Moving Folders/Documents/Workspaces
- 1 Move Folders/Documents from the Documents or Workspace folder
- 2 Move or Copy using a CSV
- 2.1 Required fields
- 2.2 Optional fields
- 2.3 Notes
- 2.4 Steps
- 2.5 Samples
- 3 Scenarios
- 3.1 iManage
- 3.1.1 Move Folders
- 3.1.2 Move Documents
- 3.1.3 Copy Documents
- 3.1.4 Add Reference
- 3.1.5 Jobs that fail while moving
- 3.2 NetDocuments
- 3.2.1 Move Folders
- 3.2.2 Move Documents
- 3.2.3 Copy Documents
- 3.2.4 Add Reference
- 3.1 iManage
- 4 Workspaces
- 4.1 Move Folders/Workspaces
- 4.1.1 Scenarios
- Move Folders
- Move Workspaces:
- Copy Workspaces:
- Add Reference:
- 4.1.1 Scenarios
- 4.1 Move Folders/Workspaces
The Move tier allows for:
The moving of documents or folders between workspaces within the same database or cabinet. Currently, this is available as a command from the Documents tab in CAM.
Move folders or workspaces between databases/cabinets within the same system - e.g., iManage DB1 to iManage DB2 is supported as well as move between servers of the same system, e.g. iManage US to iManage EU. This is available as a command on the Workspaces tab.
Move between 2 systems - utilizes Content Mover where you can copy (not move) documents from iManage to Teams, Teams to iManage, NetDocuments to Teams or Teams to NetDocuments, and iManage to SharePoint. SharePoint to iManage is not yet supported but is on the future roadmap.
Move Folders/Documents from the Documents or Workspace folder
The Service Desk limit of moving 5,000 documents at a time does not apply to those documents underneath a workspace. All the documents will be moved.
This feature allows you to move or copy a folder or document(s) to the same database or cabinet. The feature is available for iManage and NetDocuments within the Move licensing tier.
Click the Move Documents/Folders button from the Workspaces or Documents tab to bring up the dialog.
Select the Target Database or Cabinet and System by clicking on Select Target.
If an iManage system, the Retain Document Numbers option appears. Select Yes or No.
The handling Source option is for the source document or folder and for after the move or copy. Options are: Leave as-is or Delete after the move.
Select the Copy with History option to copy the history along with the folder, workspace, or document.
Click Next. The Find Destination window appears
Select the destination location.
Available Options are:
Name of Workspace or Folder
Click Search to find the destination.
In the Results, the Workspaces match the search display and the folder structure, and the document or folder can be moved or copied to one or more workspaces or folders if desired.
Note: When performing move operations, a pop-up message will display by default when the user clicks the move button. The message will warn users of the following:
If metadata from the source content does not exist on the target, it will be created in the target library.
If users or groups on the security of the source content do not exist on the target library, the content will be moved but those users or groups will be skipped.
If an Author or Operator on documents does not exist in the target library, those documents will be skipped and will not be moved to the target.
Depending on the situation and criteria, the message will also warn the users of the following:
This action will affect more than 25 items and needs to be confirmed in the jobs center!
You have selected more than 1M rows. There is a limit in Excel for displaying CSV with more than 1M rows.
Additionally, when attempting a Move operation, CAM will provide a cautionary prompt with a checklist prior to executing the move. The three items in the checklist need to be checked out to be able to proceed (see screenshot below):
Moving documents with the Add Reference option.
It is possible to move documents with the Add Reference option between multiple databases in the same worksite server. This functionality is similar to that of iManage where a document reference can be created in multiple databases.
On the Documents tab>Database search.
Search for a Document.
Select a Document.
Click the Move Document/Folders icon
Click on Select Target on the Move Documents/Folders dialog
Select the target and the options are as follows:
Retain Document Number as No
Select Add reference
The Security can be either retained from the source or applied from the target folder. This is now separate from Metadata, which is a step below.
The Metadata can either be retained from the source or applied from the target folder.
Move all versions of the documents can either be set to yes or no.
Tip: The Move action (in the Documents, Workspace, and Analytics tabs) allows users to separately select Options for Metadata and Security when moving documents/folders. Customers have use cases where they may want to retain security but inherit metadata, or inherit security but retain metadata, when moving documents and folders.
Note: When performing move operations, a pop-up message will display by default when the user clicks the move button. The message will warn users of the following:
If metadata from the source content does not exist on the target, it will be created in the target library.
If users or groups on the security of the source content do not exist on the target library, the content will be moved but those users or groups will be skipped.
If an Author or Operator on documents does not exist in the target library, those documents will be skipped and will not be moved to the target.
Depending on the situation and criteria, the message will also warn the users of the following:
This action will affect more than 25 items and needs to be confirmed in the jobs center!
You have selected more than 1M rows. There is a limit in Excel for displaying CSV with more than 1M rows.
Move or Copy using a CSV
Users can use a CSV job to move or copy a folder or document or workspace to the same or different workspace.
Required fields
TargetFolderid OR targetfolderpath
Folder or document being moved
job set to analyticsbulkjob
action set to movefoldersanddocuments if copying or moving folders or documents. Use MoveWorkspace to move a workspace.
Querytype set to document or folder. Use folder for workspaces too.
option: move or copy
Optional fields
copydocshistory: 0/1, true/false
handleafterMove: Add original to trash=0, Leave it as-is=1, Delete original after move=2
retaindocnum: 0/1, true/false
moveallversions: true or false
More parameters available that can be used are: Create Workspace/Folder/Docs
The user must have the Move license available in CAM to use.
