iManage SPM Policy

iManage SPM Policy

Allows users to set the iManage SPM policy through CSV.

A Dot character (.) in your execution, is treated as a separator. Don’t use it unless you intend on separating entries.

A pipe | symbol is used to separate two values in a column. It cannot be used as a separator like for example, separating client and matter by doing client|matter is not supported.

ClientId and MatterId were limited to 20 characters in the SPM API. Your job will fail with Max Limit Increased Error.




Supported Values



Supported Values


Sets the SPM tag.

Required; String= SPM


Sets whether to create in the SPM system.

Required; String. 1,0


Job name that manages the policies


Default = managepolicy

Name/ DisplayName

Unique Name Identifier for Policy Name in CAM

Note: If you want the client and matter in the name of the SPM policy, use clientId^ClientDescription

Required; String


Short description of Policy



Set Policy type.

The accepted values are -

There are 4 Policy type

  1. Inclusion : Include the users to allow access

  2. Exclusion : Prevent the users access

  3. Inclusionmultiside : Same as Inclusion policy however allows adding multiple client-matters and specific users in a distinct policy for easy maintenance.

  4. exclusionmultisided : Same as Exclusion policy however exclude user/groups from sides based on sideclientmatter and sideclientuser metadata.

  5. Competitive : Cross customer access to restrict access to competitors matters; E.g. Side1Users : List of users and Side1ClientMatters : List of Client-Matter Side2Users : List of users and Side2ClientMatters : List of Client-Matter Side1Users are not allowed to access Side2ClientMatters list, and Side2Users are not allowed to access Side1ClientMatters list.

  6. Collection: For creating an SPM collection policy. Collections work on the basis of rules, which can be defined to support certain metadata.

    For example, a collection can be made for all matters where the practice area = Bankruptcy, and all matters which have that practice will be secured to a group. Any time a new matter that is created in SPM has the practice area of Bankruptcy, then it would automatically be added to the collection.

String: Inclusion 



System ID of iManage which is configured in CAM external system Configuration


This is unique policy id from external system. If it does not match with external system then CAM will create security policy with this unique id.


Date of Creation



Last updated date



Required; if PolicyType : Inclusion


Users separated by pipe character "|";

userid or emailaddress|user For e.g.: alexey.marcus@prosperoware.com|User


Sets which external control system to set. Multiple systems can be separated by a pipe symbol.


SPM | Intapp Walls


Required; if PolicyType : Exclusion


Users separated by pipe character "|";

userid or emailaddress|user For e.g.: alexey.marcus@prosperoware.com|User


List of user


Users separated by pipe character "|";

userid or emailaddress|user For e.g.: alexey.marcus@prosperoware.com|User



List of user

This field will be increased till <n> number specified in "Sides"Column.

If Sides = 3, then add 3 columns and increment numbers like

Side2Users, Side3Users.


Users separated by pipe character "|";

userid or emailaddress|user For e.g.: alexey.marcus@prosperoware.com|User


This field will be referred to apply Inclusion OR Exclusion as set in PolicyType. It has List of Client Matter separated by pipe "|"


Add Metadata

E.g. Client.Matter -> Client1.Matter001|Client2.Matter002

Do not use pipe to separate client |matter.


This field will be referred to apply Inclusionmultiside OR Competative as set in PolicyType. It has List of Client Matter separated by pipe "|" ;


E.g. Client.Matter -> Client1.Matter001|Client2.Matter002

Do not use pipe to separate client |matter.



This field will be referred to apply Inclusionmultiside OR Competitive as set in PolicyType. Multiple client matters can be separated by a pipe |" ;

This field will be increased till <n> number specified in "Sides"Column.

If Sides = 3, then add 3 columns and increment numbers like

Side2ClientMatters, Side3ClientMatters.


E.g. Client.Matter -> Client1.Matter001|Client2.Matter002

Do not use pipe to separate client |matter.


No of sides to be added; SideUsers will be incremented based on this numbers


E.g. 3


Creating Ethical Walls Policy in CAM


Set default = CAM


This allows to attach the matter properties to be included for knowledge management or for maintaining in SPM an automatic collection for updates based on these properties. E.g. if a time and billing system uses a Practice field and this is also added within SPM, CAM can pull this field and add that field on a matter, e.g. one that is a Litigation matter.

String. Practice: Litigation

Separate using #.


This allows to attach the client properties to be included for knowledge management or for maintaining in SPM an automatic collection for updates based on these properties. E.g. if a time and billing system uses a Practice field and this is also added within SPM, CAM can pull this field and add that field on a client, e.g. one that is a Advisory matter.

String. Practice: Advisory

Separate using #.

Adding a Rule for SPM Custom Properties

To add a rule on a custom property listed above (matterproperties or clientproperties), follow the below to setup the column in the CSV:

  1. The format is: 1:DeptCode#Litigation|2:DeptCode#LPM

    1: Rule number for each rule

    DeptCode : Custom Field for example department

    Litigation or LPM : Value of the custom field to set the rule on

  2. AND conditions would be like this, if you want one rule for both Litigation and LPM:


  1. OR conditions would look like the example in #1.

Sample SPM CSV’s and SQL’s

Use the table below to download a sample CSV or SQL for the type of policy. Edit it for your purposes.








A competitive policy upload for a client-matter designation.


Policy Sample (iManage and Intapp)

Competitive policy



A competitive policy only for the client.


Exclusion- Client-Matter

An exclusionary policy for a client-matter designation



An exclusionary policy for only the client.



An inclusionary policy for a client-matter designation



An inclusionary policy for only the client.

Inclusion Multisided-Client-Matter

An inclusionary policy for multiple client matters or multiple users for a client-matter designation


Inclusion Multisided- Client

An inclusionary policy for multiple client matters or multiple users for only the client.



User Creation in SPM with Special and Foreign Characters



Group Creation in SPM with Special and Foreign Characters



Allows to create SPM policies



This allows the use of provisioning a matter using the SPM custom properties. This example sets a Practice of Litigation and Advisory in the matterproperties column.


Learn how to create your own CSV/TSV files with a Text Editor or Excel.

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