Error Resolution

NRC_ Errors

These are iManage server errors. The amount of logging provided by iManage can vary on the individual error


Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

The email of the folder that errored is already used by another folder that exists in the DMS. Make the email unique by adding prj_id to the address for the impacted folder. It's always a good practice to use PRJ_ID(Folder ID) as an email address. This guarantees uniqueness as all folders have a unique PRJ_ID in iManage (the primary key of the folder also known as folder ID)


Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

This error means

  1. The logged-in user does not exist in the specified database

  2. The logged-in user exists but is disabled

  3. Logged-in users don’t have access to the database

  4. Database connection failed (temporary network error, SQL connectivity error, that typically goes away after you retry)

  5. The database name is incorrect


This operation is not allowed for this folder type may show when a customer imports data using PowerDesktop into a tab folder. The fix for this is to import to a regular folder or create a regular folder underneath the tabbed folder.


Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

  1. One or more of the Profile Metadata is missing in the DMS preventing the creation of the workspace in the cloud. 

  2. The metadata may exist but may have spaces or special characters hence doesn’t match the given metadata in the operation in question

  3. Make sure the metadata (if a lookup) exists and has no special characters. If non-lookup, make sure the length and type of the data are correct e.g. boolean, date, integer, etc

  4. Double-click the error in the log, then click the API Call button at the bottom.

  5. A full code and message are displayed.

  6. For example, the bottom error and message say the customer had disabled the author. They would need to enable the author account and retry the job to bring over the data.


Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

A 403 may not be displayed if the source system is iManage. Steps to resolve:

  1. The password is incorrect

  2. The password is correct but the user is disabled(locked)in one or more databases(libraries)

  3. The password is correct but the password is different in one or more databases

  4. The document is locked.

  5. The logged in user doesn’t have permissions to search or update the document or workspace.

In the case of Milan, the NRTADMIN password set in Milan is different than what is set in iManage.


Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

This error could happen for a variety of reasons. We have observed in following scenarios

  1. The specified entity doesn’t exist on the database

  2. Alias (if lookup fields) have space in the name or value

  3. The length of the column exceeds what is supported by iManage

  4. The logged-in users don’t have permission to search or update.


Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

This error could happen for a variety of reasons. We have observed in the following scenarios

  1. Indexer is not running in iManage

  2. The indexer in iManage has connection issues. Please have the customer or partner check their iManage DMS log or Indexer log for more information.


Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

This error could happen for a variety of reasons. We have observed in the following scenarios

  1. The document in question actually does not exist. The document record is the database but the actual document is missing from the iManage File Share. Typically happens for older documents where file-share might have moved, renamed, or deleted.

  2. The user doesn’t have the“view document” role permission in iManage.


Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

The given record already exists in the database. Typically this error occurs for security records when setting on any objects (workspace, folder, document) or for name-value pairs on folders (folder metadata).


Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

Happens for example when assigning trustees or an owner to a document. We have observed this error in the following scenarios:

  1. A specified user or group does not exist on the database.

  2. The given user or group has typos, spacing, or special characters.

  3. Logged-in users don’t have permission to update

  4. The given user is disabled.


Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

A log may show the operation is not currently available. This error can happen when a logged-in user doesn’t have permission to search or update. Check the current user’s assigned role and then check all permissions assigned to this role.


Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

We have observed in following scenarios

  1. The document is opened in iManage classic clients

  2. The document is locked, archived, or checked out


Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

  1. The specified entity does not exist on the database (Typically for lookup or validated metadata)

  2. The specified user does not exist in the database

  3. The user exists but is disabled

  4. There is a spacing or special characters in the name of the user (usually can be spotted by using select len(username) from mhgroup.docuser table or metadata values

  5. The user-specified is incorrect. In this case, the user’s userId and fullname are combined for some reason. Check your data to make sure you are only specifying the userId.


Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

The document is not locked. This happens when you try to unlock a document in CAM or another application.


Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

The document is checked out. The document needs to be checked-in or unlocked using CAM or the DMS.


Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

  1. The activity code is invalid. Please check the list of supported activity codes by iManage (See below the list of supported activity codes)

  2. One of the values (typically validated values) is invalid or exceeds the supported length


Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

This error occurs when the logged-in user doesn’t have permission to search or update. Please check the user’s permission on a given object (read-only) or check the user’s role permissions in iManage e.g. the permission can’t update or create public documents/folders.