If the target folder doesn’t exist, this job will create it.
If there is a locked or checked-out document within a folder being moved, the job will not complete. Unlock or check-in the document to retry this job.
Create the CSV using the parameters.
Go to the Jobs tab and click Upload CSV.
The job should complete and be logged in that tab.
See this table at the bottom: Create Workspace/Folder/Docs | Sample CSVs
Move Folders
Allows moving folders within the same workspace, or different workspaces. Folders can also be moved inside other folders or tabs. Search folders can be moved inside other folders tabs or workspaces. The security and metadata are also transferred.
Moving a folder will also move all of the folder's children. For example, this includes the subfolders or documents.
Note: iManage API does not support moving Tabs currently.
Move Documents
Documents can be moved to another folder, and the document id will be retained as the same id. The target folder reference will be populated. The document reference would be removed from the prior folder(s). Document metadata will be applied to the target folder if the target folder is missing that metadata.
Copy Documents
This copies the document to another folder and creates a new document id. Again, the reference will be added to the target folder, but not removed from the prior folders. Document metadata will be applied to the target folder if the target folder is missing that metadata.
Add Reference
The reference is added to the target folder for the document. The document is not moved or copied and resides in the original location. Referenced Documents take on the security and metadata of the target folder first, then the documents.
Note: If you are moving documents, folders, and workspaces, the Add Reference option is only available for the same server.
Jobs that fail while moving
As a user, when I move a workspace from one database to another, there will be only one version of the workspace.
If part of the move fails due to an issue like documents being checked out, mismatched security, or missing users, the entire job should fail and any items that moved should be hidden from the user.
If there are errors, I should not see a partial workspace in the source and a partial workspace in the target. I should see only the source workspace where the user can resolve the issues prior to retrying the job.
If multiple workspaces are selected as part of the move job, we should not fail the entire job, only the workspaces that have errors. If any workspace in that job does process successfully, that part of the job will be completed and any other workspaces that have errors will be hidden from the moved workspace.
Once the job is completed, the target workspace becomes unhidden and the source will be deleted.
Move Folders
Allows moving folders within the same workspace, or different workspaces. Folders can also be moved inside other folders or tabs. Search folders can be moved inside other folders tabs or workspaces. Security and metadata are also transferred.
Moving a folder will also move all of the folder's children. For example, this includes subfolders or documents.
Move Documents
The documents can be moved to a new folder or cabinet. The security and metadata transfer. Document metadata will be applied to the target folder if the target folder is missing that metadata.
Copy Documents
This copies the document to another folder and creates a new document id. Again, the reference will be added to the target folder, but not removed from the prior folders. Document metadata will be applied to the target folder if the target folder is missing that metadata.
Add Reference
The reference is added to the target folder for the document. The document is not moved or copied and resides in the original location. Referenced Documents take on the security and metadata of the target folder first, then the documents.
Note: If you are moving documents, folders, and workspaces, the Add Reference option is only available for the same server.
Move Folders/Workspaces
This feature allows you to move or copy a folder or workspace(s) to the same database or cabinet. The feature is available for iManage and NetDocuments as part of the Move tier and onwards. Workspaces can be moved From the Workspace and Analytics tabs in CAM.
Click the Move Workspaces/Folders button to bring up the dialog.
Select the Source Repository
Select the Target Repository
Select the Target Database
If an iManage system, the Retain Workspace Numbers option appears. Select Yes or No.
Select the Handling Source (After move) option. Options are: Leave as-is or Add to Trash.
The Security can be either retained from the source or applied from the target folder. This is now separate from Metadata, which is a step below.
Note: When moving inherited folders and selecting Retain the Source Security, the option will also be checked out in the target and display the source security of the inherited folder.
The Metadata can either be retained from the source or applied from the target folder.
Move all versions of the documents can either be set to yes or no.
The Find Destination window appears, and the user can select the destination location. Options are:
Name of Workspace or Folder
Click Search to find the destination.
In the Results, the Workspaces match the search display and the folder structure, and the workspace or folder can be moved or copied to one or more workspaces or folders if desired.
Be cautious: Currently, when email folders are moved from one database to another, the folder properties do not move.
Move Folders
Allows moving folders within the same workspace, or different workspaces. Folders can also be moved inside other folders or tabs. Search folders can be moved inside other folders tabs or workspaces. The security and metadata are also transferred.
Moving a folder will also move all of the folder's children. For example, this includes the subfolders or workspaces.
Note: iManage API does not support moving Tabs currently.
Move Workspaces:
Workspaces can be moved to another folder, and the workspace id will be retained as the same id. The target folder reference will be populated. The workspace reference would be removed from the prior folder(s). workspace metadata will be applied to the target folder if the target folder is missing that metadata.
Copy Workspaces:
This copies the workspace to another folder and creates a new workspace id. Again, the reference will be added to the target folder, but not removed from the prior folders. workspace metadata will be applied to the target folder if the target folder is missing that metadata.
Add Reference:
The reference is added to the target folder for the workspace. The workspace is not moved or copied and resides in the original location. Referenced Workspaces take on the security and metadata of the target folder first, then the workspace.
Note: If you are moving documents, folders, and workspaces, the Add Reference option is only available for the same server.
Best practice: It is highly recommended that users clear their browsing cache periodically in order for Workspace and Team unique identifiers to be linked properly when running provisioning jobs.
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