Project Tables
Eric Schullek
Eric Schullek (Unlicensed)
Project Table
This table contains all the project information within CAM.
Query the table by: select * from project limit 100
^Use the other Query type
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | Displays the id of the entry in the project table in CAM | PK |
name | The project name |
short_name | A shorter version of the name (if desired) |
display_name | The name to use for system displaying. |
number | The number of the project |
projectReferenceId | Id used as a project reference |
description | Description of the project |
marketingDescription | Description used for marketing |
projectStatus | Status of the project |
currency | Currency used for the project |
confidentialitylevel | Confidentiality of the project |
clientCode | Code of the client |
matterCode | Code of the matter |
departmentcode | Code of the department |
subdepartmentcode | code of the subdepartment |
officeCode | Code of the office |
countrycode | Code of the country |
ownerUser | User that is the project owner |
isDeletedtoken | If deleted, a token is automatically filled |
deleted | Is the project deleted? |
startdate |
enddate |
uniqueid |
importreference |
opportunitynumber |
nbisnumber |
parentprojectid |
projecttype |
camCreatedDate | Date the project was created |
camEditedDate | Date the project was last edited |
camCreatedbyUserid | User id of the person who created the project | FK on user |
camCreatedByUser | The user who created the project |
camLastChangeUserid | The userid of the person who last edited the project | FK on user |
camLastChangeUser | The user who last edited the project |
subscriberid |
metadata |
templateid |
templatename |
es_matter |
requestedbyid |
requestedbyName |
confidentiality_level_id |
project_status_id |
security_template_id |
Project Team Table
This table contains all the project team information within CAM.
Query the table by: select * from project_team limit 100
^Use the other Query type
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | Displays the id of the entry in the group_members table in CAM | PK |
user_id | The id of the user | FK on user |
group_id | The id of the group | FK on groups |
project_id | The id of the project | FK on project |
allow_project_access | Gives the user project team access |
is_implicit_membership | Is this an implicit membership for the user? (Not set on Explicit Security tab). |
is_primary | Is this the primary project team? |
credit_share | If the billing or originating credit is assigned sets the percentage for the user (0-100%) |
import_reference | If imported, the reference from that |
project_role_id | Id of the project role | FK on project_role |
approved_date_user_id | Userid of the person who approved | FK on user |
additional_metadata_json | Any additional metadata |
is_personal_team | Is this a personal team? |
is_deleted | Is the team deleted? |
CreatedDate | Date the team was created |
EditedDate | Date the team was last edited |
CreatedbyUserid | User id of the person who created the team | FK on user |
CreatedByUser | The user who created the team |
LastChangeUserid | The userid of the person who last edited the team | FK on user |
LastChangeUser | The user who last edited the team |
join_date | The date the user joined the team |
leave_date | The date the user left the team |
Project Role Table
This table contains all the project team role information within CAM.
Query the table by: select * from project_role limit 100
^Use the other Query type
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | Displays the id of the entry in the project role table in CAM | PK |
name | Name of the project role |
code | Code of the project group |
security_role_id | Id of the security_role | FK on security_role |
is_split_credit | Is this role a credit based role? |
is_commission | Is this role commission based? |
is_reporting | Is this a reporting role used for reports? |
is_billing | Is this a billing role? |
import_reference | If imported, the reference from that |
is_deleted | Is the role deleted? |
Created_Date | Date the role was created |
Edited_Date | Date the role was last edited |
Created_by_User_id | User id of the person who created the role | FK on user |
Created_By_User | The user who created the role |
Last_Change_User_id | The userid of the person who last edited the role | FK on user |
Last_Change_User | The user who last edited the role |
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