Dashboard Schema
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | The id | PK |
report_data_source_id | Id of the report data source | FK on report_data_source |
display_name | Name of the report action |
description | Description of the action |
unique_code | Code of the action |
action_url | URL of the action like https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/me/mailFolders |
http_method_id | The id of the http method. Typically 1 |
protocol_id | Id of the protocol used. |
header_format | Contains any specific formatting for header layouts |
payload_format | Contains any specific formatting for payload layouts |
response_format | Contains any specific formatting for the response |
icon_name | Name of the icon used |
success_message_template | The template to use on what the message for a successful action will be. |
failure_message_template | The template to use on if a failure or error occurs. |
permission_id | Id of the permission used for enabling or disabling or running the action. | FK on permission |
config_json | Contains any addition configurations in JSON format |
validation_script | If validations are enabled, contains the script to run through |
content_type | Type of the action setup (JSON) |
is_primary | Is it the primary action? |
is_enabled | Is the action enabled? |
is_deleted | Is the action deleted? |
created_date | The date the confidentiality was created |
created_user_id | The user id who created | FK on user_nt |
last_modified_date | The date last modified |
last_modified_user_id | The user id who last modified | FK on user_nt |
import_reference | The reference from the system if imported |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | The id | PK |
action_id | The id of the action | FK on action |
field_data_type_id | id of the data type of the field |
param_name | Name of the parameter |
is_enabled | Is the action field enabled? |
is_deleted | Is the record deleted? |
created_date | The date the confidentiality was created |
created_user_id | The user id who created | FK on user_nt |
last_modified_date | The date last modified |
last_modified_user_id | The user id who last modified | FK on user_nt |
import_reference | The reference from the system if imported |
parent_id | Id of the parent action | FK on this table- id |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | The id | PK |
Name | The name of the confidentiality level. Out of the box there are: Public, Internal, Confidential and Hidden. |
project_security_group_id | The id of the project security group |
clients_security_group_id | The id of the client security group |
documents_security_group_id | The id of the documents security group |
external_people_security_group_id | The id of the external people security group |
allow_adding_external_users | Allows to add external outside the firm users. |
is_built_in | Is the confidentiality built in (out of the box) |
is_deleted | Is the record deleted? |
created_date | The date the confidentiality was created |
created_user_id | The user id who created | FK on user_nt |
last_modified_date | The date last modified |
last_modified_user_id | The user id who last modified | FK on user_nt |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | The id of the control in the table | PK |
name | The control name |
label | The label of the control that shows in Control Center |
subscriberid | The id of the subscriber |
active | Is an active control? |
approval | Does the control require approval? |
type | The control type: Action, Retention, Legal Hold, Security Inclusion, Security Exclusion, Security Competitive |
associationtype | How the control is associated to an object: Document, Workspace,Folder, Dashboard, User, Group |
criteria | The particular metadata used as a criteria against the association type object. E.g. if association type is a document, one might see value (document name), workspace, document.extid, metadatakey here. |
trigger | Contains the trigger information as entered in CAM |
approver | The person who approved the control |
notifier | The person who notified the approver of the control |
system | The system the control is on or for. |
autoattach | Auto attach the control to any new job? |
controlsource | The source of the origination of the control e.g. Control Center, or Externally. |
externalControlData | If external control, contains information on that system like SPM. |
config | Configuration of the control. Includes custodians |
legalHold | Marks if this control is a legal hold |
deleteReason | The reason marked as a comment for deletion. |
version | Version of the control |
flag | Flags the control to the notifier |
createdOn | Date created |
createdBy | The userid who created |
modifiedOn | Date edited |
modifiedBy | The userid who last edited |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | The id of the record | PK |
parent_dashboard_id | The id of the parent dashboard if this is a sub dashboard or drill through dashboard. | FK on this table |
dashboard_type_id | Id of the dashboard type | FK on dashboard_type |
object_type_id | Id on the object type |
dashboard_photo_id | Id of the photo for the dashboard icon | FK on photo |
display_name | Name of the dashboard that displays |
unique_code | A unique code for the dashboard (auto generated) |
description | Description of the dashboard |
display_order | The ordering of the dashboard within others |
config_json | Contains the configuration of the dashboard sections and containers and location of widgets. |