None Type object has no attribute ‘get’ when connecting to iManage connection


Error at least one validated custom field must be mapped.

Select a workspace to be mapped in the CSV import for the files. If no files are mapped, then nothing can be imported.

Error occurs Retrieving the COM class factory failed with error: Class not registered.

The installer is the wrong bitness. most likely. Occasionally, a redemption DLL is not registered.

Opening a Saved Project Import file or CSV Project displays this error and doesn’t open


This error will show when attempting to open a saved project file and the server associated with the job is not the same as the one to which the user is currently connected. In this case, the server name is blank, which will be improved in the future for better messaging.

Please connect to the same server used to create the project file details (content).

The startup of PD is slow.

If the startup of PowerDesktop is slow, try one of the following resolutions:

  • Delete Completed Jobs of running an import or export. This will shrink the DB file.

  • Keep logging at the “Information” level. This eliminates extra debug-type logs and unwanted logs.

A Known issue exists with a longer startup time if the database file size is too large. The startup includes a command to reclaim unused space which takes longer on larger databases. This will be addressed in a future release.

An error occurred while creating a container/ Two document paths overlap with each other

Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop

When modifying, moving, or copying objects, this error may occur when the database library or cabinet exists in the source and target already!

  • Check the source and target if the item exists.

  • Check the template and database if records exist. Did the user set keep the existing structure or use the target structure?

Windows cannot open the ZIP file from Export to Zip. The Zip is invalid.

Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

  • This is a limitation of the Windows native archiver. When the path exceeds 260 characters, the Extract function built into Windows won’t work to extract it to a temp folder then to the desired location.

  • A workaround is to use a third party Zip utility like 7Zip.

  • Another workaround is to enable long paths in Windows. See our article: Enabling Support for Long File Paths

Authentication Failed/Underlying Connection was Closed

Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

If the error shows please check your domain or username or password, the underlying connection was closed. Couldn’t establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel

  • Confirm SSL or TLS is setup on AWS correctly. On June 28, 2023, AWS is dropping all support for TLS 1.0/1.1 and this could affect users using Windows Server 2012 or older with the use of Data Uploader.

    Windows Server 2016 and above are the natively supported versions with 1.2.

  • Check the domain and username and password. Some firms may block copying/pasting these items.

  • Check the whitelisting of the firewall to ensure the sites are whitelisted. Whitelisting and Redirect Information

  • Many firms will forget to whitelist their DNS server or check their redirects. Confirm the redirects can go through to the URLs for CAM or Data Uploader.

Error Connect Reset (ECONN Reset)

Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

Happens when the server doesn’t respond. Or if the response isn’t timely within the timeout period.

  • Check for connection/packet loss/insufficient IOPS issues in the network with your IT department.

Database transaction failed

Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

This error usually means something is wrong in the iManage database. There is always a corresponding error in the DMS log. The customer should contact iManage support or open a ticket on the customer’s behalf with iManage to get a detailed error message from the DMS log from iManage Server(s).

Usually, the action causing this is a SQL statement inside the iManage server failed thus throwing this generic error. Here are some usual reasons but the actual error can only be understood after looking at the DMS error

  1. Referential Integrity - Trying to insert a value that doesn’t exist in the table

  2. Deadlock error - Due to SQL resources load or fragmentation, the table or pae is locked

  3. Null Values, foreign characters, or spacing issues in column values were not expected

  4. SQL Query timed out - This can happen due to lack of an index, fragmentation of indexes, or bad queries

  5. Missing column (unusual but sometimes happens to client and server mismatch)

File Server transaction failed

Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

This error usually means something is wrong with the iManage file server. There is usually a corresponding error in the DMS log. You should ask the customer to contact iManage or open a ticket on the customer’s behalf with iManage to get a detailed error message from the DMS log. If they are on-premises customer, they can check the DMS log. This error is usually coupled with “System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: [Page ][UpdateWithResult ]” in the log and may be found in the Windows Event log on-premises on the server running iManage.

