

Upon launching PowerDesktop, the application icon is added to the notification area in the taskbar, and the Dashboard is displayed.


If you would prefer opening a Work Explorer window for your most recently used connection at startup, open Tools > Options, and enable Automatically log in using default connection on the General tab.

From the Dashboard, you can:

  • Connect to cloud-based document management systems

  • Manage pending and completed jobs running against the cloud or your local file system

  • View job and application logs

  • Change application options

  • Activate the application and manage licenses

At the center of the Dashboard is a tabbed collection of Job Managers, with each tab representing a supported system. Job Managers have three main sections:

  • Queue: List of pending and running jobs.

  • Completed: History of previously processed jobs.

  • Queue Management: Controls for starting, stopping, pausing, and restarting the queue, as well as editing its settings.

Menu Bar









Opens the Log file of PowerDesktop.

Log File


Closes the application.


Userid: Repository

Opens the NetDocuments Work Explorer for that connection to the Repository/Server.

Manage Connections

Opens the Connection Manager.


User ID : Server

Opens the Work Explorer for the named server and user.

Manage Connections

Opens the Connection Manager.


Application Log…

Opens the Application Log Viewer.


Generate CSV

Opens the Generate CSV wizard that generates a CSV from the files you choose.

Export Messages…

Opens the PST file export wizard.


Configures options for PowerDesktop usage.



Cascades the open windows.

Minimize All

Minimizes all PowerDesktop windows.

Close All

Closes all PowerDesktop windows



Opens this documentation in your default web browser.

Technical Support

Opens PowerDesktop’s support page in your default browser.

License Info

Displays the current license information, including the associated email of the account, the domain to which it connects, and the modules (licenses) enabled for the current user.

Update Licenses

Allows the user to update or deselect enabled licenses.

Log Out From CAM

Logs out from CAM and disables all features requiring a license.

About PowerDesktop

Displays version, copyright, and licensing information.

Job Manager

The main section of the Dashboard is taken up entirely by the Job Manager, which manages PowerDesktop jobs. For a complete explanation of the features, go to Job Manager .

Hiding, Restoring, and Exiting

  1. When the Dashboard is visible, you can hide it by clicking either the minimize or the close button at the top right of the window.

  2. To restore the Dashboard or bring it to the front, left-click the PowerDesktop application icon in the notification area.

  3. To close the Dashboard and exit the application, either:

    1. Select Exit from the Dashboard’s File menu

    2. Right-click the PowerDesktop icon in the notification area and select Exit from the menu.

If any jobs are active when you attempt to exit the application, you will be asked to cancel them before proceeding.


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