Column | Description |
File Share | Shows the name of the file share. The hyperlink brings the user to the fileshare path. |
Stats | The stats column shows the count of the fileshare. For example the number of folders and documents in the file share. |
Last Synced | Shows the date and time the file share was last synced. |
Status | Shows the status of the sync of the file share. |
Sync Now | Runs the sync immediately manually. It will only run if the folder(s) do not have a sync status of 10 (means already synced) |
Add | Adds a new file share configuration. |
ReScan Now | Re scans the fileshare immediately manually. |
Edit | Edits the fileshare |
Delete | Deletes the fileshare |
Create Folder | Creates a folder inside the fileshare. |
Column | Description |
Fileshare Path | The fileshare path in full. This allows you to determine which fileshare is used. |
Command | Example commands are scanfolders (scanning the file share), createworkspace or createfolders. These are the jobs that are running. |
Status | The job status. Queued, In Progress, Success, Already Synced and Failed are options. If failed the exception can be opened and copied with the Copy Exception button. |
Response Status | If a job is successfully created a Success response is passed. |
Remaining attempts | If the job is created with multiple attempts, the number of attempts remaining show. |
Created | Date job created |
Updated | Date job last updated (as it processes) |
Response Sent | The date of the sent response. |