Release Notes 22.11.11 HF

Released on 16-December-2022

New Features

Issue Id


Service Desk


The On or Before and On or After operators are now supported for date searches in the Documents and Workspace tabs.

Resolved Issues


Issue Id




Fixed: Using the metadata parameter FolderSecurity to assign dynamic security on private folders now applies the right security.


Fixed: Active Directory User/Group sync with Data Uploader against cloudimanage, and group membership sync are working without errors.

Data Uploader

Cloud-14330 / Cloud-14734

Fixed: Adding and Removing security (User/Group) for Inclusion/Exclusion/Competitive control with UpdateSecurity= 1 or 0, is working as intended. Checked with CSV and via Data Uploader, for Client and Client/Matter. Refer to the following scenarios

  1. Inclusion

    1. For inclusion restricted policy, apply updatesecurity as 0 => The security Is not updated in staffing and the existing security is present as it is in staffing, and the security updates in CAM for Add/Remove security.

    2. For inclusion restricted policy, apply updatesecurity as 1 => The security is updated in staffing. The existing security should get removed If the user has not passed this security in CSV at the time of the security update. The security is also updated in CAM for Add/Remove security.

  2. Exclusion

    1. For exclusion open with exclusions policy, apply updatesecurity as 0 => The security is not updated for conflicted users and the existing security is present as it is for conflicted users.

    2. For exclusion open with exclusions policy, apply updatesecurity as 1 => The security updates for conflicted users and the existing security is also present as it is in conflicted users. With this policy, users can add security in a system and CAM, but the security cannot be removed from the system, only from CAM.

  3. Competitive

    1. For competitive policy, apply updatesecurity as 0 => The security Is not updated in the opposing Team sets staffing, and the existing security is present as it is in the opposing team sets staffing.

    2. For competitive policy, apply updatesecurity as 1 => The securit is updated in opposing team sets staffing. For Add/Remove, it will apply in CAM and system.

  4. Open to restricted

    1. On open policy, pass the inclusion policy type and updatesecurity value=0 => The policy is not changed and the security is not applied.

    2. On open policy, pass the inclusion policy type and updatesecurity value=1 => The policy changes and the security gets applied to the system.



Fixed: Adding a Member or Group into a modern site with Request Workflow or Service Desk no longer errors or fails to add the users/groups.


Fixed: Creating/linking users in Cloudimanage is now working as expected.

Service Desk


Fixed: CSV export of Users from the User & Groups Tab is now generating a CSV file that includes all specified users and their data, according to the following scenarios:

  1. Selecting Only Active users as Yes will generate a CSV that includes only enabled users.

  2. Selecting Only Active users as No will generate a CSV that includes both enabled and disabled users.

*Tested with up to 42519 users/rows.


Fixed: When merging a top-level folder into a subfolder that has a tab as the top level no longer errors with 'Another folder with the same name already exists in the workspace level'.


Fixed: When metadata is internal or external, results are now shown in the Workspace and Document search tabs with API Search functionality.


  1. Go into Administration -> Layout Configuration -> Add/Edit Layout

  2. Edit added metadata and configure it as External.

  3. Add new metadata and configure it as External.

  • If the tenant doesn't have data sync enabled, the metadata in the layout still needs to be changed to External, as per this workaround.

This configuration change should solve the issue until the fix is deployed. Once the fix is released, Metadata and searching will work based on the configuration.



Fixed: Removing users from groups or dynamic groups from NetDocuments system is now working as expected.

Template Editor


Fixed: Changing metadata on a folder using Template Editor now saves to the folder.


Fixed: Adding a metadata filter to a template properly filters templates in the results.

Known Issues

Issue Id


Control Center


The downloaded CSV from an enforced security control errors on creation.

Directory Tab


Merging a template with a multi-level folder structure will throw an update workspace error.



When creating a Team with security groups, the group members for the team are added, but the group is added outside without the members. 


If a user or group is added to a classic site, the user or group will be shown in SharePoint, but will not be visible in the Directory Tab.


If a group is filtered with System as iManage SPM, then, no results are shown even when the group is present.


Group members were not added to the Grant Access panel of a Team via Request Workflow.


Users created by default upon team creation (service account and token user) do not show on the Users & Groups tab.


Create user/group is failing in SPM if the server column is also included along with database in the CSV file.

Request Workflow


When creating a site from the Wizard, the watcher role for the Default Security is not showing.


The user is not showing by default to a site with Request Workflow

Service Desk


The user interface for the Date picker differs between the API Search and the Database Search.


Group membership creation/edit/deletion jobs are incorrectly submitted and error out.

Template Editor


Adding other metadata filters in the Template editor will not show correctly for non-lookup metadata fields (number, boolean, string, date) or custom29 metadata. Custom1-12 is displaying correctly.


Editing the server and database date related fields in a template causes the date to automatically increase by 1 day.


Adding Parent and Child metadata on the Availability tab causes an error for child metadata lookup.


Template structures for templates with over 500 folders are not displaying the levels properly.

Other Known Issues

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