Jobs And Audit
Allows users to perform the following jobs through CSV.
Columns | Description | Supported Values |
Queue | Set to re-queue an old job when uploading a CSV | Integer 1| 0. 1=Re-queue |
createdDate | When a record was created | DateTime |
EditedDate | When a record was edited | DateTime |
CreatedByUserId | The userid of the creator. | Integer |
CreatedByUser | The username of the creator. | String |
LastChangeUserid | The userid of the last editor. | Integer |
LastChangeUser | The username of the last editor. | String |
SubscriberId | The subscriber in dynamodb. | Integer |
createormodifyfolder | Job to create a folder/modify folder. | String. |
createmetadata | Job to create metadata on an object | String |
linkworkspace | Job to link a workspace with another. | String |
linkmsteamsorchannel | Job to link Microsoft Teams' or channels together. | String |
addtomymatters | Job to add workspaces to my matters lists. | String |
removefrommymatters | Job to remove workspaces from my matters lists. | String |
deletefolder | Job to delete folders. | String. Required metadata to pass for this is: Folder Criteria, FolderMetadata, ParentFolderPath, Type and the Job: deleteFolder. |
managepolicy | Jobs to manage policies for Control Center | String |
createpolicy | Jobs to create a policy in Control Center | String |
updatepolicy | Jobs to update policies in Control Center. | String |
filesharepathconfig | The configuration for the file share file path of the UNC share. | String |
createworkspace | Job to create a workspace. | String |
LinkMsTeamsOrChannel | To use the Content Mover functionality of Linking Teams or Moving Teams content, set this job. | String |
archive team | Job to archive Team | String |
restore team | Job to restore Team from archive status |
Replace Template | Job for replace Template | String |
Append Template | Job for Append Template |
managepolicy | Job to create SPM Policy | String
managepairing | Job to create Attorney-Secretary (Assistants) pairing | String |
File | Description |
| Creating a user job (for example for office365) |
| Creating a group (for example for office365) |
Learn how to create your own CSV/TSV files with a Text Editor or Excel.
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