Column | Description |
extid | Displays the row number of the entry in the folder table. It is a mandatory field. |
extContainerId | If the configured External System is iManage this column displays the database name, followed by the folder number (e.g. demo!1234), in case of NetDocuments, this displays the 12 digit folder number (e.g. 4816-5122-8805). It is a mandatory field. |
folderType | Displays the folder type (e.g. folder/saved search/workspace etc). See chart below: FolderTypeids. It is a mandatory field. |
folderdescription | Displays the folder name |
parentFolder | Displays the parent folder name. |
parentFolderId | Displays the parent folder Id associated to the parent folder. This is auto-generated by CAM. |
workspaceId | Displays the workspace id associated to the workspace. If the configured External System is iManage this column displays the database name, followed by the workspace number (e.g. demo!1234), in case of NetDocuments, this displays the 12 digit workspace number (e.g. 4816-5122-8805) |
documentNumber | N/A |
version | N/A |
indexNumber | N/A |
orderedById | N/A |
orderingDate | N/A |
isDeleted | N/A |
importReference | Displays the folder Id |
isDeletedToken | N/A |
folderStatusId | N/A |
folderStatus | N/A |
owner | Displays the folder owner name |
ownerId | Displays the folder Id associated to the folder. This is auto-generated by CAM. |
securityLevelId | Displays the security level Id associated to the security level. This is auto-generated by CAM. |
securityLevel | Displays the folder security level (inherit/view/private etc.) |
documentClass | This value is updated based on the Auroradb column mapping in the metadata tab. |
documentClassId | Displays the document class Id associated to the document class. This is auto-generated by CAM. |
clientCodeId | Displays the client code ID associated to client code. This is auto-generated by CAM |
clientCode | This value is updated based on the Auroradb column mapping in the metadata tab. |
matterCodeId | Displays the matter code ID associated to matter code. This is auto-generated by CAM |
matterCode | This value is updated based on the Auroradb column mapping in the metadata tab. |
practiceCodeId | Displays the practice code ID associated to practice code. This is auto-generated by CAM |
practiceCode | This value is updated based on the Auroradb column mapping in the metadata tab. |
industryCodeId | Displays the industry code ID associated to industry code. This is auto-generated by CAM |
industryCode | This value is updated based on the Auroradb column mapping in the metadata tab. |
matterType | Displays the matter type |
matterSubType | This value is updated based on the Auroradb column mapping in the metadata tab. |
areaOfLaw | N/A |
classCode | N/A |
deptCode | N/A |
subClassCode | N/A |
comments | N/A |
matterShortName | N/A |
matterFamilyNumber | N/A |
matterStatusId | N/A |
sourceId | N/A |
nblsNumber | N/A |
startDate | N/A |
closeDate | N/A |
retentionStartDate | N/A |
retentionEndDate | N/A |
filedDate | N/A |
hasUnorderedDocuments | N/A |
templateId | N/A |
location | N/A |
responsibleLawyerId | N/A |
originatingLawyerId | N/A |
billingLawyerId | N/A |
officeCode | N/A |
countryCode | N/A |
juristicationCodeId | N/A |
juristicationCode | N/A |
courtCode | N/A |
judgeCode | N/A |
onLegalHold | N/A |
legalHoldStartDate | N/A |
legalHoldEndDate | N/A |
guId | N/A |
importedById | N/A |
importedDate | Displays the date the folder was imported in CAM |
lastChangeDate | Displays the last update date |
lastChangeUserId | Displays the last change user id associated to the last change user. This is auto-generated by CAM. |
lastChangeUser | Displays the user name who last updated the document |
c1-c45 | Displays the custom metadata fields |
n1-n10 | Displays the custom metadata fields |
d1-d10 | Displays the custom metadata fields |
runId | N/A |
objectId | N/A |
createdDate | Displays the folder creation date |
createdBy | Displays the user name who created the folder |
isLatest | Flag to indicate if the folder was recently updated |
subscriberId | Displays the tenant subscriber Id |
system | Displays the external system |
repositoryId | Displays the repository name |
writeDate | Displays |
targetDatabase | N/A |
targetId | N/A |
isApproved | N/A |
isArchived | N/A |
isAutoversioning | N/A |
isEcho | N/A |
isExternal | N/A |
isExternalUser | N/A |
isFavorite | Applies for workspaces |
isLocked | N/A |
isOfficalLocked | N/A |
isQueueforIndexing | N/A |
isSigned | N/A |
repositoryName | N/A |
alternateFolderId | N/A |