Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


This is an issue with the firewall or network settings. Try checking what changes on the system’s firewall/Network could affect this.


Source Mapping Issues

Source mapping isn’t taken into effect or errors in DU:

The configuration may be set up wrong. The Source should be equal to the OU container in AD, or the specific SQL filename in the Data Uploader scripts folder.


Code Block
		<uniqueId columns="clientId,matterid" source="CreateOrUpdateWorkspace.sql"/>
                <uniqueId columns="type,UserId,database" source="ou=VMWareUsers,dc=hetzner,dc=myfirm,dc=com"/>
                <uniqueId columns="type,UserId,database" source="ou=DomainUsers,dc=hetzner,dc=myfirm,dc=com"/>

Note this does not only apply to an initial job, but any JobDelta run.


AD Mapping Issues

The CSV was not generated: Check if any issue with the configuration here, or from the Source Mapping config.

Extra data is imported that shouldn’t be: check the configuration here, or from the Source Mapping config.


To help the latest version of Data Uploader does contain helpful comments in each of the config file of how to configure each part…

For example:

<!--Object property refers to type of entity you want to apply filter.Its required value and needs to be defined .Values : UsersOrGroups,UsersOnly,GroupsOnly -->


CSV’s aren’t being uploaded

  • Check the CSV is available in the DataUploader\Archive folder. Each time a job runs or is scheduled to start, a CSV is created here.

  • Check for the CSV Name in the row of the JobDelta table of the Data Uploader DB.

  • Check the S3 bucket for the user performing the Data Uploader job that the CSV is inside it. Access this from within the AWS portal.


Data Uploader is not loading

  • Check that the SQL connection to the Database is healthy. Check the connection to the source system is healthy (iManage, ND).

  • Check the Event log table size in the Database. It may be filled.


SQL Errors in DU

Check that the database has enough space (both disk space, and log space) free. If the database has maintenance plans in place, ensure those have run.

Check the Source Database connection is healthy (iManage, ND).

Check if the user running Data Uploader has access to execute scripts. Take one of the SQL scripts and run it as-is on the database.
