CAM Permissions vs Milan Permissions


For those customers moving from Milan to CAM, the following table will help users get acquainted with which Milan features and permissions relate to CAM features, permissions, and licenses.

To view what Milan features are supported in CAM, please view this Litera Marketing document:

Permission Mapping:

Feature / Module

Task(s) Performed

Task Permissions in Milan

Role Permissions in CAM


Old CAM License

New CAM License

Feature / Module

Task(s) Performed

Task Permissions in Milan

Role Permissions in CAM


Old CAM License

New CAM License


Performing all administration tasks

Administration: Admin

View Admin

View Administration panel


Provision and higher


Managing templates

Administration: Admin Templates

Manage Templates

Manages templates as an admin

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher


Viewing Background Services

Administration: Background Services

Not available in CAM.

This shows the Background Services in Milan.




Configuring Milan Nrtadmin account

Administration: Configure Milan Nrtadmin account

Not available in CAM.

This shows the Milan NRTAdmin configuration window.




Deleting metadata

Administration: Delete metadata

Administrator /Metadata:
Delete Metadata

This permission or role helps you to delete metadata.

It is used to show/hide the option to Delete a Metadata.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher


Editing Milan configuration

Administration: Edit Milan configuration

Edit External System Credentials

Can edit the external system configurations.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher


Editing Nrtadmin group

Administration: Edit Nrtadmin group

Not available in CAM.

Can edit the NRTadmin group.




Editing folder templates

Administration: Edit folder templates

Manage Templates

Add Template

View Template Editor

Can edit and manage templates including folder templates.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher


Editing metadata

Administration: Edit metadata

Administrator - Metadata:
Edit Metadata

This permission or role helps you to edit metadata.

It is used to show/hide the option to edit an existing metadata on the Metadata Tab.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher


Importing Data

Administration: Import Center

Import & Export Data

Manage Systems

View External Systems

This set of permissions allow a user to view and import data from systems externally.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher


Applying Legal Hold

Administration: Legal Hold

Create Legal Hold Type Control

Create a Legal hold control in Control Center


Business Continuity add-on


Managing Log Center

Administration: Log Center

Administrator - Logs
View Logs

Delete Log

This permission or role helps you to manage logs. and view and delete them

Is used to show/hide the Log Center in the Log Center tab of Administration.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher


Managing Security Center

Administration: Security Center

View Security

Allows the Security of the application to be managed.


Project Teams add-on


Using self-service

Administration: Self-service

Services Operations

View any services in CAM and setup them


Provision and higher


Viewing Service Center

Administration: Service Center

View Service Center

This permission or role helps you to view jobs.

It is used in the main dashboard to show/hide the Jobs Tab.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher


Viewing acknowledgments

Administration: View acknowledgments

Not available in CAM

For viewing acknowledgements in Legal Hold.




Viewing metadata

Administration: View metadata

Administrator - Metadata:
View Metadata

This permission or role helps you to view metadata.

It is used to show/hide the Metadata In Administration.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher


Using WS Admin

Administration: WS Admin

Workplace Search as Admin

Searching with the WSAdmin acct.


Provision and higher


Adding to recycle bin

Administration: Super user add to recycle bin

View add to recycle bin

Adds a file to the recycle bin


Provision and higher


Viewing Advanced Analytics

Analytics: Advanced Analytics

View Analytics

Allows user to view analytics. In CAM, advanced is also analytics.


Analytics and higher


Applying Templates

Analytics: Apply Template

Administrator: Template Editor: Add Template

This permission or role helps you to apply or add a template.

It is used to show/hide the option to create new templates.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher


Edit configurations

Administration: Edit configuration files 

Not available in CAM

Edits milan configurations.




Viewing analytics

Administration: Analytics Center

View Analytics

This permission or role helps you to view the Analytics tab.


Analytics and higher


Create New Query

Analytics: Create query

Analytics: Create New Query

This permission or role helps you to create a new query.

It is used to show/hide the "Save" option (near the Execute button).


Analytics are higher


Editing query

Analytics: Edit query

Create new query

In CAM, creation is same as edit for Analytics.


Analytics and higher


Running the Billing to Milan scripts

Analytics: Execute BillingToMilan

Not available in CAM

The Billing to Milan section isn’t in CAM, utilize the execute query function.




Executing Query

Analytics: Execute query

Analytics: Execute Query

This permission or role helps you to run a query.

It is used to enable/disable the functionality of running or executing queries.


Analytics and higher



Analytics: Preview document

Not available in CAM

Previews the document in Milan.




Adding Automatically To Recycle Bin

Documents: Add to Recycle Bin

Add Automatically To Recycle Bin

It is used to enable/disable the "Add Automatically to Recycle Bin" option from Remove documents.


