
Table of Contents


titleMatter Controls for Control Center

Matter Control - Control Center

  1. Inside the Matters Tab,

when we
  1. click

  1. on a Matter.

On UI, navigate
  1. Navigate to the Hamburger menu

  1. and click Control

  1. . The following dialog displays

  1. :

Matter Level and Firm-Level controls display.

These controls come from the Control Center and from the SPM Policy


. Drilling into the hyperlinks opens up CAM Control Center.

titleUpdate Workspaces

Update Workspace

The external system associated with the matter is displayed. Click the (blue star)  button next to the workspace name to display options to update the workspaces.




Select this option to add optional folders to the selected folder/sub-folder in the Template. Read here for detailed instructions to update the folders.

Reassign Template

Select this option to reassign templates to a matter. Read here for detailed instructions to reassign template. This option is controlled by a permission View Reassign Template.

Remove Content

Read here for detailed instructions.

titleMatter Team and Security

Matter Team & Security

You can add users and groups specifically for the selected matter. When a user is added to the matter team, CAM grants the user/group access to the workspace. You can also remove a user's access to specific matters by denying permission to access the matter.

  1. In the Matter Team and Security window,

 window clicks
  1. click the Add Member/Group button.

  2. In the Add Member/Group window, type information in the provided fields, based on the table below, then click Save



Security Enabled

Select the radio button to assign the matter security to a User or a Group. This is a required selection.

Select a User/ Group

Select the user/group from the drop-down. To assign a user/group, either click the drop-down menu and select from the list or manually enter the value, which will auto-complete if the user is assigned in Administration>Users and Groups .This is a required selection.


Select the option to Allow or Deny the permission. This is a required selection.


Select the role to be assigned to the user/group from the drop-down. This is a required field.

Expiration Date

The date on which the user/group will be automatically removed from the matter team. This is a required field.

Selected Systems

This displays the selected system for the matter and is checked by default

titleManage Folders

Manage Folders

The Manage Folders option in the external system allows you to add optional folders to the selected folder/sub-folder in the matter template, based on the On-demand Folders Creation defined in the applicable folder templates.

Note: Manage Folder option is available in Office 365 for CAM Teams only.


Prerequisite: CAM Teams app must be installed successfully before opening CAM Web Commands inside a tab within a channel.

  1. In the Directory tab, click the matter to open the Matter Details page.

  2. Click the (blue star) button in the far-right corner of the external system.

  3. Select Manage.

  4. To assign a template, either click the drop-down menu and select it from the list or manually enter the value, which will auto-complete if it is assigned in Administration>Template Editor.

  5. To add a custom folder, click the + button to add the custom-named folder to the workspace. Adding or restricting custom folder creation is possible by configuring the Metadata based filter criteria at Administration>Template Editor> Config

Note: + at Team level will create channel under Team.

+ sign at Channel level will create the folder inside File tab of Channel.

  1. In the folder tree, check one or more folders.

  1. For each selected folder that allows a custom name, prefix, and/or suffix:

    1. Click the Custom Name, Add Prefix, or Add Suffix link to display a text box.

    2. Enter an appropriate name, prefix, or suffix and click Save.

  1. Click Update.

8. A new job is triggered to update the workspace. You can track the status of the job in the Jobs tab.

Note: A Checkbox is displayed in front of On-demand and Custom folders to differentiate from existing folders in the workspace, and shows existing folders with blue text to rename it.

Note: The replacement of placeholders for the template metadata only happens at the workspace level and not at the folder level to avoid inaccurate results when a user opens Manage Folder from the folder level.


Tip: Users must have View Manage Folder Dialog permission assigned to edit the workspace template folders. Read here for a complete list of available permissions and instructions to allow/deny CAM permissions to user/group.


NoteUsers must have View Reassign Template permission assigned to view this option

. Read here for a complete list of available permissions and instructions to allow/deny CAM permissions to user/group


Note: Default templates are marked with a green checkbox button next to the Template name.

titleReassign Template

Reassign Template

The Reassign Template option allows you to reassign and apply a new template to the selected folders/sub-folder in the matter template.

  1. In Click on the Directory tab, click .

  2. Click the matter to open the Matter Details page.

  3. Click the hamburger button in the far-right corner of the external system. Select the Reassign

  4. Select Reassign Template.

In the Reassign Template dialog, the Current Template is displayed on the left-hand side of the dialog. The option to select the new template is displayed in the right-hand side panel.

Note: On-Demand folders will not be displayed on the workspace structure displayed on the left-hand side of the page unless it's created on a workspace.

4. To reassign a template,

  • Click the Select Template

  • Select a template
    1. Click on Select Template.

    2. Select a template from the list or manually enter the value, which will auto-complete if it is assigned in Administration>Template Editor

    The selected template layout is displayed and the template name is auto-populated in the template name field.5.

    1. From the current template, select an option -



    Delete folders with no documents

    Allows the user to removes empty folders from the selected workspace.

    a. Do you want to delete the search folders too? : Selects Yes to remove empty search folders from the selected workspace or selects No to keep empty search folders rom the selected workspace.

    Note: This option is enabled only on iManage.


    CAM provides an option to merge the folders to the New Template. It allows the user to merge the identical folders in source and destination.

    Note: 1. The user cannot merge an identical workspace folder with a template folder.

    2. Source Folder's metadata/security will be removed and will apply the target Folder's metadata/security.

    No change to Document's metadata/security contains within Source Folder

    CAM does allow merging 2 folders with the same name on a workspace however.

    Move To

    Moves the folder along with the sub-folders from the Current Template to the New Template.

    Undo all

    Revert the Merge or Move changes.

    1. Click Save to update the changes or click Cancel to close the

    1. dialogue.

