CSV creation tips & tricks
Below are some tips & tricks to help you create your own CSV/TSV files using either a Text Editor or an Excel file.
General Limits
Uploading 25 CSV files at a time
CSV file sizes not more than 50KB each
Create a CSV file using Text Editor
Open any text editor and enter the data, separating each value with a comma and each row with a new line, as shown in the illustration below:
Save the file with extension .csv
Create TSV file using Text Editor
Open any text editor and enter the data, separating each value with a tab and each row with a new line, as shown in the illustration below:
Save the file with extension .tsv
Create a CSV/TSV file using Excel
Open an Excel sheet and enter the data.
To save the spreadsheet as CSV, select File → Save As and select CSV (Comma delimited) as the type.
To save the spreadsheet as TSV, select File → Save As and select Text (Tab delimited) as the type.
Excel will display a dialog box indicating some Excel features may be lost in the format chosen. Click on Yes to continue to save the file in CSV/TSV format.
Tip: A text editor like Notepad can suffice for creating and editing simple CSV files. However, if you are working with large data, using an application like Excel is preferable.
Note: If you plan to set workspaces with no templates in the Workspace Wizard or CSV Import, you will need to setup a metadata field for NoTemplate in CAM.
This format would be:
Metadata name= NoTemplate
Type= boolean
Value= 1 if you want to set no template. 0 if you want a template set.
Metadata creation job how-to video
Learn how to configure a CSV file to submit a metadata creation job that allows you to add metadata values against existing lookup-type metadata fields for CAM, iManage, NetDocuments, or Microsoft 365.
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