Provision and higher


Searching documents

Documents: Allow searching by name

Documents: Documents Search (Database Based)

It is used to enable/disable the option to search documents from the database on the Documents tab.


Provision and higher


Download documents

Documents: Download

View Downloads

Download a document


Provision and higher


Download documents

Documents: Download via client

Not available in CAM

Download documents in DMS system




Viewing and Editing Name And Profile

Documents: Edit profile

View Edit Name And Profile


This permission or role helps you to view and edit name and profile.

It is used to show/hide the "Edit Name and profile" web command.




Importing & Exporting Data

Documents: Import

Import & Export Data


Import documents.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher


Viewing and moving folders/documents


Documents: Move

View Move Folders/Documents


View and Move Documents

C1, C3-C5

Move or higher



Documents: OCRDocuments

Not available in CAM

OCR documents




Pernamently delete

Documents: Permanently delete

View Remove Document

Pernamently remove documents


Move or higher


Viewing Remote Check In

Documents: Remote check-in

View Remote Check In

In Analytics, shows the Remote Check in button and enables it. In Analytics, shows the Unlock button and enables unlocking the document. 


Analytics and higher


Searching documents

Documents: Search

Documents Search (Database Based)

Documents Search (API based)

Documents search as Admin

View Documents Tab

Documents tab: Enables Document tab

Documents Search (API Based): Enables Search criteria 

Documents Search (Database Based): Enables Search criteria 

Document Search As Admin: Allows users to search as Administrator


Provision and higher


Send copy

Documents: Send copy

Not available in CAM

Send document copy




Send link to document

Documents: Send link

Not available in CAM

Send link to document





Documents: Undeclare

View Declare As Record

View Declare as Record option in Documents/Analytics tabs


Provision and higher for the Documents tab, Analyze or higher for the Analytics tab



Documents: Unlock

Not available in CAM

Unlock document




Viewing Document History

Documents: View history

View Document History

View the history of the document


Provision and higher


View private names

Documents: View private name

Not available in CAM

View the private name




Viewing profile

Documents: View profile

View Profile

View the document profile.


Provision and higher


Viewing profile

Documents: View public name

View Profile

View the name (part of the profile)


Provision and higher


Viewing security

Documents: View security

View Security

View the Document security.


Provision and higher


View supervised document

Documents: View supervised document

Not available in CAM

View the supervised document.




Setup EQM admin

Email Queue Management: Email Management Administrator

Not available in CAM

Setup the EQM admin.




Set up email settings

Email Queue Management: Set Up Exchange Setting

Not available in CAM

Set up the EQM email settings.




See the EQM Folder Id

Email Queue Management: View Emm Project Folder Id

Not available in CAM

See the EQM Folder Id.




See the EQM Request ID

Email Queue Management: View Emm Request Message Id

Not available in CAM

See the EQM Request ID.




View the EQM Email

Email Queue Management: View Exchange Email Message

Not available in CAM

View the EQM Email.




Log into CAM

General: Login


Gives the right to login to CAM (with an active user account)


Provision and higher


Search as Admin

General: Search as NRT Admin

Workspace Search as admin

An admin elevated search.


Provision and higher


Viewing all jobs

Service Center: View all jobs

View Background Jobs

View Job Details

View jobs.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

Legal Hold

Edit a legal hold

Legal Hold: Edit

Create Legal Hold Type Control

Create, edit and view a Legal hold control in Control Center


Business Continuity add-on

Legal Hold

View a legal hold

Legal Hold: View

Create Legal Hold Type Control

Create, edit and view a Legal hold control in Control Center


Business Continuity add-on

Manage Systems

Managing Systems

Client Series: Manage

Manage Systems:
Manage Systems

Is used to show/hide the "Settings" menu option on the External System Configuration tab in the Administration module.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher


Configuring restricted client/matter

Administration: Allow users to configure Restricted Client/Matter

Edit Matter

This permission or role helps you to edit matters and set restrictions.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher


Editing security and Editing Matter Security

Workspaces: Edit security

Edit Matter Security



Edit the Workspace security.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher


Editing security and Editing Matter Security

Documents: Edit security

Edit Matter Security

Edit the Documents security.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

