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Tip: The list can be filtered by any combination of Name, Description, and Type..

Entities tab


Image Added


Entities now cannot be added, edited or deleted by CAM users. They will be out of the box such as shown in the image.


Tip: When using the search filters for Name and Description on the Data Source, Entities, Report Category and Reports tab, the results will show once users click anywhere outside of the search field or hit Enter after entering the text to be searched.


TIP: Just as in CAM, it is possible to filter the entities by any column!




Display Name

An alternative display name for the entity

Data Source

The source of the data for the entity


An optional description for the entity

Entity Name

The entity name. Entities will include the list of indexes (for example elastic indexes or SQL indexes) as well.

Query Type

The type of the query. For analytics, available options are document, folder, workspace, user, and document_history.

Is Enabled

Indicates whether the entity is enabled or not

Last Modified Date

Shows the date the entity was last modified

Last Modified By

Shows the user that last modified the entity


Edit: Select the edit icon to edit the Entity details.

  • Regenerate Fields: If a data source is modified, the user has the ability to regenerate it.

  • Open Entity Fields: Shows the Entity fields. New fields can be added from this screen.

  • Attach Actions: Allows for actions to be attached to an entity. Additionally, the screen shows the actions currently attached to existing entities. Select +Attach Actions to add a new action to the entity. The Out of the box actions are:

    • Matter Detail Dialog

    • Remote CheckIn IFrame

    • Remote CheckIn

    • Remove Object Security

    • Change Default Access

    Delete Entity: Select this icon to delete the Entity.

Tip: The list can be filtered by any combination of Entity Name, Description, and Last Modified Date.


Adding a New Report Entity

To add a new Report Entity, click the Add Entity button and provide the required details.


When selecting the Data Source for the new Report Entity, if STATIC_S3_ is selected, users will have the option to upload a static file, such as an .XLSX file, as shown in the screen below.



Warning: The Display Name maximum length is 255 characters. If a longer name is inputted, a message will warn the users about the length being exceeded.

Operations for entities include:

  • Create: There are two ways to add report entities:

    • Auto-discovery: This is based on the data source, data entities will be populated automatically.

    • Manually: users can add data sources manually, but on the save, it should validate the entity from the source.

  • Read:

    • Update: any manual update will require validation.

    • Delete: deleting a data source will mark all related entities, reports, and widgets as deleted as well.


Tip: Entities are auto-discovered when Auto discover is clicked. The API looks like this:



Payload : -


     "report_entity_id": "1"


Entity Fields Tab

This new tab showcases the fields within the entity available, that used to be available by going to the “Entities” tab in Administration > Dashboard and then clicking the "Open Entity Fields" button from the action menu.