filter_mapping_json | Contains the mapping of filters for the dashboard |
metadata_json | Contains all the metadata set for the dashboard (e.g. icons) |
confidentiality_level_id | The id of the confidentiality level | FK on confidentiality_level |
is_dashboard_filter_applied | If a filter is used, this is 1 |
is_enabled | Is this active and enabled? |
is_deleted | Is the dashboard deleted? |
created_user_id | The user id of the person who created | FK on user_nt |
last_modified_user_id | The user id of the person who last edited | FK on user_nt |
created_date | Date created |
last_modified_date | Date edited |
import_reference | The reference from import if imported from another system (e.g. Umbria) |
layout_json | The layout configurations (breakpoints) |
action_config_json | Configurations on actions. |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | The id of the row | PK |
parent_group_id | The id of the parent group | FK on this table |
project_id | The id of the project |
template_id | The id of the template |
group_name | The name of the group |
group_description | The description |
is_mail_enabled | Is the group a mailing group for a distribution list? |
mail_nick_name | Nickname for mailing |
email_address | Email address for the group |
is_dynamic_group | Is this a dynamically created group |
is_security_enabled | Is this a security group? |
is_enabled | Is the group enabled? |
is_deleted | Is the group deleted? |
security_identifier | The identifier of the security group |
group_unique_identifier | A unique identifier of the group |
metadata_unique_identifier | The identifier of the group’s metadata |
visibilty | Sets the confidentiality of the group, e.g. Public, Private. |
office | Sets the office of the group |
group_category | Sets a categorization of the group like CAM, External Group |
group_type | Type of group (user, security, department) |
is_cam_group | Is the group a CAM only group? |
metadata_json | The JSON of the metadata on the group |
systems_json | The JSON of the systems the group is part of. |
subscriber_id | The id of the subscriber. |
comments | Comments on the group |
renewed_date | Date the group access was renewed |
access_expiry_date | Date the access to the group expires |
created_user_id | The user id of the person who created | FK on user_nt |
last_modified_user_id | The user id of the person who last edited | FK on user_nt |
created_date | Date created |
last_modified_date | Date edited |
import_source_id | The id of the imported source |
import_source | The name of the imported source system |
import_reference | The reference from import if imported from another system (e.g. Umbria) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | The id of the row | PK |
object_id | The id of the object |
object_type | The type of object |
file_name | Name of the photo |
file_extension | The extension of the photo type (png, jpg etc) |
caption | Caption on the photo |
description | Description of the photo |
content_type | Type of image. For example image/png |
file_content | Contains any json of the file content if applicable |
thumbnail | The thumbnail of the photo stored in a file table |
is_current | Is this the most current photo? |
additional_metadata_json | Any metadata applied to the photo |
privacy_policy_json | Any privacy policy on use of the photo |
photo_category_json | Categorization of the photo |
subscriber_id | The id of the subscriber |
is_deleted | Is the photo deleted? |
comments | Comments on the photo |
created_user_id | Id of the user that created the picture |
last_modified_user_id | Id of the user that edited the picture |
created_date | Date created |
last_modified_date | Date edited |
import_reference | The reference of the photo where imported |
file_storage_config_json1 | The configuration of the file storage |
file_storage_config_json | The configuration of the file storage |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | The id of the row |
name | Name of the report |
unique_code | Code of the report |
description | Description of the report |
report_template_id | Id of the report template used |
default_filter_criteria_json | JSON of the filter criteria |
default_sort_criteria_json | JSON of the sort criteria |
default_grouping_criteria_json | JSON of the grouping criteria |
generated_cached_query_json | JSON of the query cache |
is_enabled | Is the report enabled? |
is_deleted | Is the report deleted? |
created_user_id | Id of the user that created the report |
last_modified_user_id | Id of the user that edited the report |
created_date | Date created |
last_modified_date | Date edited |
import_reference | Reference from the import |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
id | id of the cache record | PK |
report_entity_id | Id of the report entity | FK on report_entity |
report_entity_action_id | Id of the action | FK on action |
report_field_data_type_id | Id of the the data type |
param_name | Name of the parameter |
is_deleted | Is the action deleted? |
created_user_id | Id of the user that created the report | FK on user_nt |
last_modified_user_id | Id of the user that edited the report | FK on user_nt |
created_date | Date created |
last_modified_date | Date edited |
import_reference | Reference from the import |
is_enabled | Is the action enabled? |
parent_id | The id of the parent action. |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
Column | Description | Keys (Primary/ Foreign) |
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