The typical causes are

  1. The file server in question is not reachable

  2. The disk space is full on the fileserver in the temp folder

  3. Incorrect path configured

  4. A duplicate file exists

  5. The virus scanner is blocked from writing to the file server

Failed to assign imProfileAuthor or imProfileOperator value

Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

This error means one of the following:

  1. The specified user does not exist in the iManage database

  2. The user exists but is disabled

  3. There is a spacing issue or special characters in the name of the user, length of the userid column exceeds the size (more than 32 characters) (usually can be spotted by using select len(username) from mhgroup.docuser table

The specified user is incorrect. Sometimes user’s userId and fullname are combined or the fullname column is swapped with the userId column. Check the input data to make sure you are only specifying a valid userId.

An unrecognized exception has occurred/ NRTSession Login Incorrect Function

Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

The error could happen for a variety of reasons. Here are some common scenarios:

  1. When there is a network issue or an unreliable network. Many times this error goes away by restarting the machine

  2. The version of iManage.dll is old

  3. If iManage is on the cloud, some changes in iManage cloud (network, settings, etc) may have caused it

If the error doesn’t resolve with the latest version of the iManage.dll, restarting the machine, checking for a stable network, etc, then open a ticket with iManage.

Document is Read only/ File Transfer failed

Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

This error can occur for multiple reasons:

  1. The document in question does not exist in iManage or the DMS. The document record is the database but the actual document is missing from the DMS. Typically happens for older documents where the record might have moved, renamed, or deleted.

  2. The user doesn’t have “view document” role permission in iManage, the V role for ND, or View in O365.

The remote computer cannot be located

Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

This error may contain Logging in as “username”.

Occurs when

  1. The iManage server you are trying to connect to is not accessible from the Milan or CAM or Cloud Migrator or Power Desktop Machine.

  2. The Server name is incorrect.

  3. The iManage cluster is not configured properly causing the connection to fail e.g. when the iManage cluster is configured all nodes must have the same configurations with regards to databases, odbc connection string, and cluster settings.

  4. Intermittent Network issues cause the connection to drop.

Group Member No Record Found

Applies to: CAM PowerDesktop Cloud Migrator

  1. Special Characters in GroupIds like a Blackslash or spaces for instance do not allow members to be added via the iManage API

  2. The resolution is to remove the special character from the GroupIDs of those Groups and have the groups recreated

Login failed. Domain name not authorized. IManage also shows An error occurred during authorization.

This error is on the iManage side.

If selecting the cloudimanage option, there might be a bug in iManage where the server doesn’t return the correct subdomain. Causing the subsequent requests to be rejected with the error.

iManage had recommended to some users of ours to disable and re-enable the subdomain, but this should be performed with iManage’s guidance and recommendation.

Actions or Computers on the Admin-> Computers tab are not visible

  • Ensure permissions to view the Computers tab are enabled: View Registered Machines, Unreigster machine.

  • If adding users, make sure these permissions are enabled: View User Management, Edit User.

Errors occur after a CSV import contains apostrophes in the path

  • Resave the CSV using “UTF-8 with BOM” encoding via a text editor like Notepad++.

Resetting a PowerDesktop user’s password redirects the user to the CAM SSO page

  • PowerDesktop currently does not support SSO.

  • Requires Devops to assist to turn on a manual login to reset, but users still will be able to use SSO in CAM furtherwards. Contact support.

Login failed. No such host is known. (PowerDesktop)

  • This is due to the PowerDesktop app not being able to create a secure connection to the CAM endpoint.

  • Check the network firewall.

  • Check IP restrictions.

  • Check whitelisted URLS here: Whitelisting and Redirect Information


The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect

  • The maximum length of document’s Name property in Work is 254 characters.

  • A typical extension is at least 4 characters, e.g., “.txt”.

  • Windows does not allow a path component (e.g., volume, folder, file) to be longer than 255 characters.

  • The “Limit Document Names to” option only truncates the Name component of the file name.

  • The Name_Number_Version and Number_Version_Name format options add a minimum of 4 characters (e.g., “_1_1”).

  • If there are documents with duplicate file paths in the job, their names are updated to include a numeric suffix so one doesn’t overwrite , e..g, “New Document 1.txt” and “New Document 2.txt”. This can occur with versions when using the “Original” name option as well as duplicate documents (i.e., same number/version) with any name option.


Unable to parse email metadata in "x.msg". "The MailMessage is corrupted

  • Check for special characters in the name.

  • Is the message encoded in a unique format not supported?



  • In rare instances, a file system entry might have an invalid date value (e.g., created, modified, last accessed), that cannot be converted to a UTC DateTime value via DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(Int64).

  • Update to PowerDesktop 24.10.10

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