Dashboard Configurations
Use Cases
Dashboards are those pages within CAM that are configurable and customizable. It gives our users flexibility in what dashboards they can see per user/role/firm/department/practice or location. Firms can customize easily the dashboards without requiring assistance from Customer Care, Implementation, or Development. Another win for dashboards is the ability to visualize the data imported by CAM and from the other external systems, integrating the need-to-know security model we strive to bring.
This page is where global dashboards are displayed. This opens automatically when the dashboard module is loaded.
TIP: By clicking the arrowhead, users can collapse and expand the list of dashboards.
Depending on how users configure their Dashboard page, the screen may look slightly different.
The Dashboards main menu (from clicking on the Navigation icon, then Dashboards) shows as:
2. Click a dashboard to open it as a tab.
The gear navigation icon on the upper right allows switching between Dashboards, Widgets, Filters, and Admin.
The More Actions menu allows for editing a dashboard or deleting a dashboard.
Dashboard types are:
ad hoc
drill through
Ad hoc dashboards are those created for one-off cases, or a dashboard only used for a handful of people. For example, a billing lawyer might have a custom dashboard for his/her most important client or matter for the metrics they want to see.
Global dashboards are those dashboards that are available by role or globally available to everyone. For example a partner dashboard, or the recents and favorites dashboard.
Object-specific dashboards are based on the object and can show when an object is opened. For example, a matter, client, person, or workspace are good examples of objects. Typically, objects have security based on users, groups, or roles.
Drill-throughs are those dashboards/widgets where you might have a different set of KPIs that opens once you click a record from another dashboard. For example, I want to see the people’s metadata of a matter, so on the matter dashboard, you may have a drill through to a person’s dashboard or widget showing those people and their metadata of that matter you clicked on.
Data Displayed
KPI | Description | Data Type |
Id | The dashboard id. | Numerical. |
Name | The name of the dashboard Limited to 255 characters | Text |
Description | The dashboard description. Shown in the Name column. | Text |
Dashboard Type | Type of Dashboard. | Numerical |
Object Type | If an object specific dashboard (client, matter etc), then the type of object shows | Text |
Created By | Person who created dashboard. Their display name and email are shown. | Text |
Created Date | Date created | Date |
Modified By | Person who made the last modification. Display name and email displays. | Text |
Last Modified Date | Date last modified | Date |
Out of the box dashboards
The following dashboards will show up automatically in your dashboard list:
GROUP DRILLTHROUGH MYSQL: For drilling down to the documents, folders and workspaces a particular group has access to.
DMS DOCUMENT DRILLTHROUGH: Drills into the document and metadata based on the DMS record.
DRILLTHROUGH DMS DOCUMENT HISTORY: Displays document history and actions based on the DMS record.
DRILLTROUGH DMS FOLDER: For drilling into a folder in the DMS.
DMS WORKSPACE DRILLTHROUGH: Drills into the workspace record.
By default, they are disabled for non admin users, and should be enabled to those users and groups that need them.
System Overview Dashboard
This new out of the box dashboard tab in the main CAM window shows useful information for CAM Administrators and gives you an easy way to navigate to the underlying data. This could include:
External System Health - is the External System connected and healthy
Approvals - counts of approval sent in and what statuses are they in?
Jobs - are they being processed? Do I need to intervene with any of them or retry them? Does the firm have an issue which needs to be investigated?
Provisioning - How busy is the firm? Are there any spikes I need to look at?
Data Sync - is it all running smoothly? Can I foresee any operational issues?
This is what the dashboard will look like for you:
Licensing and Permissions
Requires the permission View System Overview to be enabled
Licenses currently supported for System Overview: C3, C4, C5, Analyze
A future release it will be supported for all releases.
Add a New Dashboard
To add a new dashboard of widgets, click the New Dashboard icon.
It is important you create the widgets first before creating the dashboard. You need the widgets to be able to create one.
The following window appears:
Field | Description |
Icon | Allows to add a firm logo or icon. Type at least one character to search. To add one, see the later section further down this page. |
Dashboard Name | Enter a name for the dashboard, to be displayed on the Dashboards, and main entrance page. The maximum number of characters allowed for a Dashboard name is 255. |
Description | A description for the dashboard. The maximum number of characters allowed for a Dashboard description is 255. |
Show in Navigation | This option will show the dashboard on the main global navigation menu as its own item. |
Order | A new column for ordering is available so that the order on the global navigation menu can be set. |
Plus Sign (for Add Filter) | Click this to add a filter into the dashboard. |
Create new widget/ Save and Insert | Hit this to create a new widget from scratch. (This is only available in the newest version). See the New widget section. If a widget has been created midway through creating a dashboard, a button to save the widget and insert it will become available. This allows one to return to the dashboard screen when done.
Select Widget | This selection box and table displays all widgets available to the user. Widget type is the number shown. Enter a value in the search for the dashboard name and it will filter dynamically the list. Click the Widget desired to add it. Click the X clear button to clear the search. |
Delete Widget | Click the Delete icon to delete the single widget. |
Add New Tab | Adds a tab within the dashboard. This allows the user to add multiple tabbed dashboards. |
Plus Sign (Add new widget into the section) | Clicking this plus sign on the bottom of the currently open widget will add another widget placeholder into the section below the other widget. |
Plus Sign (Add a new section with a widget) | This option allows a user to add another section (top, bottom, left, right) that has another widget. For example, this is good to use for a sidebar or header/footer. |
Layout and Action Settings | Click this to edit additional layout and configuration settings. |
Save | Allows to save the dashboard changes. |
Cancel | Cancel will allow to cancel the operations done so far. This will not save a draft of the dashboard. |
Warning: All newly created Dashboards, Widgets, and Filters must have unique names, otherwise, the system will warn the users the name has already been used and the save button will be disabled.
Deleting a Dashboard
Dashboards, widgets, and filters can be deleted should the user need to. To delete a Dashboard:
Go to the Dashboard list, select the action button for the Dashboard that will be deleted, and click Delete.
2. A confirmation message will pop up. Select Delete to eliminate the Dashboard, or Cancel to keep the Dashboard.
Deleting a Dashboard does not automatically delete Widgets. Widgets should be deleted manually as well.
Dashboard Page Parameters
Dashboards now support passing parameters for page URLs so that drillthroughs or click-throughs can be redirected to an appropriate page.
Open a web browser and navigate to a predetermined CAM URL that includes search parameters indicating a specific tab (e.g., http://example.com/dashboard?tab=reports
). E.g. cam/administration/externalSystemConfiguration?system_used=imanage
Then in the configuration of the widget, you can insert the URL.
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