Issue Resolution


Name values with commas or other symbols are not filtering the report results

  • Multiple commas that aren’t part of the name division may cause the name to not be filtered. Ensure the name values match the string guidelines.


Aurora Certificate Authority is expiring soon

Please read this article here to learn how to easily update the AWS certificate to prevent expiry.

Azure Proxy

Unable to validate connection for the external system using Azure Proxy

If the following error appears: NoneType object has no attribute get, or error- Mismatching redirect URL use the following to troubleshoot.

  • Confirm there is no extra backslash at the end of the redirect URL. In both Azure proxy, in the CAM external system setup, and check IMCC as well.

  • Confirm the token setup is on the CAM application and setup successfully.

  • Try with passthrough authentication.

CAM Commands

Permission Denied on CAM Commands after giving permissions

If you’ve granted the correct permissions for CAM Commands, here’s what to try next:

  1. Check the Workflow in Request Workflow is configured for the command.

  2. Check the DMS (iManage, NetDocuments, etc) exist and are live to CAM showing the green checkmark in CAM’s External Systems.

  3. Clear browser cache.

  4. Log out and back in.

  5. Try an incognito browser window.

  6. Lastly, if none of the above has worked, most likely it is a network storage cache locally.

    1. Open Developer tools on the browser. that has the command open.

    2. Go to the Application tab of Developer tools

    3. Expand Local Storage in the storage grouping on the left bar.

    4. Right-click on your tenant URL session and clear this storage.

Commands show a loading screen for too long

  • Clear the browser cache (especially if using Chrome or a chromium based browser)

  • Try an incognito window.

  • Clear the network storage cache locally.

    1. Open Developer tools on the browser. that has the command open.

    2. Go to the Application tab of Developer tools

    3. Expand Local Storage in the storage grouping on the left bar.

    4. Right-click on your tenant URL session and clear this storage.

Commands show a blank screen

  • Clear the browser cache (especially if using Chrome or a chromium based browser)

  • Try an incognito window.

  • Clear the network storage cache locally.

    1. Open Developer tools on the browser. that has the command open.

    2. Go to the Application tab of Developer tools

    3. Expand Local Storage in the storage grouping on the left bar.

    4. Right-click on your tenant URL session and clear this storage.


Commands not triggering an action

  • The CAM Commands interface appears normal, however when selecting a command, there is no action. For example, performing the steps to apply a template does not result in the template being applied.

  • Check the Domain details in the CAM Commands configuration to verify the tenant details are correct and complete.


Logins are stuck in CAM Commands and a window appears showing please check popup window for CAM

  • Check the popup settings in the browser that allows popups from the site and domain of CAM.

  • Confirm the redirect information is setup in the CAM Commands configuration yamls accordingly:

Data Uploader

Data Uploader is taking days to process a job that should be much faster

  1. If the job was created by a CSV, the number one reason the job may be slow is because that the batch size is over 100 rows per CSV. The limit is 100 rows per CSV. Read the FAQ on Limits here:

  2. Check the settings in DU are accurately set.

  3. Check the Source System is online and healthy.

Connections are not saving in Data Uploader

  1. Confirm the system has .Net Framework 4.8+ installed that is running data uploader.

  2. Confirm the user that logged into Data Uploader is the admin or installation user or service account.

  3. Confirm the SQL password is correct for the admin/install/service account user.

  4. Confirm the permissions on the admin/install/service account user haven’t changed.

  5. If you aren’t running Data Uploader as an admin, make sure the user running it has those permissions as admin.

DataUploader was working but now users, groups, and other information are not being created.

The connection strings are now blank in DataUploader.

Both of these items may have occurred if the connection to the source is lost or the connection to CAMLocal is lost.

Check for SQL connection failures within SQL Management Studio or Connection Manager.

Confirm no logs within DataUploader show a failure connectionwise.

Reconfirm the connection string username and password and database/server names are valid. Did these change, with a SQL migration? Was the server migrated to a new server or version of SQL?

Try adding back the CAM local DB connection again to the Data Uploader Connection Strings tab. Does the sync pick back up?

How to run two instances of Data Uploader from a single machine?

To run two instances of Data Uploader from a single machine:

  1. Install Data Uploader from a different folder.

  2. Use a different database.

  3. Copy the whole Data Uploader folder.

  4. Install the services again with a different name.

Data Uploader Task Scheduler failed to start

  • Re-enter the service account username and password.

