iManage Installation Guide

iManage Installation Guide

1.    Download PowerDesktop Software

You can download the application from the Litera Support site.

You will need a Litera Support account to access and download the installer. If you do not already have a Litera support account, you can create one.  Once the account has been confirmed by Litera Support you will be able to download the software releases.

  1. Browse to: https://support.litera.com/ If needed, click the link to request an account.

  2. After logging in, browse to Software under the My Products menu. It takes a few seconds to load.

  3. This will show the licensed software your firm owns. For example, if you have purchased PowerDesktop it will display in the list.

  4. Going forwards in the March 2024 version, there is one installer MSI. No need to worry about x86 or x64, it will work on all systems.

  5. All downloads have the relevant “More Info” link tied to their documentation link appropriately.

2.    Installing PowerDesktop

  1. Uninstall your prior version of PowerDesktop if upgrading.

  2. Run the PowerDesktop .msi installer and follow the installation wizard.

  3. Note: After installation, when you open the application, you may be prompted to download and install an updated .NET version. If that is the case a link to the Microsoft site will pop-up for download and installation.

3.    Running and Activating PowerDesktop

  1. When installation is complete, open the application.   Note: when you open the application, you may be prompted to download and install an updated .NET version. If that is the case a link to the Microsoft site will pop-up for download and installation.

  2. You will be prompted with this panel:

  3. CAM

CAM is used to manage PowerDesktop licenses. A CAM tenant is created for your organization with PowerDesktop licenses information.  PowerDesktop users need to authenticate into your CAM tenant and claim a PowerDesktop license. They need to have a CAM account in order to do this.

  1. Click on “Log in With an Existing Account” if you have a valid CAM account.

    1. Type-in the following information:

              i.      Email: enter your email address

              ii.      Password: enter your CAM password

             iii.      Sub-domain and region



  1. If you do not have a CAM account, click on ‘Create a New Account’ and follow the prompts.


3a)      Claiming a PowerDesktop license

When you have finished the CAM login, you will see the “Product Activation” form. Select one or more licenses then click “Save”. The number and types of licenses that will show depend on what you purchased.



Note: The only time you will need to log-in to CAM after this initial process is if (1) You want to install a new version; or (2) You log out of CAM from the “Help” menu. There is no need to log-out of CAM.


4.    Create a connection to your DMS


  1. Once PowerDesktop has been activated, go to Tools-Options in the menu.

  2. Select iManage and Local in the Enabled Services section on the General tab.

  1. Now the Work tab appears in the menu on the Work Desktop. Click on Work, Manage Connections.



  1. Click Add

  1. You will see the login panel to iManage Work.

  2. Choose one of the three options depending on your iManage environment (cloudimanage, cloudiManage with a customer subdomain, or iManage on premises / iManage.work).

  3. After choosing Authentication options, click “Test”. If the test returns successful, click “OK”




4a)      Authentication to DMS

a.       For on-prem/Work in the Cloud, you can choose between a Session or Common authentication method.

b.       Session will accept using credentials.

c.       Common authentication will open the iManage login screen.




4b)     SSO Single-Sign On

If users at your firm are required to use SSO when accessing iManage, you will need to upload a package to Control Center Applications. If this is a requirement at your firm, do this after the application has been installed, and before you create the connection to the DMS. This is a one-time only requirement.

  1. Open iManage “Control Center” > “Applications”.

  2. Click on the “Add Application” button.

  3. Click on “Upload Package”.

  4. Navigate to the PowerDesktop installation location. Open the “Server” folder. Select the file “PowerDesktopworkApp.zip”. Click “Open”.

  5. Following the installation in iManage Control Center.

a.       In the “Authentication” panel, “Allow Refresh Token = “Yes”.

b.       On the last panel, verify that “Enable Application” = “Yes” and “Allow Refresh Token” = “Yes”.

c.       To complete the process, click “Finish”.

4c)      Admin Session

“Create Admin Session” must be checked to be able to use the CSV and Import Project PowerDesktop features. These two features require that the user has the NRTAdmin role. This is an iManage requirement for Supervised Import.

5.    Start an import or export job

To start your first job in PowerDesktop Click on “Work” and click on your connection.



a) Follow the online documentation found at to search your workspaces and documents:

Work Explorer

b) For import documentation follow this section:

Importing Documents

c) For export documentation follow this section:

Exporting Documents

6.    Managing PowerDesktop Users via CAM Account Management


CAM is used to manage PowerDesktop licenses. A CAM tenant is created for your organization with PowerDesktop licenses information.  PowerDesktop users need to authenticate into your CAM tenant and claim a PowerDesktop license. They need to have a CAM account in order to do this. 

In CAM, you can manage certain aspects of the PowerDesktop licenses.


6a)      For customers licensed for CAM (Provision, previously “C1”, or above)

  1. Viewing and Managing PowerDesktop Users in CAM

a.       Log-in to CAM as a CAM Admin and a member of the CAM Admin Group and select Account Management from the grid icon in the top right corner.

b.       In the “Computers” tab, you can view any claimed PowerDesktop licenses.

          i.      You will see some license related data including Machine, Email, and license claimed.

         ii.      Click the 3-line menu item on the right for each entry to remove or manage the license.

         iii.      Deleting the user will release the license for use by other users.

        iv.      Managing their license will allow you to add or remove different PowerDesktop modules to the user’s license.

  1. Adding New CAM Users

a.       Log-in to CAM as a CAM Admin and a member of the CAM Admin Group and select Account Management from the grid icon in the top right corner.

b.       In the “User” tab, click “Add User”.

c.       Add the user’s email address, first and last names. You may leave the “Add to CAM Group” checked. 

         i.      Note that PowerDesktop users do not need any special access.

         ii.      If subsequently you need to assign the user to another group that will not affect their PowerDesktop access.

  1. Viewing and managing access to license administration and management in your CAM tenant:

a.       Logged in as Admin, select “Account Management”.

b.       Click the “Roles” tab.

c.       Select the “Admin” role menu and click “Edit”.

d.       In the “Feature” search box type, “Power” You will see the PowerDesktop option.

e.       Click on “Power Desktop”.

f.        You will see two permissions on the right side (“Unregister Machine”, “View Registered Machines”.

g.       Click the radio button next to “Allow” to select both options.

h.       Click the “Update” button in the lower right corner.

i.         For further details, Managing PowerDesktop licenses in CAM instructions can be found here.

6b)     For customers licensed for PowerDesktop Only (without any CAM license)

  1. Log-in to CAM as a CAM Admin and a member of the CAM Admin Group and select Account Management from the grid icon in the top right corner.

  2. In the “Computers” tab, you can view any claimed PowerDesktop licenses.

a.       You will see some license related data including Machine, Email, and license claimed.

b.       Click the 3-line menu item on the right for each entry to remove or manage the license.

c.       Deleting the User will release the license for use by other users.

d.       Managing license will allow you to add or remove different PowerDesktop modules to the user’s license.

  1. For further details,

Managing PowerDesktop licenses in CAM instructions can be found here.



7.    Getting Help

  1. Online Product Documentation can be found at


a.       The step workflow as discussed in this guide is found at: Application Workflow and Usage

  1. Documentation and support can be found at the Litera Customer Center:


  1. Support can be reached at


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