Policy Service

Edit refile rules

Policy (Refile) Service: Edit refile rules

Not available in CAM

Edit refile rules



Policy Service

Administrator rights to modify system-wide policy configuration

Policy Center: Administrator rights to modify system-wide policy configuration

Not available in CAM

Administrator rights to modify system-wide policy configuration



Policy Service

Edit draft policies

Policy Center: Edit draft policies

Not available in CAM

Edit draft policies



Policy Service

Edit exclusions

Policy Center: Edit exclusions

Not available in CAM

Edit exclusions



Policy Service

Edit file shares for policy enforcement

Policy Center: Edit file shares for policy enforcement

Not available in CAM

Edit file shares for policy enforcement



Policy Service

Edit inclusions

Policy Center: Edit inclusions

Not available in CAM

Edit inclusions



Policy Service

Policy Center: Edit the policies rule exceptions for your firm

Policy Center: Edit the policies rule exceptions for your firm

Not available in CAM

Policy Center: Edit the policies rule exceptions for your firm



Policy Service

Edit the policies rules for your firm

Policy Center: Edit the policies rules for your firm

Not available in CAM

Edit the policies rules for your firm



Policy Service

Edit the types of policies available for your firm

Policy Center: Edit the types of policies available for your firm

Not available in CAM

Edit the types of policies available for your firm



Policy Service

View draft policies

Policy Center: View draft policies

Not available in CAM

View draft policies



Policy Service

View exclusions

Policy Center: View exclusions

Not available in CAM

View exclusions



Policy Service

View inclusions

Policy Center: View inclusions

Not available in CAM

View inclusions



Review Center

Exporting approvals

Review Center: Export Approval

View Export Approvals to CSV

Exporting approvals


Analytics and higher

Review Center

Export Audit

Review Center: Export Audit

View Audit Logs

View and export audit logs

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

Review Center

Export Review Center Admin

Review Center: Export Review Center Admin

Not available in CAM

Export Review Center Admin



Review Center

Export Review Requestor

Review Center: Export Review Requestor

Not available in CAM

Export Review Requestor



Review Center

Export Reviewer

Review Center: Export Reviewer

Not available in CAM

Export Reviewer



Security Center

Edits Confidentiality

Security Center: Edit confidentiality

View Tenant settings confidentiality

Sets confidentiality.


Provision and higher

Security Center

Edits Exclusions

Security Center: Edit exclusions

Not available in CAM

Edits exclusions in MIlan



Security Center

Edits Inclusions

Security Center: Edit inclusions

Not available in CAM

Edits inclusions in MIlan



Security Center

Views exclusions

Security Center: View exclusions

Not available in CAM

Views exclusions in MIlan



Security Center

Views inclusions

Security Center: View inclusions

Not available in CAM

Views inclusions in MIlan



Security Center

Edits Service Center

Service Center: Edit service center

View Service Center

CAM only allows to View Service Center

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher


Reassigning Templates

Workspace: Reassign Template

View Reassign Template

Reassigns templates


Provision and higher


Approve Request

Workspaces: Approve Workspace Request

View Approval Request

Views and approves requests

C1, C3-C5

Project Teams add-on


Creating Workspaces in CAM

Workspaces: Create

Create Workspace

Creating Workspaces in CAM

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher


Viewing and Editing Name And Profile

Workspaces: Edit profile

View Edit Name And Profile

Viewing and Editing Name And Profile


Provision and higher


Edits security

Workspaces: Edit security client

View Security

Edit and View Security of workspaces


Provision and higher


Viewing Moving Workspaces

Workspaces: Move

View Move Workspaces

Move workspaces


Move or higher


Organizing My Matters

Workspaces: Organize My Matters

Add to my matters

Add workspaces to my matters


Provision and higher


Organizing Matters of Others

Workspaces: Organize Others' Matters

Not available in CAM

Organize other’s my matters




Deleting Workspaces Permanently

Workspaces: Permanently delete

Delete folder from workspaces

Workspace delete

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher



Workspaces: Refile via SQL

View Reassign template analytics

Refile/Reassign via query


Analytics and higher



Workspaces: Refolder Tree

Not available in CAM






Workspaces: Search

Workspace Search (Database Based)

Workspace Search (API Based)

Workspace Search As Admin


Search for workspaces


Provision and higher


View the private name

Workspaces: View private name

View Workspace Edit Name

View the names of the workspace.


Provision and higher


View the public name

Workspaces: View public name

View Workspace Edit Name

View the names of the workspace.


Provision and higher


Viewing security

Workspaces: View security

View security

View the workspace security.


