Importing Content into CAM

Importing Content into CAM

You can import content and sites in bulk from other DMS systems. You can fetch all the site metadata and security and migrate the projects to matters.

Access Bulk Assignment

  1. In the Administration tab, select Bulk Assignment.

Load Data in CAM

  1. Select the external DMS system from the drop-down.

  2. Click Fetch.

Important Information: On initial migration, all the project sites from the external system are listed here with the Assigned status set to No. On subsequent migrations, only the new sites pending migration will be displayed here.

To view all sites from the external system (migrated & pending) click the box for Show All in the top left corner. The page is updated with the complete list of migrated projects at the top, with the Assigned status set to Yes, followed by pending assignments.

Assign Projects to Matter

  1. Select the project and click the drop-down in the Matter column.

  2. Select the matter to be assigned.

  3. Click Update.

Note: The Update button is displayed on selecting the matter.

  1. To add a new matter/client, click the following sign next to the drop-down field and enter the matter and client details.

  2. Click Update.

The project security and metadata are migrated to the matter.

Edit Matter Assigned to Project

  1. Click the Show All option to display the complete list of projects from the external system.

  2. In the Matter column, click the pencil icon to edit the matter-assigned details.

  3. Click Update to save changes.

Required Permissions


Allows User To


Allows User To

View Bulk Assignment

To view Bulk Assignment option in the Administration tab.

Tip: Read here for complete list of available permissions and instructions to allow/deny CAM permissions to user/group.

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