Create CAM User Accounts

Create CAM User Accounts

Account Creation Steps

  1. Litera DevOps will create an admin account upon tenant creation and register an Administrator user.

  2. Once an account is created, the system automatically triggers an email to the admin user's registered email address. The email will have the details of the URL to access, the user name, and a temporary password.

  3. The user will be prompted to change the password upon initial login.

Best Practice: Litera highly recommends creating a service account for those implementations using Data Uploader or Data Sync. The service account can be used for the CAM Agent service and not an admin account.

We recommend a separate service account for CAM’s connection to the DMS. Employing two service accounts can help limit access if an account is compromised.

4. Once the account is set up, the administrator can then proceed to add more users to that account. The Admin user will have privileges to access the User Management page to add users and set restrictions.

Note: If you do not already have an account don't hesitate to get in touch with Litera support (support@litera.com). Typically accounts after tenant creation are imported by Data Uploader.

  • A CAM Account requires an email address. We advise for service accounts or other accounts that usually don’t have one, to create an alias to an existing user's email so they may receive reset notifications.

User Details Required to Create an Account

  • First & Last Name of the user (required to assign a user to user groups and roles).

  • Email ID (required to send registration email).

Note: An email ID associated with a user can only be used once to register. The same email ID cannot be used again.

  • Phone # (Optional)

A CAM account provides the users with a username and password to sign in to CAM services. The CAM feature options available to the user are determined by the user privileges assigned by the Administrator. Refer to the User Management section for more details to add a user to a group, and assign roles and permissions.

Now that the user account has been created, the initial configuration must be completed. Once this setup is configured, the user can then proceed to use the other Workspace Management menu options.

It is possible to adjust the number of times a user can attempt to log into CAM before their account is locked out.

Go to the Settings tab to enable the account lockout and determine the number of attempts. After making the adjustments, select Save.


User Profile Information

User Profile

Click the user icon in the upper right corner of the CAM to access your user profile.

Profile Tab

The Profile tab will display your complete user profile information as registered in CAM.

Reset Your CAM Password

Click the Security tab to reset your CAM password.

  1. Click the Get Verification Code button. The verification code is sent to your CAM registered email id (displayed in the Profile tab).

  2. Enter the verification code.

  3. Type your new password in both fields and click Reset Password. The new password is updated.

  4. Click Save to close the User Profile Information dialog.

  5. Sign out of CAM and sign in again with the new password.

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