Provision and higher


Configure the Workspace Wizard

Workspaces: Workspace Configuration dialog

View Workspace Wizard Configuration

View the Workspace Wizard configuration.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

Workspace Wizard

Creating a OneDrive Folder

Folders: Create

Create onedrive folder

Creating a OneDrive Folder

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

Workspace Wizard

Create simple folder

Folders: Create simple

Create workspace

Create simple folder/ workspace

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

Workspace Wizard

Edit folder

Folders: Edit Folder

View Edit workspace

Edit folder


Provision and higher

Workspace Wizard

Edit security

Folders: Edit security client

View Security

Edit security


Provision and higher

Workspace Wizard

Manage folders

Folders: ManageFoldersClient

View Manage Folder dialog

Manage folders


Provision and higher

Workspace Wizard

Viewing and Moving Folders/Documents

Folders: Move

View Move Folders/Documents

Viewing and Moving Folders/Documents


Move or higher

Workspace Wizard

Deleting folders permanently

Folders: Permanently delete

Delete Folder From Workspaces

Deleting folders permanently

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

Workspace Wizard

Super folder creation

Folders: Super Folder Creation

Not available in CAM

Super folder creation



Workspace Wizard

View private folder name

Folders: View private name

Not available in CAM

View private folder name



Workspace Wizard

View Public folder name

Folders: View public name

View Workspace Edit Name

View the names of the folder.


Provision and higher

Workspace Wizard

Add folders to recycle bin

Folders: Add folders to recycle bin

Delete folder from recycle bin

Delete a folder


Provision and higher

Workspace Wizard

Delete my own folder

Folders: Delete My Own

Not available in CAM

Delete my own folder



Workspace Wizard

Creating Workspaces

Client Series: Create Workspace

Workspace Wizard:
Create Workspace - CAM

This permission or role helps you to create a workspace.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

Workspace Wizard

Creating a OneDrive Folder - CAM

Folders: Create

Create OneDrive Folder - CAM

Create a folder in onedrive

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher


Add to recycle bin

Workspaces: Add workspaces to recycle bin

Add automatically to recycle bin

Add workspaces to the recycle bin


Provision and higher


Enforce quotas

Workspaces: Enforce quotas

Not available in CAM

Enforce Workspace Quotas.



User Management

Viewing users

Administration: View users

User Management: View User Management

This permission or role helps you to view and manage users.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

User Management

Viewing roles

Administration: View roles

User Management: View Roles in User Management

This permission or role helps you to view and manage roles.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

User Management

Creating roles

Administration: Create Roles

Create Roles in User Management

This permission or role helps you to create roles.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

User Management

Editing roles

Administration: Edit roles

User Management:
Edit Roles in User Management

This permission or role helps you to edit roles.

It shows/hides the "Edit" option in the hamburger menu on Groups Tab of Account Management.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

User Management

Deleting roles

Administration: Delete roles

Delete Roles in User Management

This permission or role helps you to delete roles.

It shows/hides the "Delete" option in the hamburger menu on Groups Tab of Account Management.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

User Management

Viewing Groups

GroupManagement: Admin View All Groups

View Groups in User Management

Viewing groups in User Management

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

User Management

Adding users to security and group membership

Administration: Allow users to add themselves to security and group membership

User Management:
Edit User

This permission or role helps you to edit users.

It is used to show/hide the "Edit User" menu option on the Users Tab in Account Management.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

User Management

Delete Users/Groups

Administration: Delete User

Delete User Membership

User Management: Delete User

Can Delete a user from the Users and Groups tab in User Management. Can delete a user from User membership from User Management. 

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

User Management

Deleting roles

Administration: Delete roles

User Management: Delete roles in User Management

This permission or role helps you to delete roles.

It is used to show/hide the "Delete" option in the hamburger menu on the Groups Tab of Account Management.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

Users & Groups

Deleting Groups

Administration: Delete groups

Users & Groups:
Delete Group in Users&Groups

This permission or role helps you to delete groups.

It is used to show/hide the "Delete" option in the hamburger menu on the Groups Tab of Account Management.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

User Management

Editing roles

Administration: Edit roles

User Management:
Edit Roles in User Management

This permission or role helps you to edit roles.

It is used to show/hide the "Edit" option in the hamburger menu on the Groups Tab of Account Management.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

User Management

Editing users

Administration: Edit users

User Management:
Edit User

This permission or role helps you to edit users.

It is used to show/hide the "Edit User" menu option on the Users Tab in Account Management.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

User Management

Editing groups

Administration: Edit groups

User Management: Edit groups in User Management

This permission or role helps you to edit groups.

It is used to show/hide the "Edit" option in the hamburger menu on the Groups Tab of Account Management.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

User Management

Viewing roles

Administration: View roles

User Management: View Roles

This permission or role helps you to view roles.

It is used to show/hide the Roles Tab in Account Management.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

User Management

Viewing groups

Administration: View groups

User Management: View Groups

This permission or role helps you to view groups.

Is used to show/hide the Groups Tab in Account Management.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

User Management

Viewing users

Administration: View users

User Management: Viewing Users

This permission or role helps you to view users and groups.

It is used to show/hide the Users & Groups Tab.

C1, C3-C5

Provision and higher

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