
Approvals allows for Service Desk users to approve requests for provisioning tasks and other user and group changes, or for more administrative users to approve a junior person’s changes in the system.


  1. Set the setting use 2 factor approval request on Service Desk in the Administration-Settings-Service Desk panel.


  1. Go to Account Management.

  2. Click Roles and select the user.

  3. Click Edit and the following dialog opens:

  1. Search for the following permissions:

  • View Approvers

  • View Approval Request

  • View Export Approvals to CSV

  1. Select Allow.

  2. Click Update to update/allow the permission or click Cancel to close the dialog.

Accessing the Approvals option

  1. Navigate to Workspace Management.

  2. Click on the Approvals tab.



These filters allow a user to narrow the approvals shown on the page. Available fields are:





Requested by

Selects the user name from the list.

Action Type

Selects the type from the list.


Selects the status of the action type from the list.


Enter client name.


Enter matter name.


Export to CSV

Click the Export to CSV button on the right action menu on the Approvals tab.

The following fields show to narrow what to export:





Requested by

Selects the user name from the list.

Action Type

Selects the type from the list.


Selects the status of the action type from the list.


Enter client name.


Enter matter name.

This is what the export looks like:

Additional Configurations of the page

Tip: Users can configure the Approval report export in any of the following ways:

  • Selecting all fields: Requested by/Action Type/Status/Client/Matter

  • Selecting only one of the available fields: Requested by/Action Type/Status/Client/Matter

  • Selecting a combination of fields:

    • Requested by + Action Type/Status/Client/Matter

    • Action Type + Requested by/Status/Client/Matter

    • Status + Requested by/Action Type/Client/Matter

    • Client/Matter + Requested by/Action Type/Status


  • It is possible to select multiple values in the drop-down of Requested by and Action Type.

  • For the Status field, it is only possible to select one value at a time.





Requested By

The name of the approval requester

Requested Date

The date the approval was requested

Workspace Name

The name of the related Workspace

Action type

The type of action that needs approval


The client associated with the approval request


The matter related with the approval request


The status of the request. It can be one of the following:

  • Approved

  • Rejected

  • Waiting for Approval

  • In Process. If a request goes to a group including multiple members/users, and one of those users has opened the request to approve/reject it, then the status will show In Process to other members of the same group (instead of showing Waiting for Approval). Additionally the other users will not able to approve or reject the request.


The name of the user who approved the request


The reasons behind the approval or rejection of any given request.

Note: This screen will only display if the user has enabled View Approval Request.

Note: Admins will have all approvals displayed, not just those they were approver for. This will assist the firm in granting others access to approve if some admin is out of the office.

Creating an Approval Request

  1. Set the setting use 2 factor approval request on Service Desk in the Administration-Settings-Service Desk panel.

  2. A user can create an approval request by performing an action in Documents or Workspaces or Users and Groups or Analytics. E.g. Creating a Team or giving access to someone on Edit Profile.

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