System and Audit Tables
Eric Schullek
Eric Schullek (Unlicensed)
Access Control Rule Table
This table contains all the rules of ACLs (access control rules) either from security or project team within CAM.
Query the table by: select * from access_control_rule limit 100
^Use the other Query type
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | The internal CAM id for the access control rule system mapping table. Is a mandatory field. | PK |
object_entity_id | Id of the object entity (doc, folder etc) | FK on the object’s table eg document |
group_id | Id of the group | FK on groups |
grant_access | Allows to grant access to the user or group |
role_id | Id of the role | FK on role |
is_implicit | Is an implicit security role rule? |
project_team_id | Id of the project team | FK on project_team |
is_deleted | Is the record deleted? |
extSystemInstanceId | The external system id (iManage, ND etc) | FK on externalsystem |
createdDate | Displays the audit creation date. Is mandatory. |
createdByUserId | The user id of the person who created the record. | FK on user |
camCreatedDate | The date the record is created in CAM |
camCreatedBy | The user who created in CAM | FK on user |
Access Control Rule System Mapping Table
This table contains all the mappings of ACLs (access control rules) either from security or project team within CAM.
Query the table by: select * from access_control_rule_system_mapping limit 100
^Use the other Query type
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | The internal CAM id for the access control rule system mapping table. Is a mandatory field. | PK |
access_control_rule_id | The id of the access control rule. | FK on access control rule |
is_deleted | Is the record deleted? |
extSystemInstanceId | The external system id (iManage, ND etc) | FK on externalsystem |
createdDate | Displays the audit creation date. Is mandatory. |
createdByUserId | The user id of the person who created the record. | FK on user |
camCreatedDate | The date the record is created in CAM |
camCreatedBy | The user who created in CAM | FK on user |
Audit Table
This table contains all the audit information within CAM.
Query the table by: select * from audit limit 100
^Use the audit Query type
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | The internal CAM id for the audit table. Is a mandatory field. | PK |
docId | It is a mandatory field if a document is set. | FK on document table |
folderId | It is a mandatory field if a folder is set. | FK on folder table |
userId | Displays the user Id associated to the user. Displays the user Id associated to the user. | FK on user table |
extDocId | The external document id (filled if a document was added/changed/updated/deleted) |
extFolder | The external folder id (filled if a folder/workspace was added/changed/updated/deleted) |
extUserId | The external userid (filled if a user or security was added/changed/updated/deleted) |
objectType | Displays the object type. |
actionCodeId | The id of the particular action done on the object. Is a mandatory field. |
actionCodeName | The name of the particular action done on the object. Is a mandatory field. |
logType | The type of the log. |
applicationName | Name of the CAM application module making the modification/addition/deletion. |
ipAddress | If the ip address is filled from an external system or user. |
clientCode | If a client is changed, this is the client code. |
MatterCode | If a matter is changed, this is the matter code. |
actionUserName | If a action has a specific user name passed, this will be filled. |
ticketId |
comments | Any comments left on the audit. |
docNumber | If a document was added/changed/updated/deleted, the docnumber is filled. |
hasJournal | Set to 1 if a journal is with the object. |
version | Version of the object. |
metadata | Any metadata added/changed/updated/deleted |
createdDate | Displays the audit creation date. Is mandatory. |
createdByUserId | The user id of the person who created the record. |
camCreatedDate | The date the record is created in CAM |
camCreatedBy | The user who created in CAM |
extSystemId | The external system id (iManage, ND etc) | FK on externalsystem |
subscriberId | Displays the tenant subscriber Id. |
runId | The ID of the job run |
actionDate | Date the action on the record was taken |
extContainerId | If the configured External System is iManage this column displays the database name, followed by the folder number (e.g. demo!1234), in case of NetDocuments, this displays the 12 digit folder number (e.g. 4816-5122-8805). It is a mandatory field. | FK on externalsystem |
extContainerName | If the configured External System is iManage, this column displays the database name, followed by the document number and version (e.g. demo!463.1), in case of NetDocuments, this displays the document name. | FK on externalsystem |
External System Table
This table contains all the external system information within CAM.
Query the table by: select * from external_system_nt limit 100
^Use the other Query type
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | The internal CAM id of each external system. | PK |
name | Name of the external system. E.g. iManage, NetDocuments, O365 etc |
nickname | A nickname. Typically most people will set this the same as the name. |
description | Description of the external system. |
type | The system type. Can be 0,1,2 |
base_url | The url of the cloud based system. |
icon_path | Path of where the icons are stored for the system. Is blank if not set (uses CAM default icons). |
libraries | If a particular library within the API is used. Most commonly is blank. |
active | Is actively used or not. 0 is active, 1 is not. |
is_deleted | Marks if the system is deleted from CAM. 0 is not deleted. 1 is deleted. |
created_user_id | The user id who created the external system connection. |
last_modified_user_id | The user id who last modified the external system connection. |
created_date | The date created |
last_modified_date | The date last modified. |
External System Authentication Table
This table contains all the external system authentication method information within CAM.
Query the table by: select * from external_system_auth limit 100
^Use the other Query type
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | The internal CAM id of each external system authentication row. | PK |
systemUniqueId | The external system unique id. Each tenant or instance will have a separate id. They look like: 91b692a0-c09d-00e8-9e62-0dfac7e82c00:~imanage:~Worksite2022 | FK on externalsystem |
system | Type of the external system role. E.g. iManage, Office365 etc |
camrepoName | Name of the CAM instance that connects to this external system. E.g. Worksite2022 |
healthy | Marks if the system has errored recently. If it has, it is unhealthy (0). Healthy is =1 |
errorMessage | If an error occurred with the system, the last error displays here. For example, Unable to authenticate with IManage server. Attempts(10) Consumed. Please contact system administrator.(Root Cause : 403 Forbidden) |
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