Release Notes CAM R23.12.11 23Q4 (Minor)

Release Notes CAM R23.12.11 23Q4 (Minor)

Published on 4-December-2023

Fixed Issues


Issue Id


Template Editor


The Create Folder and Edit Folder into iManage operations via CSV jobs are now creating/updating the folders and metadata appropriately per the CSV criteria. This means it is possible to modify the name, modify other metadata, or assign new values to metadata.

For example, it is possible to modify the folder name with the below scenarios added to FolderCriteria:

  1. Number field only.

  2. Number field along with matter unique identifier.

  3. Check scenario 1 & 2 with multiple folders. 

  4. Custom lookup field only.

  5. Custom lookup along with matter unique identifier.

  6. Boolean field along with matter unique identifier.

Tip: In case you are changing the name of an existing folder, use the FolderNewName parameter.


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