Microsoft Office 365 or Azure FAQ

Microsoft Office 365 or Azure FAQ

Pinned Apps

How many pinned apps can be added to a policy?

  • A minimum of two apps must be pinned to the Teams mobile clients (iOS and Android). If a policy has less than two apps, the mobile clients won't reflect the policy settings and instead will continue to use the existing configuration.

  • There's no limit on the number of pinned apps you can add to a policy.

Policy Changes

How long does it take for policy changes to take effect?

  • After you edit or assign a policy, it can take a few hours for changes to take effect.


I don't see the private channel nor cannot find the channel after the team is created. Why don't I see it?

  • Microsoft Teams has to cache behind the scenes, and also tokens can determine how items can appear.

  • The best way to force the views to update is to logout and log back in.

Token Expiry

How can I set a custom token expiry, if I can?

As of January 30, 2021 Azure is not allowing custom token expiry settings. The conditional access policies determine how the token expires are configured. This requires at least a P1 license. See the Microsoft link here.


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