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Issue Id


Account Management


The following operations to be performed via CSV are now tied to the user License. The availability is as follows:

Operation | License Tier | Old Licensing tiers

securityupdate | CAM Manage | C1 with Service Desk Add-on

restore | CAM Manage | C1 with Service Desk Add-on

removefolder | CAM Manage | C1 with Service Desk Add-on

declareasrecord | CAM Manage | C1 with Service Desk Add-on

undeclare | CAM Manage | C1 with Service Desk Add-on

addtomymatter | CAM Manage | C1 with Service Desk Add-on

moveworkspaces | CAM Manage | C4 or any Move Add-on

If based on the tier the permissions to perform the operation(s) are missing, the operation will not be performed and the job will display an error.



Analytics bulk operations can now use a CSV for the execution of the job. This allows the user to use a CSV or use the interface options.



A new admin setting for auto saving analytics queries is created so users can keep the queries active while they browse to other tabs.



Analytics queries are autosaved in CAM. Enable the new setting in admin described in the line item above. This feature only saves the latest edits.

Service Desk


There is a new option to Include the CSV file when exporting documents with Export to Zip.

Service Desk


Moving a folder or workspace now has the option to copy the history along with it.

Service Desk


Grid columns can now be sorted in the Documents and Workspace tabs when performing a Database Search.

Service Desk


Warnings will appear whenever the number of selected records for an attempted operation exceeds the limit number of records. The limits per operation/tab are as follows:

  • Documents tab - more than 25K items

  • Workspace tab - more than 5K items

  • Analytics tab -> documents - more than 25K items

  • Analytics tab -> folders - more than 10K items

  • Analytics tab -> Workspaces - more than 5K items

Service Desk


The Name Field in a Database Search on the Documents and Workspace tabs can now handle multiple comma-separated values when using the Equal and Not equal operators.

Note: The commas make the search handle the values as the OR operator would in NetDocuments.

Service Desk

Cloud-13780 / CAMHD-1425

It is now possible to freeze or unfreeze the ACL status directly in CAM when updating Security.

Service Desk

Cloud-13862 / CAMHD-1436

When selecting a single object (workspace, document, or folder) and clicking the profile update button, the current metadata of the object will display so the user knows what they are changing. This only works for single-object selection and not when the user selects multiple objects.

Service Desk


Enhanced functionality of the Move action (in the Documents, Workspace, and Analytics tabs) allows users to separately select Options for Metadata and Security when moving documents/folders.

Note: Customers have use cases where they may want to retain security but inherit metadata or vice versa when moving documents and folders.

Service Desk


Moving Workspaces or Folders or Documents now has separate options for retaining or applying security or metadata.

Service Desk


Analytics, Documents and Workspaces now allow to perform any bulk operation on more than 10,000 workspaces and 25,000 documents. Enable the setting in Admin to allow for this and 2 Factor Authentication should be enabled for Service Desk

Service Desk


The Add Reference option allows moving a document to another database of the same worksite server. 

Note: This functionality is similar to that of iManage where a document reference can be created in multiple databases.

Service Desk


The Keep Source Security and Metadata options have been removed from the Move Workspaces dialog in the Workspaces and Analytics tabs. This UI change streamlines the process of moving a workspace from the Workspace and Analytics tab.

Service Desk


When performing move operations, a pop-up message will display by default when the user clicks the move button. The message will warn users of the following:

  • If metadata from the source content does not exist on the target, it will be created in the target library.

  • If users or groups on the security of the source content do not exist on the target library, the content will be moved but those users or groups will be skipped.

  • If an Author or Operator on documents does not exist in the target library, those documents will be skipped and will not be moved to the target.

Depending on the situation and criteria, the message will also warn the users of the following:

  • This action will affect more than 25 items and needs to be confirmed in the jobs center!

  • You have selected more than 1M rows. There is a limit in Excel for displaying CSV with more than 1M rows.