  • Ensure this account has rights to run.

  • Ensure the account can access the source and CAM.

  • Lastly, try running a repair of Data Uploader from Add and Remove Programs.

DataUploader asks for a connection string after adding the localDB

  • If the client uses Data Uploader without any SQL files (means they will use CSVs or use AD only), a connection string is not needed. Go to the Run tab in DU, and upload the CSV.

Data Uploader fails to install /Setup ended prematurely

  1. Pull the installation log for support to review. You can also review it if you want.

  2. Do a cntrl-f on the log file for “error”.

  3. Within the log an error line may show up like Returned actual error code. Or Error Code. These are the lines to review.

  4. Errors like Failed to create temp directory (error code 5), means the install directory folder you selected in the installer means the service account user you are running the installer as doesn’t have rights to modify folders or files there. You can review rights for the service account user, by the following:

    1. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Prosperoware\CAM\Data Uploader.

    2. Right click that folder, and hit properties.

    3. Go to the security tab.

    4. If the service account user is not in the list, click Edit. Add the service account user or group and ensure full control is set, or at least read, write, execute and modify.

    5. Try running from an elevated admin command prompt or right clicking and selecting run as administrator.

Users or groups are not being disabled in the source system (iManage, ND, M365) after disabling in CAM or AD

  • Check that the AD user sync job in Data Uploader or Data Sync is enabled and running.

  • Is the CSV generation in Data Uploader working? Is the CSV showing the proper data?

  • If the parameter SkipUpdateIfExists is set to true, this will mean the data will not be updated in the source system (iManage, ND, M365). Set to false and the disable change should be updated accordingly.

Data Uploader stopped checking for duplicates or for existing records in the delta job rows.

  • Check the size of the skipcsv directory and delete files if too large.

Note: Users should put an auto cleanup job to delete files older than 30/60 days from both the archivecsv and skipcsv folders to keep your server clean.

Also, you should have the standard SQL server maintenance jobs setup on the CAM Local database.

Records are skipped and show in skipcsv

  • Check if authentication is validated in IMCC/Source System configuration & also re-validate the authentication token at External System Configurations.

  • Check if the Data Uploader and CAM Agent service is running against the service account & if in the Task scheduler the task is active & running.

  • Verify the data is populating from CAM in the CAM local sync table & see if you find any records for the new workspaces that were created recently using the same SQL file.

  • Are the records in the jobdelta table? If records exist here or in CAMLocalSync table, there could be an issue with the final creation logged in the errors.

  • If the workspace is not created by CAM, then the local sync tables will not be populated. CAM Local sync tables populate from CAM, and not the external system tables (3e, iManage, AD etc).

  • Please check if you are able to create those missing workspaces by uploading a CSV file in CAM manually along with the parameter 'Queue = 1'

External System

Personal Workspaces fail to create after moving to a new external system

  • Reset the Admin option for the iManage Server Setup permission mappings, under the Administration/External System Configuration panel


Part of my export failed, but part of it successfully finished.

It is by design that the successful items will have a link for the completed export in the module the export was run. The failed items will log an error in the Jobs tab.


Duplicate jobs/ workspaces/folders exist

  • Check that the job did not fail first and was re-submitted.

  • Check if a 409 error exists- Email address already in use.

  • Check if a folder error of Error occured while creating containerError: Unable to create all folders at folderCreationProcess exists. Check if the subfolders exceed the limit of 10 levels of subfolders. Check if they are locked, checkedout, or read-only.

  • Check the unique identifiers for CAM.

Provisioning matter workspaces using Request Workflow templates duplicates matter numbers

This means there could be two things causing this:

  • The prefix setup on the templates is set to the same on all templates in the system. The prefix is meant to be unique to distinguish one template from another. If the same prefix is used and a matter code is used, it could be duplicated for each template, e.g. two templates with XYZ prefix may result in two matter codes of the same.

  • Confirm the matter range has not been exceeded. If the range fills up, an Object error, or the following error will be accompanied. Matter with the selected value already exists, please type a different value!

E.g. if the matter range is 10,000-20,000, the next will start at 20,001. If the max range is set to 30,000 it will restart at 0.

See the tip in the release notes from 2023 for more information.


