Sprint 2021.01


You can view the Release notes for Sprint 2021.01

Sprint 2021.01.2

Released on March 10, 2021.

Release Notes: CAM Sprint 2021.01.2 Release Notes

Resolved Issues


  • When adding server details (creating repository) in the External Systems Configuration the status was shown “Not Connected” with oAuth error. (Cloud-8857)


  • Failed to copy files from iManage to Teams with appropriate file extension. (Cloud-8889)

Known Issues

  • Folders copied from one template to another retain a link to previously created folders using that template. (Cloud-8208)

  • Could not delete ‘Saves Search’ folders from Apply to workspace and Reassign template. (Cloud – 8614)

Sprint 2021.02.1

Released on April 12, 2021

Release Notes: CAM Sprint 2021.02.1 Release Notes

Deployment Update by Region

  • Completed - Asia, UK, Canada, Oregon, and Australia

  • Completed - US, EU (Tentative completion date - 14 April 2021)



  • Multiple Queue support: CAM now supports creating multiple queues for parallel job processing. All customers gets one queue. C4+ customers get 1 additional queue (priority queue). Additional queues can be purchased as add-on.


  • New Metadata UI and Architecture. In this sprint we have switched to the new metadata UI. This UI was in a preview mode for past three months. The metadata mapping is moved from external system to this UI.

    • New customer or new system: Now after adding a new external system, go to metadata and do auto-discovery (applies to iManage and NetDocuments only today). This process will automatically bring all metadata from DMS to CAM

    • Existing customers and existing systems: No changes needed. All current process should continue to work

  •  Internal metadata/flags: CAM also includes list of flags (also called internal metadata) which are a list of metadata that are used in CSV jobs to instruct CAM on what needed to be added. This list of flags is displayed in the metadata section.

CAM Commands

  •  CAM commands are now supported in the iManage Outlook client (Work Panel). (Cloud-8495, 8120) Read more…


  • CAM allows to restore the same M365 groups in teams using CSV job upload. (Cloud-8012) Read more…

 Source System Configuration

  • Added new field called “Eval Expression” in source system UI to verify the token and set the priority queue for job execution using code JS code snippet. (Cloud-8873, 8650) Read more…

New Permissions

  • M365 Permissions

M365 Permissions à Allows to connect M365 to CAM through application and delegate permissions in Azure

  • Documents Search (API Based)

               Documents Search (API Based) à Allows to search documents through API

               CAMàDocumentsàAPI Search

  • View Control Center & View CC Controls

Account Management à Added Add-On called Ethical Wall for Security and retention, which allows to view control center and controls           

Resolved Issues

Account Management

  • Failed to display correct timestamp when creating or adding a new user to account management. (Cloud-8517)


  •  The existing query could not be executed because query type was failed to auto-detect. (Cloud-8747)

  • Failed to display the filtered metadata values who had parent values. (Cloud-8360)

  • CAM introduced new option to user the search documents through API search. (Cloud-6950)

  • Out of the box Analytics queries were failing for mandatory fields. (Cloud-8467)

  • Security update option was failed to update security to update folder or skip document for an inherited or non-inherited security update. (Cloud-9180) 

Business Continuity

  •  Failed to download Business Continuity document, resulting in an error – “Job Id not found”. (Cloud-8757)

Data Sync

  • Failed to sync metadata items with specified database columns mapped to the external system configuration. (Cloud-6972)


  • In “Reassign Template”, the wrong template was selected in the search template operation. (Cloud-8536)

  • Matter was failed to sync accordingly in Local sync tables in SQL. (Cloud-8876)


  • The default value cannot be set in the "Default Security" field in the document / workspace search in the layout. (Cloud-8537)

  • Failed to search documents through API as well database search for incorrect RDS instances in the document tab. (Cloud-8819)

External System Configuration 

  • The token could not be retrieved in the external system configuration when adding the server details of the external system. (Cloud-8445)

  • External system status displayed as not connected due to OAuth error for new system on 10.3 or above and an existing system. (Cloud-8857,9235)


