Data Uploader QRG

Data Uploader QRG

The Workflow for DU is described below.


  1. Data Uploader connects to SQL via trusted login. Account used is devadmin@test.com

a. Connection to DataUploader database to store user/group/metadata tp upload to CAM

b. Connection to MatterWarehouse to get client/matter id and description to upload to CAM

2. Data Uploader connects to AD using trusted login via devadmin@test.com account. Connection is used to get users/groups uploaded to CAM to be used when creating teams

3. Connection from Data Uploader to CAM via devadmin@test.com account (explicit) to, upload securely via HTTPS, the generated CSVs with users/groups/metadata data, and upload to CAM

Step 1: External System Configuration

Configure the external systems.

  1. Select Administration tab>External System Configuration

  2. Click Settings tab> Check box for the External Systems to be configured

  3. Click on the added external system tab to configure the setup

Step 2: Define Metadata

Map the Metadata to associate the files from your external systems to CAM. You can also add custom values for the metadata.

  1. Select Administration tab>Metadata

  2. Click Add Metadata

  3. In the Add Metadata window enter the details and click Save.

The metadata added here is now available for selection when configuring the external systems or workspace wizard.

Step 3: Template Editor

The Template editor provides an easy to use interface to create workspace based on metadata attributes and rules.

  1. Select Administration tab>Template Editor

  2. Select the template from the Template List on the left hand pane. Click the  icon next to the template to access options to edit and apply the template.

Step 4: Install Data Uploader

Data Uploader is a CAM windows utility to read workspaces, users and groups related data from your on-premises billing or NBI system and upload the information to the CAM cloud for processing.

  1. Select Administration tab>Data Uploader

  2. Click to download the Data Uploader installer

  3. Run the installer for Cloud Data Uploader

Step 5: Configure the SQL files, Connection String, Active Directory & Schedule in Data Uploader

a. Authenticate the domain for the uploader

b. Configure the SQL files to execute queries against your source DMS

c. Set the connection string to connect to the SQL Server and execute the queries

d. Set a schedule for the data uploader to sync the files from your system to CAM

Step 6: Check Jobs

The Jobs tab allows you to track the status all the jobs uploaded or workspaces modified in CAM

a. Select the Jobs tab. This page will display all the jobs uploaded in CAM.

b. Click the link in the Description column to view/edit the job

c. Once a job is completed successfully, a link is available in Link column to access the external system in which the workspace is created.

d. You can track the progress of the job in the Status column.

Step 7: Check Directory

The Directory tab lists all the matters created in the configured external systems for the uploaded jobs.

  1. Click the link in the Matters/Client column to view the matter details.

  2. You can also edit the matter metadata, security, and the template applied.


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