Moving from Azure Standard to Premium

The following guide explains the changes moving from Standard to Premium.


Costs will increase with the change to Premium. Please see the below diagram for an example of that increase.


Upgrading Azure Resources & Applying Additional Security

The following steps are to be performed after running the CAM Azure Stack Deployment steps at the link here


  • In the above example, the database name was generated as [instancename]prod[region] from the deployment template inputs


Back up the MySQL Database

  1. Open the MySQL Server resource in the Azure portal

  2. Under settings click ‘Connection security’ à ‘+Add current client IP address’ à Save

  3. Open a Windows command prompt dialog.

  4. right-click Start -> Run

  5. Type cmd into the dialog box and click the OK button.

  6. Change the directory to the following default to access the mysqldump utility.

  7. cd “C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin”

  8. Create a dump of your current MySQL database or table (do not include the bracket symbols [ ] in your commands).

  9. Run the mysqldump.exe program using the following arguments:

  10. mysqldump.exe –e --column-statistics=0 –u[username] -p -h[hostname] [database name] > C:\[filename].sql

  11. Enter the admin login password when prompted

  12. The program will connect to your current MySQL server and create a dump of your whole database in the directory specified. There is no message that will indicate the dump has been completed, the text cursor will simply move to the next line.

A sample command line input:

Delete the MySQL Server and Service Bus resources from the resource group

  1. Before conducting the upgrade these resources will need to be deleted as Microsoft only supports tier specification for these during their creation. Navigate to the Resource Group where the Cam Azure Stack Deployment was run. Select the ‘Azure Database for MySQL single server’ and ‘Service Bus Namespace’ resources - delete - type yes to confirm- click Delete.


Run the premium deployment

  1. Deploy the premium template located at the link below using the same input information as the CAM Azure Stack Deployment. This template will increase the following resources to a higher tier to allow for additional security configurations:

o   MySQL Server – General Purpose

o   Service Bus – Premium

o   Function Apps – Elastic Premium


Restore the MySQL Database

  1. Open the MySQL Server resource in the Azure portal

  2. Under settings click ‘Connection security’ à ‘+Add current client IP address’ à Save

  3. Open a Windows command prompt dialog.

  4. Right-click Start -> Run

  5. Type cmd into the dialog box and click the OK button.

  6. Change the directory to the following default to access the mysql utility.

  7. cd “C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin”

  8. Create a dump of your current MySQL database or table (do not include the bracket symbols [ ] in your commands).

  9. Run the mysql.exe program using the following arguments:

  10. mysql.exe –u[username] -p -h[hostname] [database name] > C:\[filename].sql

  11. Enter the admin login password when prompted

  12. The program will connect to your current MySQL server and upload the data from the directory specified to the new instance. There is no message that will indicate the restoration has been completed, the text cursor will simply move to the next line.

Run the shell script to apply additional security

  1. Documentation on this process can be found in the ‘ShellScriptReadme File from the Github link.

  2. Find

  3. The following notes will cover running the script to apply additional security changes located in the premium template deployment branch.

  4. Navigate to the Azure portal that contains the Resource Group the template linked above was deployed to. Press the icon near the top right of the window to open Cloud Shell, as seen in the image below.


  1. If the Subscription doesn’t have a file share storage mounted users will be faced with the following dialog, click Show advanced settings.


  1. Ensure the correct region is selected to be able to create a file share within the storage account created from the template deployment. The file share can be named as desired. Click the Create Storage button once finished adding the values.

  1. Using the bash toolbar open the editor by clicking on the curly brackets.


  1. Copy the raw contents of the script, which is also located in the master premium branch initially linked above.


  1. Paste this data into the editor dialog previously opened. Modify the rg value on line 2 to be the name of the Resource Group the deployment was conducted within.

  1. Press ‘ctrl + s’ on the keyboard to save this change. Save the new file as The file name can be changed as desired, but the extension should be .sh.


  1. The users’ permissions will need to be modified to execute this script. In the bash type ‘chmod u+x [filename].sh’ making sure the correct file name is specified as saved previously.

  1. After successfully updating the permissions the script can now be executed by typing ‘./[filename].sh’. Verify the deployment information gathered is correct before continuing. Finally, the script can be executed in steps by pressing any key as noted in the dialog output seen below. A message will be displayed with each step noting the changes being made and prompting the user to press any key to continue the process.


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