  • The manage policy job status was displayed completed on UI, but failed to create manage policy jobs. (Cloud-8967)


  • In the Directory, metadata format was reflected blank because it could not be saved in layout – grid configuration. (Cloud-7858)


  • Failed to create more than tab/planner/list when creating Team job. (Cloud-8548)

  • Created multiple security groups with similar details if the group already exists using CSV Job Upload. (Cloud-896

  • Failed to create channel and grant access in Teams, unique identifier field was empty during job creation. (Cloud-9106)

  • Failed to auto-closed window when creating team by request workflow. (Cloud-7828)

Request Workflow

  • Failed to load create Team panel when select M365 system during in request workflow. (Cloud-8817)

Template Editor 

  •  Apply workspace job was stuck when passing the template more than defined size. (Cloud-9063)

  • Search folder was failed to mapped owner metadata value in external system and default folder metadata when creating a new iMange workspace. (Cloud-8961)

  • Failed to create workspace for NetDocuments when metadata defined to Read-only. (Cloud-8701)

  • Could not create workspace errored in missing unique id field in metadata. (Cloud-8702)    

Known Issues

  • Folders copied from one template to another retain a link to previously created folders using that template. (Cloud-8208)

  • Could not delete ‘Saved Search’ folders from Apply to workspace and Reassign template. (Cloud-8614)

Sprint 2021.02.1.1 

Released on April 16, 2021

Release Notes: CAM Sprint 2021.02.1.1 Release Notes


Data Uploader

  • CAM allows you to select or deselect all the added scripts for SQL/ Active Directory/All at once to run. Read more…

  • CAM now supported to specify multiple database name in the value field in AD-mapping that allows you to generate multi-input CSV, or multi- delta CSV respectively. Read more…

e.g. – Format: "Database1|Database2|Database3"

Note: This multi valued database property is applicable only for iMange system.

Resolved Issues

Account Management

  •  Users were received verification email when updating user details using CSV job upload (Cloud-9287)

Data Uploader

  • Failed to load “Accept Header” when API sends request to CAM in data uploader (Cloud-8781)


  • Failed to search documents through API as well database search for incorrect RDS instances in the document tab. (Cloud-8819)

Request Workflow 

  • Could not display all results for client value and matter value while creating workspace if set look up metadata value to internal in request workflow. (Cloud-9226,9276)

Known Issues

  • Folders copied from one template to another retain a link to previously created folders using that template. (Cloud-8208)

  • Could not delete ‘Saved Search’ folders from Apply to workspace and Reassign template. (Cloud-8614)

Sprint 2021.02.1.2

Released on April 19, 2021

Release Notes: CAM Sprint 2021.02.1.2 Release Notes


Template Editor

  • CAM now inherited email metadata from the email parent folder to all created subfolders in iManage and NetDocuments. E.g., Sub folder created under email folder, email properties inherited to all sub folder programmatically.

Note: Prosperoware recommends using @folderid@ for email address for iManage

Resolved Issues

Account Management

  •  Group membership job failed to update in multiple databases when user created/presented in multiple databases. (Cloud-9281)

Sprint 2021.02.1.3

Released on April 21, 2021

Release Notes: CAM Sprint 2021.02.1.3 Release Notes


Control Center

  • Enhanced the report section in control section –

o   Configuring filter to view specific report details

o   Configuring generate specific report and download in Excel format

o   Configuring the specific column which display in excel

Read more…

  • CAM introduced a new feature called "Enforcement Logic" when user trying to modify a matter security for the existing control -

o    Inclusion control- Does not allow to add/modify the security

o    Exclusion control – Allows to modify but does not allow to add/modify the excluded user/groups

Read more…

  • In Legal Hold enhanced with the following options –

    • Enabled the Mark as Record' and 'Change Security to View' by default

    • Mail notification will send once the control will be activated

    • Custodian supports the keyword where it applies on all document criteria

Read more…

Resolved Issues

Control Center

  • The manage policy job status was displayed completed on UI but failed to create manage policy jobs. (Cloud-8967)

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