Configure External Systems

Configure External Systems

About External System Configuration

The External System Configuration screen under the Administration tab allows you to add the server details of the external systems to be accessed for provisioning. When you configure the external systems, you can define the default workspace rules and templates, and define the metadata to be applied to the workspaces. To access this screen, click the Administration tab and select External System Configuration.

In the External System Configuration page, click the Settings option to view the list of external systems supported by CAM.

Supported Systems

CAM currently supports the following systems.

See the Litera DMS Matrix by-product.

Note: When an organization or a firm adds a new system to CAM, users need to be resynced and linked to the new system.


Each of the external systems must be configured separately. To enable a system:

  1. In the Settings page, check the box next to the external system

  2. Click Save to add it to the tab menu options as a clickable link in the top center of the page.

  3. Click the system link in the top center to configure that particular system

  4. Click the x on the top right corner to return to the main Administration menu.

Note: To configure the external systems, the user must have credentials to validate the external system server configurations.

Required Permissions


Allows User To


Allows User To

View External Systems

To view External System Configuration option in the Administration tab

Tip: Review the complete list of available permissions and instructions to allow/deny CAM permissions to user/group.

External System Setup Workflow

  1. Click the Settings tab and select the External System to be configured.

  2. The selected external system(s) are added as a tab on the page. Click the relevant tab to configure the server setup.

  3. Add the server configuration and validate credentials.

  4. Define the default workspace name rules and select the template to be applied to the workspaces. The folder structure must be defined in advance in the Template Editor.

  5. You can also define additional folder metadata to be applied.

External System Default Group Rules

Users can define a default group rule set for security to be applied for workspaces from an external system if no specific security was passed in Data Sync or in Data Uploader. Only one default can be set, but you can set up additional rules.


 View Default Group Rule. Visit Required Permissions for details.

To add a new Default Group Rule:

  1. Open up the External System Configuration panel from Administration.

  2. Open up one of the external system configurations by clicking on the respective system on the top center.

  3. On the screen scroll to the section Default Group Rules.

  4. Click Add New

  5. Complete the information:

  • Is Default: Sets if this rule is the default rule for workspaces for this external system. Note that if you specify a second default rule, CAM will automatically set the IsDefault= NO in that case. There can only be one isdefault=Yes item.

  • Group: Sets the groups to have access to this rule.

  • Permission: Sets the permission for the rule to be granted.

  • Rule: The name of the rule.

  • Metadata: If IsDefault is set to No, you have to pick the metadata to use for the rule to match. Eg if ClientNumber matches 1234, then apply this rule. You can add multiple records.

6. Click Save.

To export the Source System configuration:

  1. Click on the Administration tab.

  2. Click on Source Systems.

  3. In the Source System panel, click the actions menu of the external source system you wish to export. This exports the configuration as a JSON file.

To import a Source System configuration:

  1. Click on the Administration tab.

  2. Click on Source Systems.

  3. Click the Actions menu at the top right of the page and select Import.

Default Dynamic Mappings of External System Security

Dynamic mapping of security is comprised of this new mapping.

Learn how to do the mapping of roles and permissions.

Access Level

CAM Security Role


Access Level

CAM Security Role


Read Access



Full Access



Read Write Access



View Edit Share






View Share



View Edit Share Admin



View Edit












Read and Execute






Full Access



List Folder Content






External System Authentication Email Notifications

When authentication fails for an external system in CAM, an email will be sent to all CAM admins for that tenant. The following is the format and messaging of the email:

Sender address

The no-reply email addresses as found here

Whitelisting and Redirect Information | Default Sender Emails

Sender name

CAM Team

Subject Line

Action Needed: CAM External System Authentication Error


Hello CAM Admin,

We encountered an issue while processing the authentication for the external system configuration listed below.

System: [System name]
Tenant: [linked tenant name]*
Repository: [Repository name]
Error: [raw message]

Please verify that the authentication parameters and the credentials are correctly set up and your tokens have been refreshed. You can review and adjust them in CAM by navigating to Administration > External System Configuration.

We also have useful troubleshooting information in our online documentation for tips on how to fix common issues.

If you still need assistance, please contact support@litera.com.

CAM Team

*The linked tenant displays as:

  • If system = iManage then link to: //*/cam/administration/externalSystemConfiguration?system_used=imanage

  • If system = NetDocuments then link to: //*/cam/administration/externalSystemConfiguration?system_used=netdocuments

  • If system = iManage SPM then link to: //*/cam/administration/externalSystemConfiguration?system_used=imanagespm

  • If system = Office 365 then link to: //*/cam/administration/externalSystemConfiguration?system_used=office365


If multiple systems fail, an email will be sent for each one separately.

If the system is found to be unhealthy (typically iManage, NetDocuments), the alert will send once per hour as this can affect other jobs and processing in CAM.


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