Template Editor

Template Editor


Info: For Template Editor usage for Office365 origins such as Sites/Planner/OneNote/Teams and channels, see: Configuring Teams, Planner, OneNote, Tab, and OneDrive through Template Editor

Configure Template Editor

Template List

The left-hand pane of the editor displays a tree view of all folder templates. In a new installation of CAM, by default the following templates are available:

  • Corporate

  • Government Contracts

  • Legislative

  • Litigation

  • Matter-Init

  • Patent Prosecution and Counseling

  • Personal Workspace

  • Regulatory

  • Tax and Wealth Planning

  • Trademark, Copyright & Licensing

Click the > button next to the template to expand and view the folders. Options for Templates and Folders can be configured in the right-hand side pane.

Note: For iManage users adding metadata to templates, note that iManage requires userid’s be encased in %%. Like %alexey.marcus%

You can also use %% around SessionUserEmail like %Test@email.com%.

Configuring Template/Folder Availability

Template Options

  1. Select the template from the Template Tree in the left pane. The Template availability options are displayed in the right pane.

Field Name


Field Name



Sets whether the template is default or not in the system. You can only have one default. The default template will have a green checkbox button next to it in other pages.


Enter a custom name for the template.

Select the applicable external system from the Select System drop-down. This will ensure all the metadata from the selected external system is available to apply to the folders within the template.


Specifies from which CAM dialogs the template will be available for selection

Metadata Filters

Based on the filters specified here, the template will be available for selection in the Manage Folder dialog when the metadata of the selected workspace or folder matches the value added here.

  1. Click the Add Filter button. To assign metadata, either click the drop-down menu and select from the list or manually enter the value, which will auto-complete if it is assigned in Administration>Metadata.

  2. Set a default value for the metadata filter and click Save.

  3. To delete an added filter click the Remove button.

For iManage users adding metadata, note that iManage requires userid’s be encased in %%. Like %alexey.marcus%

You can also use %% around SessionUserEmail like %Test@email.com%.

Folder Options

Field Name


Field Name



Enter a custom name for the folder.

  • Clicking on the name of the folder of the template allows to set the name to be displayed as a column(s). (NetDocuments allows this feature)

    • 1 column

    • 2 columns

  • Refresh the page to take effect.

Folder Type

Select the Folder type to be added under the Template. Read here for more details.

Note: The folder types are filtered based on the system the template is associated to.

Show as

Specifies the behavior of the check box that precedes a folder in the Manage Folder dialog. Additionally, folders marked as Required cannot be deleted by users.

  • Checked - Checked by default, but users are allowed to uncheck it.

  • Required - Checked by default, and users are not allowed to uncheck it

  • None - Unchecked by default, and users are allowed to check it.


Specifies how users can customize the name of the folder.

  • Allow Prefix - Users can add custom text to the beginning of the folder name.

  • Allow Custom Name - Users can assign a custom name to the folder.

  • Allow Suffix - Users can add custom text to the end of the folder name.

  • None - Users cannot make changes to the folder name.

Default Security

Sets the default security for the folders on a template, to Public, View or Private. For iManage, this option will display by default. This is available for NetDocuments, iManage and Office365. This option is available in CSV too.


Assign security to the folder to locks down the folder to specific users or groups. If access to a folder is denied here to a user/group, they cannot view the folder in the workspace.

  1. Click the Security tab in the right hand side panel.

  2. Click the New Member button. In the Add Member window, select the radio button to assign security to a User or Group.

  1. Based on the selection, select the User or Group from the drop-down. To assign a user/group, either click the drop-down menu and select from the list, or manually enter the value by clicking the plus sign, which will auto-complete if the user is assigned in Administration>Users and Groups

  2. Select the radio button to allow or deny permission to the user/group.

  3. Select the Role to be assigned to the user.

  4. Click Submit.

Dynamic Security

Security can be set by using comma separated variables of the metadata to pull from to set security. For example @custom7@, workspace.@custom1@, or @groupid@ can be used to pull the object to apply the security to the workspace, folder, or document.


Displays the order of which to set. This order is used by default.


Folders defined in a template can be assigned metadata. The values of the folder metadata can be defined using variables that are replaced with the workspace's metadata upon creation of the folder. (For e.g. for folder description, CAM uses the metadata values of ClientId and MatterId as @ClientId@@MatterId@). The metadata value at run time is replaced with the actual workspace value. Metadata added to search folders are treated as search parameters.

  1. The Metadata tab here displays all the metadata assigned to the folder. Click the Edit button to update the metadata.

  2. Click the New Metadata button to add new metadata to the folder. Click the drop-down menu and select from the list or manually enter the value, which will auto-complete if it is assigned in Administration>Metadata.

  3. Set a default value for the metadata filter and click Save. The drop-down displays all value(s) assigned to the metadata in Administration>Metadata>Manage.

    4. Click the above sign to add a new metadata value. In the New Metadata Value dialog, enter the Metadata ID and the Description. Click Save.

Metadata Use Cases

  • The user can add the same metadata values multiple times to one field. This will take the values as an OR statement. E.g. ClientId= 'Apple' or 'Amazon' or 'Apple' would be adding values Apple and Amazon to the field Client.

  • An AND search is all the parameters used on the template. For example, it can be ClientId=”Apple”, “Amazon” and AppType=”Application”


Specifies the folders levels at which the folder can be created.