    6. Two options will be displayed at the bottom of the page.: 1.

    • Select Optional folders to display on-demand folders.

    • Select Create remaining folders to create all folders from a new template excluding on-demand folders.


    Tip: Select both options to create on-demand folders also.

    1. Click Save

    , it
    1. . CAM will show a confirmation message to apply the new template to the selected workspace.

    1. Click Yes to process the changes.

    titleDelete/Remove (Modify) Content

    Modify Content


    Warning: Data deleted from the external system cannot be recovered. Data must be backed up in Content Mirror to be retrieved.

    1. Open any matter on the Matters tab.

    2. Click the Hamburger menu (blue star) button in the far-right corner of the workspace row.

    3. Click Modify Content.


    Tip: Back up the content to Business Continuity (if available) before deletion.

    The following screen displays:



    Delete Option

    User can select one of the following option:

    1. Soft Delete

    2. Hard Delete

    3. Archive Team

    Soft Delete

    Allows you to remove all contents only from CAM.

    1. Click Soft Delete to delete all the content from the matter and the following pop-up displays:

      Image Modified
    2. Click Yes to delete and click No to close the pop-up window

    .Click Cancel to close the dialog
    1. .

    Hard Delete

    Allows you to remove all the content from CAM and external systems completely if the checkbox is marked. The deleted contents will not be recoverable.


    Note: If the checkbox is unmarked, the workspace and its folders will get deleted, while the documents will be moved to a flat space and can be accessed after deletion.

    1. Click Hard Delete to delete all the content from the matter and the following pop-up displays:

      Image Modified
    2. Click Yes to delete and click No to close the pop-up window

    .Click Cancel to close the dialog
    1. .

    Note: When the user performs a Hard delete and recreates the same team again, programmatically it updates the same entry on Directory Tab.

    Archive Team

    Note: The Archive Team option is displayed only when user selects Team.

    Allows you to Archive the Team in Read-only mode.

    1. Click Archive to archive all the content in read-only state from the matter and the following pop-up displays:

      Image Modified
    2. Click Yes to delete and click No to close the pop-up

    window.Click Cancel to close the dialog
    1. window.

    On deletion, a new job is triggered to update the workspace. You can track the status of the job in the Jobs tab.

    Note: Microsoft deletes teams and related content asynchronously. The team may be visible for few minutes even after it has been deleted.

    titleAppend and Replace Template

    Append & Replace Template

    This feature allows users to add folders from another template into an existing workspace using a CSV upload. Such workspace will now be linked to the new template id.

    Below The below table shows new the Jobs and modification related modifications applied to an existing workspace:

    Job Name

    Empty Folder

    Required Folder

    Search Folder

    Folder contains Document

    New Template Id /Structure

    Replace Template






    Append Template






    Sample CSVCSVs:

    Note: This feature is supported for iManage and NetDocuments systems.

    titleIcons of supported systems in Directory

    Icons of supported systems in Directory



    (blue star)


    (blue star)


    (blue star)


    (blue star)


    (blue star)


    (blue star)


    titleCreating a Job using Copy

    Creating a job using Copy Job

    Similar to Creating a New Job from the ETL Manager, users can add jobs from the object in Matters.

    1. Go to the Matters tab in CAM.

    2. Find an M365 Teams, Channel, or

    1. Tab.

    2. Click the Action menu from the object and select Copy.

    3. Select the object (Matter/client/workspace) to copy or move the team's content to in the DMS.


    Note: Currently, only objects that match the client/matter shows up. In a future version, all objects will display in the lookup.

    Prerequisites: Before synching Team to a Workspace the following settings need to be done -:

    1. Workspace should be present for the same matter where the team is linked

    2. In Content Mover under default setting tab select setting "How to handle Team"

    From here, users can change the options below:

    • Users can specify the custom name of the folder/Tab in the field “Name of the folder or tab in the DMS“ when synching Team to the workspace.

      • Once Job created successfully, the Target Workspace Team should be created as Tab/Folder under the workspace with a specified custom name

      • Channels should be added under the Team as folders, where the conversation folder will


        be created.

      • A tooltip will display as: Content from Teams will be mapped according to the Default Configuration assigned.


    A warning will display if a user copies an item that has security other than Public to a team/channel/workspace: Note: Any document copied to Teams will be visible to all channel members

    • Default Class - Users can specify a Default class to apply to the moved teams/channels/tabs. It displays a Class metadata description or Class id if the description is not entered.

      • Sync Options - Set up a new job internal in New Interval using the following options:

        • One Time - Allows you to copy the contents only one time from a specified source to a destination.

        • Schedule - Allow Allows you to set the period in sync interval, select the time measure (minutes, hours, or days), and set the starting period date (today, in the future). Sync interval appears only when you select the option Schedule.

        • Event Based - This allows you to sync the content only when any new content populates.

        • Two-way sync - This allows you to copy the content in two ways, from source to destination and vice versa. When you sync the document and the same document exists in DMS, it will create a new version of the document by appending 1 to the end. There are two use cases when the two-way sync is disabled:

          • Bring as shortcut is selected in the options.

          • There already exists a two-way sync job for the selected workspace.

    Note: The Two-way sync option is available for Bring as Documents, it is not available for Bring as shortcut.


    Warning: When you have already synced the content between source and target, two way sync will not allow you to use this option with the same source and target.

    • Add any metadata filters.

      • Select whether or not to import the chat files into the teams/channels/tabs when moving.

      • Select whether to map documents as shortcuts.

      • Select to apply the system security either from Source or Target to the moved channel/team/tab. This also applies for public and private items.

    On clicking submit, the ETL job will be submitted to the ETL Manager and displays in the ETL Jobs tab.

    Note: The user can send the documents/files less than 500 MB from Office 365 Office365 to iManage.

    Required Permissions
