Column | Description |
id | The unique internal id of the CAM folders/workspaces. |
extid | Displays the row number of the entry in the folder table. It is a mandatory field. For fileshare, this is the path |
name | Name of the folder. |
description | Description on the folder. |
extParentId | The id externally of the parent folder/workspace. |
extContainerId | If the configured External System is iManage this column displays the database name, followed by the folder number (e.g. demo!1234), in case of NetDocuments, this displays the 12 digit folder number (e.g. 4816-5122-8805). It is a mandatory field. Other systems, this is the path of the folder/workspace. |
extContainerName | If the configured External System is iManage this column displays the database name, followed by the folder name (e.g. demo!folder), in case of NetDocuments, this displays the folder name. It is a mandatory field. Other systems, this is the path of the folder/workspace. |
folderType | Displays the folder type (e.g. folder/saved search/workspace etc). See chart below: FolderTypeids. It is a mandatory field. |
parentId | Displays the parent folder Id associated to the parent folder. This is auto-generated by CAM. |
alternateparentid | The id of the alternate parent folder. |
extworkspaceId | Displays the workspace id associated to the workspace. If the configured External System is iManage this column displays the database name, followed by the workspace number (e.g. demo!1234), in case of NetDocuments, this displays the 12 digit workspace number (e.g. 4816-5122-8805) |
ctag | |
etag | |
documentNumber | The document number |
version | The document version |
indexNumber | The number of the index |
orderedById | Id the record is ordered by |
orderingDate | Date the record was ordered |
isDeleted | Is the folder/workspace deleted? |
importReference | Displays the folder Id from the Data Import |
isDeletedToken | If marked for deletion, this token is filled out |
extLongId | The long id version from the external system. For fileshare, this is the path. |
extShortId | The shorter id from the external system. For fileshare, this is the path. |
folderStatusId | Id of the folder status |
folderStatus | Status of the folder |
owner | Displays the folder owner name |
ownerId | Displays the folder Id associated to the folder. This is auto-generated by CAM. |
author | Displays the author of the folder/workspace. |
authorId | Displays the authorid of the folder/workspace. |
securityLevelId | Displays the security level Id associated to the security level. This is auto-generated by CAM. |
securityLevel | Displays the folder security level (inherit/view/private etc.) |
documentClass | This value is updated based on the Auroradb column mapping in the metadata tab. |
documentClassId | Displays the document class Id associated to the document class. This is auto-generated by CAM. |
clientCodeId | Displays the client code ID associated to client code. This is auto-generated by CAM |
clientCode | This value is updated based on the Auroradb column mapping in the metadata tab. |
matterCodeId | Displays the matter code ID associated to matter code. This is auto-generated by CAM |
matterCode | This value is updated based on the Auroradb column mapping in the metadata tab. |
practiceCodeId | Displays the practice code ID associated to practice code. This is auto-generated by CAM |
practiceCode | This value is updated based on the Auroradb column mapping in the metadata tab. |
industryCodeId | Displays the industry code ID associated to industry code. This is auto-generated by CAM |
industryCode | This value is updated based on the Auroradb column mapping in the metadata tab. |
matterType | Displays the matter type. |
matterTypeId | Displays the matter type id. |
matterSubType | Displays the matter subtype. |
mattersubtypeid | Displays the matter subtype id. |
areaOfLaw | The area of law categorization. For example, Intellectual Property |
areaOfLawId | The area of law id |
classCode | The fee earner class code |
classcodeid | The class code id |
deptCode | The department code |
deptCodeid | The department code id |
subClassCode | If the class has a subclass, this is the code for it. |
SubclassCodeid | The subclasscodeid |
comments | Comments on the folder/workspace |
matterStatusId | Id of the matter status |
MatterStatus | The status of the matter. For e.g. Open, Closed, Inactive, Opportunity |
sourceId | Id of the source record |
nblsNumber | |
matteropenDate | Date the matter started |
mattercloseDate | Date the matter ended |
filedDate | NDate the folder was filed |
hasUnorderedDocuments | If the folder/workspace has unordered documents (blank documentorder), this is 1=Yes. |
templateId | The id of the template used. |
matterlocation | Location of the matter |
matterlocationid | Id of the matter location |
responsiblelawyer | The responsible lawyer of the matter. |
responsibleLawyerId | Id of the responsible lawyer |
originatinglawyer | The lawyer that originated the matter. |
originatingLawyerId | The id of the originating lawyer |
officeCode | The code of the office |
officecodeid | The id of the office |
countryCode | The code of the country |
countrycodeid | The id of the country |
jurisdictionCodeId | Id of the jurisdiction |
jurisdictionCode | The Jurisdiction of the matter |
courtCode | Code of the court |
courtcodeid | Id of the court |
judgename | Name of the judge |
onLegalHold | If the workspace or document is under a legal hold (in CAM or other system) |
legalHoldStartDate | Start of the legal hold |
legalHoldEndDate | End of the legal hold |
guid | A guid identifier for the record (unique) |
isLatest | Flag to indicate if the folder was recently updated |
isHipaa | Is the document or workspace dealing with a Hipaa procedure in medicine |
isCheckedOut | Is the folder/workspacechecked out? |
isDeclared | Is the folder/workspace declared? |
isApproved | Is the folder/workspace approved? |
isArchived | Is the folder/workspace archived? |
isAutoversioning | Is the folder/workspace auto versioned? |
isEcho | |
isExternal | Is the folder/workspace external to the firm? |
isExternalUser | Is there an external user to the folder/workspace? |
isFavoriteApplies for workspaces | folder/workspace |
isLocked | folder/workspace |
isOfficalLocked | folder/workspace |
isQueueforIndexing | folder/workspace |
isSigned | folder/workspace |
importedById | |
importedDate | Displays the date the folder was imported in CAM |
lastChangeDate | Displays the last update date |
lastChangeUserId | Displays the last change user id associated to the last change user. This is auto-generated by CAM. |
lastChangeUser | Displays the user name who last updated the document |
c1-c45 | Displays the custom metadata fields |
n1-n10 | Displays the custom metadata fields |
d1-d10 | Displays the custom metadata fields |
runId | N/A |
objectId | N/A |
createdDate | Displays the folder creation date |
createdBy | Displays the user name who created the folder |
subscriberId | Displays the tenant subscriber Id |
system | Displays the external system |
repositoryId | Displays the repository name |
writeDate | Displays |
targetDatabase | N/A |
targetId | N/A |
repositoryName | N/A |
alternateFolderId | N/A |