Job Manager

Job Manager

At the the heart of PowerDesktop’s Dashboard is the Job Manager.

From the Work, NetDocuments, and Local system tabs, you can perform various actions using the green buttons to the right:

  • Start, pause, stop, or restart the job queue

  • Cancel or retry an existing job

  • Review and manage queued and completed jobs

  • The gear icon will allow users to change the maximum number of concurrent jobs. The number is set to 3 by default.


Sort any job table by clicking on a column to sort it. Descending is first, then ascending is next if the user clicks the column again.






Job ID

Displays the job identifier.

Job Name

The name of the job. By default, job names include the job type and the time the job wizard was first opened.


The date and time when job was saved for the first time.


The date and time when the job started.


Indicated the server of connection for the job.


Shows the user that created the job.

To help users distinguish between job types:

  • User IDs for on-premises jobs are displayed in all-uppercase.

  • User IDs for cloudimanage jobs are displayed in all-lowercase.

Job Type

Indicates the job is a folder import or a CSV import.


The current status of the job. When a job is running, the status indicates the progress of the current action being performed (e.g. Creating FoldersUploadingZipping). Inactive jobs can have one of the following statuses:

  • Not Started - The job has been saved, but no items have been processed.

  • Paused -The job has been started at least once but was paused before all items could be processed.

  • Completed - All items have been successfully processed.

  • Incomplete - All items have been processed, but at least one item has a status of Error.

  • Canceled - The application was closed while the job was being processed.


Displays the job details.


Progress % of the job.

Time Remaining / Elapsed

Shows the remaining time for job completion of if the job is completed it shows how long it took to finish the job.


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