Configuring Data Sync

Configuring Data Sync

The Data Sync option allows you to set up automatic synchronization rules between the DMS and CAM. This rule can be configured to run on a schedule or as triggered. Data Sync gives you an option to synchronize the documents and the audit details. The configuration once set up can be monitored, edited, or deleted. Read below for detailed instructions to set up a data sync task. For information on the Azure Stack Deployment or AWS Stack Deployment, see the relevant links.

Configuring Data Sync

There are three tabs available Sync ConfigurationSync Job Status, and Content Sync Settings.

Sync Configuration

In the panel for Create Sync Configuration, the created Data Sync configurations are listed. Users can sync from any source system or external system for a new sync and for delta sync.

Filter Options

You can configure various filters here. Set any filter as required and click the Search button. The following filter options are available.

  • Filter by System

  • Filter by Instance

  • Filter by Database

  • Filter by Process Type

  • Filter by Status

Add a Data Sync Job

You can also create a Data Sync job from this panel. Click the Create Config button to add a data sync job. Click the refresh icon to manually update and refresh the page information.

To sync metadata values which include users, groups, custom parameters, types, classes, and subtypes that are associated with folders and documents including security.

For NetDocuments customers in the Canada region, the Data Sync process automatically will skip syncing metadata. This is to workaround the NetDocuments issue that doesn’t allow CAM to sync more than 10,000 metadata records.

The list of information is displayed in the following columns:

Column Name


Column Name



Displays the selected system


Displays the selected data sync repository


Displays the selected database

Sync Status

Displays the sync status set for the configured job.

  • Full Sync Queued: Displayed when the job is queued for sync.

  • Full Sync Running: Displayed when the initial sync is running.

  • Full Sync Completed: Displayed when the initial full sync is completed.

  • Incremental Sync Active: Displayed when Incremental sync schedule is active.

  • Incremental Sync Needs Attention: Displayed when incremental sync status is Stopped.


Displays Yes if the job is deleted.


Displays Yes if the data sync is stopped.


Displays the data sync schedule

Document Content

Displays if the documents are selected for sync from the repository


Displays if the document audit (document history) is selected for sync from the repository

Created On

Displays the configuration date for the data sync job.


Click View Details to view complete details of data synced to CAM. The sync status can also be viewed in the Sync Job Status tab.

The Sync Jobs dialog displays complete details of the sync job with the start and end time. The count of the workspaces and documents is shown when synced with the completion percentage of the sync job. The Full Sync tab displays the completion status of the data sync job scheduled to run once. The Incremental Sync tab displays the completion status of the scheduled sync jobs.


Displays the log monitoring of the data sync job and steps.


Click the Action Hamburger menu to perform the following actions-

  • Stop Indexing: Allows to stop an indexing job on data sync if necessary. A status Indexing Stopped will display.

  • Monitoring: Opens the monitoring page

  • Reindex Data: Allows to reindex the data for that sync.

  • Rescan S3 Data: Allows to rescan the S3 data to reindex and reprocess anything missed.

  • Reprocess failed indexes: Allows to reindex any failed indexing jobs.

Additional actions after clicking View Details are:


  • View Config - Click View Config to view the existing config details.

  • Edit Config - Click to edit the config details. This option is enabled until the job is ready to execute. Once the job is executed, you can not change the config.

  • Edit Incremental Sync Interval - Click to edit the incremental sync schedule.

  • Edit Recent Doc sync Interval- Click to edit the recent sync schedule.

  • Is this a test configuration? Allows to add a test configuration sync so a smaller set can be run to confirm the right settings and metadata and mappings are set before you do a complete cabinet or workspace or database sync.

  • Edit Metadata Sync Setting (iManage) - The following screen opens -

    • CAM recommends a new value set to “No” by default to prevent additional time in every sync for metadata values.

    • Next, new metadata values are synced which are associated with the folder/document/workspace profile.

    • By default, the value is set to No.

    • If you set Sync Metadata Values to “Yes”, during every full or incremental sync, the sync will fetch metadata values which are associated with the relevant folders and documents including security. Also, an interval can be set in the number of days.