
  1. Click on Rich Text

  2. Users can apply various formatting options to the text of the widget, including heading levels, blockquotes, code blocks, and monospace text.

    1. Heading levels cannot be renamed for their labels!


Alert widgets are generally used to show a message in the widget when the values of an entry meet or do not meet certain criteria.


  • Use the Template tab to adjust the label of the alert, the color, and the text to be displayed.

  • Use the Visibility tab to configure the conditions for the alert to be shown. Once the fields/values have been selected, you will be able to select the operator to use: Equal (=) or Not equal (!=). In the example above, the alert will only be shown when the Rank is not equal to Associate and Contract Lawyer.

  • Use the Tooltip tab to configure the tooltip message that will accompany the alert.


Badges are typically colorful informational Widgets that are used to display on a dashboard.
