Template Editor and Folder Management FAQ

Template Editor and Folder Management FAQ

How can I specify the Template/Folder availability in the Manage Folders dialog?

Availability settings that apply to the Template and different folder levels can be configured in the Template Editor, which can be accessed by selecting the template in the Template tree. To edit folder availability, select the folder under the template.

Can I restrict user access to delete certain folders/sub-folders?

Yes, a folder in a folder template can be configured to restrict users from deleting folders in the Manage Folders dialog. To restrict user access, set the Required option on the Basic tab of the Folder dialog.

Can I allow users to customize only part of a folder name?

Yes, a folder in a folder template can be configured to allow users to add a prefix or suffix to the folder's default name. To enable either user-defined prefixes or suffixes, set the Prefix/Suffix option on the Basic tab of the Folder dialog.

How can I add users or groups to a folder?

Folders created from folder templates can be configured to have a specific default security setting, which locks down the folder to users or groups added.

Can I add email folders to folder templates?

Yes, a Saved Search folder defined in a folder type can be configured to act as an email folder. See Saved Search for detailed instructions on setting up an email folder.

If I modify a template, can I update existing workspaces created from that template?

Yes, changes to a template, including the addition of new folders, can easily be applied to existing workspaces with the Apply to Workspaces option available from the right-click menu in the template action menu. See Apply to Workspaces for more details.

When configuring the Template, the drop-down for selecting the external system does not display the configured external system. How to fix this?

If the drop-down does not display the configured external system, edit the external system server settings and simply click Update to populate the server settings in the Amazon DynamoDB and make it available for selection in the Template Editor. To update navigate here: Administration>External System Configuration>Select the tab for the configured external system (for e.g. iManage or NetDocuments)>Select the repository setting and in the column for Server click Edit>Click Update in the iManage Server Setup-Edit dialog>

How to populate search criteria for search folders?

The default folder metadata set in the External System Configuration only applies to folders and does not copy down to the search folders. Client and matter metadata must be specified on the search folders specifically. Read here for instructions to add search folders.

Why isn't my template used in iManage showing in the selection?

  • Templates created for iManage systems should have the proper hostname setup for the external system. If there is an extra slash in the worksite url, the templates might not function. A check warning is visible for these templates.

  • Additionally, try an incognito browser if it is a caching issue.

Error Cannot read property find of null at object.module.exports.Delete Folder appears when deleting using CAM Commands

If the folder was created by Milan and linked to a workspace, use the following guidelines to resolve:

  1. Confirm that the workspace that it is linked to is in CAM. If not, import it using Data Uploader or Data Sync.

  2. Search using the Directory tab. It will error if you search using the Workspaces tab and then delete the linked folder.

Reassigning a template causes the issue Error while fetching workspace data

  1. Try re-authentication first to the system.

  2. If the workspace has folders that differ from the template or if the template structure is set correctly. Directory | Reassign Template


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