  • All - Available for use at all folder levels, including workspace creation

  • Workspace Creation only - Available only during workspace creation

  • On Demand Folder Creation - Available only when using the Manage Folders at the level specified in the drop-down menu.

  1. Top Level Only - Top level of a workspace.

  2. Second level and below - All levels below the top level.

  3. Any level - All levels within a workspace.

Template (Hamburger) Menu

  1. Select the template in the left-hand pane and

  1. Click the above button in the row.

Action Menu Name


Action Menu Name



Opens the Template Config panel.

Generate Template

Opens the Generate Template dialog in the left hand side pane.

Import Templates

Opens the Import Templates dialog. Importing templates allows users to import templates from CAM from another CAM system (as long as the metadata and systems are similarly connected).

Upload Templates

Opens the Upload Templates dialog. The Upload templates functionality allows firms that configured templates in Milan to upload the Milan folderTemplate.config xml file into CAM to recreate the templates in CAM. This way firms don't need to manually recreate all their Milan templates.

Once the upload is complete, the user should review the metadata on each folder to make sure the metadata is correct. They can also edit the foldertemplate.config file prior to uploading to remove any unnecessary folder level metadata such as @clientid@ and @matterid@.

Export Templates

Allows to export the templates.

Folder/Sub-Folder Menu

  1. In the left-hand pane, select the folder within the template.

  2. Click the  button in the row.

Action Menu Name


Action Menu Name


Add Folder

Opens the Add Folder dialog in the left hand side pane.

Add Metadata

Sub-folders within a folder can be assigned metadata. The values of the folder metadata can be defined using variables that are replaced with the workspace's metadata upon creation of the folder. (for e.g. for Matter metadata the value can be defined as @Matter@). The metadata value at run time is replaced with the actual workspace value. Metadata added to search folders are treated as search parameters.Variables are case insensitive so users can use @ClientId@ and @clientid@ equivalently without issue.

  1. Select the Add Metadata option from the drop-down.

  2. In the Add Metadata window, select the Metadata name. To assign metadata, either click the drop-down menu and select from the list or manually enter the value, which will auto-complete if it is assigned in Administration>Metadata.

  3. Set a default value for the metadata filter and click Save. The drop-down displays all value(s) assigned to the metadata in Administration>Metadata>Manage.

  4. Click the above sign to add a new metadata value.

  5. In the New Metadata Value dialog, enter the Metadata ID and the Description.

  6. Click Save.

The dialog displays the format and sample the new metadata needs to be entered.

Note: Parameters accepted format is parameter=@parameter@ Example clientid=@clientid@

Scenarios for Metadata:

  • The user can add the same metadata values multiple times. This will take the values as an OR statement. E.g. Metadata Client= 'Apple' or 'Amazon' or 'Apple'

  • The user can add different metadata values. The statement would be considered an AND statement. E.g. Metadata Department='Litigation' and 'Corporate'

When you configure multiple servers for iManage and multiple regions for NetDocuments, the following optional fields appear when you add metadata: Repository and database.

Metadata Scenarios with Multiple Servers and Regions:

  • If you do not specify a repository or a database, the values will be retrieved from the default repo and database.

  • If you choose a repository but do not choose a database, the values will be retrieved from the repository's default database.

  • If you select both the repository and the database, the values will be retrieved from the latter.


Opens the Configure Template Editor dialog. Click the Delete button to delete the folder.

Move/Copy Folder

Opens the Move/Copy Folder dialog.

Save as new folder

Allows to save the folder as a new folder within the template.

Create New Template

Creating a new template can be done in 4 ways in CAM:

  1. Generate Template on the global actions menu to create a new template from a workspace

  2. Import templates in Template editor (from Milan or other CAM systems)

  3. Generate template from the Directory tab to create a new template from the workspace

  4. Manually creating a template in Template Editor

The following instructions are for manually designing a template from within Template Editor.

  1. Click the button for Create Template displayed in the Template List pane.

  2. In the Create New Template window enter a name for the template under Template Title.

  3. Click on Create. The new template is added and displayed in the left-hand pane.

  4. Once the template is created, the system will set the templateid as the template title which is by design.

Adding Items to Document Folders

Configure Folders Templates

Adding Items to Document Folders


In CAM while applying Security or Metadata on folders, users need to confirm to update the security or metadata of all documents in a folder.

Click here to check refile details.

Adding Metadata to Office 365 Channel and Tab Names

More Options

This menu option can be accessed from the top right corner of the Template Editor page.

  1. Click the   button to access the action menu.

Required Permissions

View the Permissions page for more details.


Allows User To


Allows User To

Manage Templates

Enables user to manage Template Editor>Edit options.

Add Template

Enables user to add a new template in Administration>Template Editor

View Template

Enables user to view the template in Administration>Template Editor

Delete Template

Enables user to delete the template in Administration>Template Editor

Delete From Template

Enables user to delete the folder from template in Administration>Template Editor> Template> folder

Delete From Workspace

Enables user to delete the folder from Workspace in Administration>Template Editor> Template> folder

Import Template Editor

Enables users to import templates using the template editor dialog.

Upload Template Editor

Enables users to upload templates to Template Editor.

View Generate Template Editor

Shows the Generate Template button for the Template Editor page in Administration>Template Editor

Export JSON

Allows the JSON export for Template Editor.

Apply Folder to Workspaces

Enables user to add folder to workspace Administration>Template Editor> Template> Folder.

Save as new Template

Enables user to create a similar template with copy template format along with folders/folder structure, metadata, etc.. from an existing/selected template.



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