Allows User To


Allows User To

View Layout

View the layout option in Administration (Hides the Layout option)


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