


The Filter button allows you to search the workspace configuration.

  1. Click Filter. The following screen opens:

  1. Fill in the fields.




Specify the dialog to be searched.

Last Updated

Select the last modified date from the calendar.

Created User

Specify the user name.


Select the system name from the drop down.

Action Type

Select the action type from the drop down.

Is Default

Select the default value from the dropdown.

  1. Click Filter to display the results or click Clear to reset the fields.

  2. Click Edit to edit or update the dialog details.

titleAdd a New Dialog

Add a New Dialog

You can add a dialog to create a workspace, team, channel, or OneDrive folder by using the request workflow.

  1. Click New Dialog. The following screen opens:

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Dialog Name

Specify the name for the workspace dialog box.

The label is displayed at the top of the dialog box.

Set as Default

Select Yes to set the workspace dialog configuration as the default configuration based on Action Type to be applied to all workspaces.

For example, user can set a default dialog box for Create Workspace and another default dialog box for Create Team action type and so on.


Select the external system from the list to use for this dialog box.

Action Type

Select the type of the wizard from the drop-down list.

The values in the Action Type drop-down list change as per the DMS system selected from the System drop-down list.

Approval required when external users are added

For security reasons, you can set optional approval when adding an external user or guest user. Set toggle values:

  • On: Always ask for Approval though user has a right to create workspace or a Team.

  • Off: The default value is No. For creating a workspace or a Team, approval is not required.

Unique Value Identification

The option can be toggled on or off for all systems and all types of actions. The option allows the source systems' identification to be pulled with the record.

  1. Click Next to create the new request workflow for creating a workspace, team, channel, or OneDrive folder. The following screen will show:

Note: A Content Mover job is submitted automatically if a Team is created through Request Workflow.

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Note: The user can customize the dialog box details in the provided accordion.

  • Request Workflow Teams to DMS. This option allows users to move content from Teams to the DMS that is being used.

  • Request Workflow DMS to Teams. This option allows users to move content from the DMS that is being used to Teams.

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When configuring Content Mover to move content from a DMS to Teams, CAM will warn users that syncing NetDocuments to Teams will not work.

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Consider the following scenarios and outcomes:

  • If DMS -> Team is selected in the wizard, NetDocuments will not show in the System.

  • If the required default configuration does not exist, the ETL job for that particular job request will be disabled.

  • If the Content Mover setup page in Request Workflow is not configured, an error message will pop up.

When Advanced Mapping is set as True for DMS->Teams, the content is copied to the target according to the mapping.

Note: When the Advanced Mapping is set to True, the Copy As field will be hidden.

titleCustomizing the dialog accordions

Customizing the dialog accordions


  1. You can view the configured panel with details such as panel type, Display Name, Description, Order, Hidden status, and Action.

  2. You can add a new panel by clicking Add New,the following screen opens:




Specify the panel name

Display Name

Specify the display name


Specify the description

Is Hidden

Select the hidden value

  1. Click Save to add a new panel or click Cancel to close the dialog box.

  2. Under Action, click Edit to edit or update the panel details, and the following screen opens:

  1. Click Update to edit the detail or click Cancel to close the dialog box.


Allows you to add users/groups that can access the workspace dialog box created here. Users who are not explicitly granted access to any dialog can still use the default dialog if they have permission to create workspaces. The following accordion opens:

  • You can view the created user name by default.

  1. Click Add New to add a new user/group.




Select the type to add either User or Group.

Select a User/Group

Select the user/ group from the drop-down. To select a user, either click the drop-down menu and select from the list or manually enter the name, which will auto-complete if the user is added in the Users & Groups tab.

If a user is disabled or deleted, CAM will show in the workflow that the user is deleted or disabled.


If a Group or User Name is modified from Account Management, then the relevant Request Workflow user or group name is then automatically modified. If they are disabled or deleted, then they are removed.

Requires Approval

Select Yes to add an additional Approval step when creating the workspace. The workspace will be created only if approved.

Can Add Users with Admin Role

Select an option to specify whether the admin role can be assigned to this user or group.

Role in Requested Team

Note: The Role in Requested Team drop-down is available only for M365 system and Create Team Request workflow.

The following roles are available for the Create Team Request workflow:

  • Admin

  • Editor

  • None

Whenever a new user is added in the Access section of the Request workflow, by default the new user is added with the Editor role. You can modify the default role of the new user from the Role in Requested Team drop-down, if required.

The None option in the Role in Requested Team drop-down is useful when a user wants to create a team, however does not want to be a part of that Team.

Expiration Date

Specify the expiry date of access to the user/ group.

  1. Click Save to add a user/group or click Cancel to close the dialog without adding and saving the user/group.
