Search Workspaces

Search Workspaces

Search Workspaces

PowerDesktop allows users to search for places they want to import into, and for places they want to export from.

Warning: The Search Form reads from the iManage Control Center forms if using iManage, and some of these fields may not display in all systems if the firm disables these from iMCC.

To add metadata fields:

  1. Add the fields in iMCC form first.

  2. Close and reopen any PowerDesktop instance this form needs to appear.

  • If using NetDocuments, the search form also reads from NetDocuments, and provides the fields available in the API.







Select the desired library to search from from your currently active iManage connections.


If using NetDocuments, the Repository shows allowing the correct repo to be selected.


Select the correct cabinet to use for NetDocuments.


Specify the either the name or description for the workspaces to look for.


Specify the owner of the workspaces.


Search and select a client. Start writing to have the lookup populate.

If no matter is selected, the preview will show a list of all matters tied to the client.


Choose the matters to search from. I is possible to select from non contiguous matters by specifying the matter id, for example 001, 002, 004.


The preview screen will update every time a new search is performed.






Displays the name of the matter


Displays the Id of the Client


Displays the Id of the Matter after client is selected.

Client must be selected first for selecting matters.


Once all settings have been procured for the search, clicking OK will initiate the search. Clicking Cancel closes the search window and returns to the Work Explorer.


Important: The Search Workspaces dialog doesn't support ranges and won't return all workspaces in the library. The most that can be shown in Work Explorer under a workspace search is 9,999 (cloud), but on-prem instances might top out at 5,000.

Select a Container/ Go to Workspace

In the Search menu, there is an option now to browse to a specific workspace if you know the workspace you need without needing to search through an entire database, or run a complete search. In NetDocuments this will be presented as Select a Container in the right click menu as well.


Saved Searches

During an active session, after searching for either Workspaces or Documents, those searches get added to the Recent Searches in the Work Explorer’s tree to the left.

From the Saved Searches, it is possible to right-click on a search to directly perform an Export job, refine the search, rename the search, or delete the search.


If the PowerDesktop session ends, the current saved searches will be eliminated.

The Right Click Menu

If a user right-clicks on a search result, or on a Workspace the following options are available:

  1. The Properties window shows details of the properties as in the File Explorer

  2. If in NetDocuments, the right-click option Go to Workspace will allow a user to select a direct workspace instead of requiring a full search.

  3. Rename will allow renaming the folder/workspace.

  4. Delete will allow for the deletion of the folder/workspace.

  5. Add Folder will add a new folder in that workspace or folder tree. This displays the Add Folder dialog.

  6. Refresh will refresh the view of the tree and any subitems underneath the object refreshed.

  7. Search documents open the search documents wizard as defined above.

  8. The export will allow exporting the workspace or documents.

  9. A New → Folder command is now available in the toolbar of the Work file/folder selector, which is used in the Folder Import Wizard and Target Selection dialog in Project Import.

    1. In the Work Browser, a New submenu with "Document Folder..." is available from the right-click menu for workspaces, regular folders, tabs, and search folders.

    2. Default profile values are inherited from the parent workspace or folder by default. Tabs and Search folders do not have profiles, so a folder created under a tab will inherit values from the workspace, while a folder under a search folder inherits nothing, which is the same behavior as in classic Work clients.

    3. Security is automatically set to inherit, but you can uncheck that and give the folder custom security. The current user is not automatically shown in the ACL, but as the owner, they will have full access.

  10. Add to My Matters or My Favorites.

    1. Search for a Workspace and add the Workspace to My matters by right-clicking on it. The add to My Matters dialog will appear. It is possible to create a new category by clicking on the New Category in the add shortcut dialog.

    2. Add workspace/folder/Search Folder/Tab to My Favorites by right-clicking on it. The add to My Favorites dialog will appear. It is possible to create a new category by clicking on the New Category in the add shortcut dialog.

  11. View Properties.

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