Every user and system action in CAM will be recorded here.
Open the Audit Log
Enable Permissions to View Audit Logs.
Open the Administration tab in CAM.
Find at the bottom the Audit button
4. When open, the Audit Log displays.
5. The following columns are available:
Field | Description |
View | Pops out the complete details of each audit log entry. See below for full listing of data tracked. |
Device Type | Type of device |
URL | URL of CAM |
Module | Module of CAM |
API origin | The api used |
Created Date | Date created |
6. Filtering is available with the following fields:
Time Options
API Origin
Device Type
Event Date
Http Status
Log Source
Request Method
Time Taken
User Cognito ID
User Email
User Name
Log ID
Audit Columns
The list of all data captured by the Audit Log in the View option is:
Column |
tenantid |
logid |
Module |
ipaddress |
useragent |
apiorigin |
requestmethod |
requestid |
userauroradbid |
usercognitoid |
username |
useremail |
logsource |
devicetype |
clientcountrycode |
eventdate |
camcreateddate |
datachecksum |
httpstatus |
M365 Audits
In Content Mover and Data Sync, Audits on the M365 system can be tracked to a granular level in the Audit Log. CAM supports displaying audit history of when someone creates an item, uploads something to Teams or Sharepoint, when a file is shared with a team or group, when edits are made, or a file is removed. Microsoft currently doesn’t display that information for M365 users, so CAM is where you would find that full-picture information.
Delta sync jobs run every 7 days to sync that audit information to CAM, and to the external systems.
Note: Microsoft has API latency of 50+ minutes for that information to attach after the job executes.
Browse to the Audit Log to view any Office to external system sync. In addition, if you view the properties of the file from NetDocuments or iManage or in Teams/Sharepoint, the full audit will display.
Note: NetDocuments only supports displaying a single audit at a time and will be ordered in the order the target log entry is modified or created.
Note: Currently, iManage does not support activity time.
Note: If the client stack is changed, the Audit Log will be cleared until the client stack populates it.