A blank screen shows upon login to CAM

  1. First, try to sign in and out. From time to time when a new release occurs, the users may have to log out and log in to reload the cache and program.

  2. Try to ensure the user has access to at least one role in CAM that has permission to one or more tabs in CAM.


Actions or Computers on the Admin-> Computers tab are not visible

  • Ensure permissions to view the Computers tab are enabled: View Registered Machines, Unreigster machine.

  • If adding users, make sure these permissions are enabled: View User Management, Edit User.


Refiling documents seem to not be working or is inconsistent

When CAM updates the security at the workspace level, iManage refile services should be triggered on its' own to update that security at both the folder and document level. CAM does not trigger the service or submits the background job in this instance as it’s directly using the iManage API.

  1. Either, pass the refile flag and copysecuritytoDoc parameter from CAM in a CSV job, they can check the logs if CAM updated the folder and document. In this case, the iManage refile services should be running over CAM and updating the documents.

  2. Or update the security at the workspace level and let iManage refile services to trigger and update the security at the folder and document level.

Workspaces fail to be created due to blank spaces

iManage doesn’t allow blank spaces.

One way to fix is in the Source System Integration, to use an eval expression as introduced in the hyperlink to replace any blank spaces or unsupported characters.

A sample is below.

if(typeof claim_refid !== 'undefined' && claim_refid)


exports.x = claim_refid.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '');



Provisioned matters are appearing as private instead of public, or vice versa.

  • Ensure your data uploader scripts are passing the default security parameter. How to use this parameter is located:

  • If the scripts are passing the parameter, ensure the Data Uploader CSV has the parameter in there.

  • Lastly, confirm the Job from Data Uploader has the same parameter inside the job details.

Request Workflow

Matter ranges vary per workflow and do not start over sequentially

  • This is partially true. Each workflow will have their own sequence. E.g. one for workspace modifications might start at 2000, but one for workspace creation might start at 1000.

  • Check the IsParent flag on the Request Workflow. If this is true, the parent (e.g. Matterid) will be different for each workflow than the sequence as normal.


An error appears in Request Workflow when successful

  • Log out of CAM and back in. A caching issue may exist on the workflow form where a change was made.

Service Desk

How to Move a Workspace to the same or different server or database?

  • Go to the Workspaces tab, filter for the Workspace(s).

  • Click the Move icon (with green move icon).


  • Select the Server or Database (can be different).


To read more, visit the Service Desk-> Workspaces page.

Filtering by Application Type (or another field) in Service Desk

By default, application type isn’t setup to filter by this field. It requires some metadata mapping first. This may be the case with other unmapped fields.

  1. Create the doctype metadata if not already created. If it is created with the following fields, leave as-is.
    KeyName: Doctype, Display Name (CAM): Doc Type, Data Type: String, Authority: CAM

  2. Map the metadata to CAM next. It's a key field so make sure lookup is set to Yes, and Lookup Type is Keys Only.

  3. Map to iManage next. In iManage it isn't a lookup, but a System Type Attribute.

  4. Edit the Document Search Layout form to include the DocType field as the Application Type field to be shown as. Save and now the Application Type can be searched for and shown in the results.


The Workspace Name doesn’t change after a Profile Update in Service Desk

If the Update Profile job completes successfully without error, try the following:

  1. Confirm the metadata key used is “Name”

  2. Confirm the metadata mapping is done so the field is mapped in CAM and the external system accordingly.

  3. Re-add the Name metadata column to the Service Desk Layout form. (Documents or Workspaces or both).

My Service Desk Layout or Tab isn’t working


Resetting a PowerDesktop or a CAM user’s password redirects the user to the CAM SSO page

  • PowerDesktop currently does not support SSO.

  • PowerDesktop requires Devops to assist to turn on a manual login to reset, but users still will be able to use SSO in CAM furtherwards. Contact support.

  • For both PD and CAM- The email address in SSO must be mapped to the correct claim. Please check that it is mapped correctly.

System Settings

An unable to update settings message appears when saving a system setting

  • Go to Administration

  • Go to Settings

  • Click on the Service Desk Tab

  • Ensure the “Default System/Repository” is populated correctly.

Teams App

CAM Teams App shows a message This app is not registered in your tenant

  • If this message shows, please reach to support to log a DevOps ticket to enable usage of the CAM Teams app.


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